News for Our Patrons & Customers

Dear friends – thanks to your help we’ve managed to accomplish the following as regards post-launch website problems:

  • Restored all customer accounts regrettably deleted (!) during a database error two weeks ago;
  • Fixed (we hope!) format & delivery problems with the new EC e-mail template; and
  • Solved a pay-by-PayPal problem some of you experienced when purchasing mp3’s.

    Moreover, a batch of very tardy thank you’s have recently gone out to properly acknowledge (and document, for tax purposes) donations kindly received over the last several months. As you may imagine, we’ve been able to focus on very little besides getting this site launched and, most recently, getting the last few bugs exterminated. The support is, nevertheless, very greatly appreciated. The new site would be have been impossible without it.
    Finally, we’ve attempted personally to notify every correspondent who, over the last year or so, has written to ask for one or more back-numbers of EC. As you all now likely know, every number is now available for reading on-site, or for bundling and saving or printing for reading later on.