Hey, Russia is far from perfect!” Yes, indeed.

But little by little Russia is being freed.

Ever since February 6 when President Vladimir of Russia granted a historic interview to the well-known American journalist, Tucker Carlson, commentators all over the world have been commenting on the contents of the two-hour interview. Those contents appeared, very much shortened, in these “Comments” last week (#869, March 9), where they presented mainly the Russian view of the build-up from 2014 onwards to the outbreak of hostilities between the Ukraine and Russia in February of 2022. Since then we have often heard a figure of over half a million Ukrainian soldiers being killed by the high-grade weapons and fighting skills of the Russians. That is a whole generation of widows and orphans. What were all these fathers and husbands doing when they laid down their lives? 

Sane men will not normally lay down their lives for a trifle. That is why so many wars are religious wars, although in modern times they may not appear so. Thus the two World Wars, 1914–1918 and 1939–1945, represented the remains of Christendom attempting to resist the triumph of the godless substitute for Christendom, which is Communism. Very soon after the triumph of Lenin’s Communist Revolution in St Petersburg and Moscow in Russia in 1917, Lenin had founded the Komintern in Russia to serve as the central quasi-missionary agency of Communism, working in conjunction with a number of the world’s leading banks, to spread Communism throughout the world. 

In fact we are in the presence of four messianisms: the first is that of the Chosen Race, the Jews who were specially chosen out and gifted to prepare mankind and to provide the human cradle within mankind to enable the one and only true Messiah to perform the Redemption through His Cross and His Church down to the end of the world; the second messianism is the one true messianism, that of the Catholic Church, which is the entire fulfilment of the Old Testament by the sending of human souls to Heaven over a little more than 2,000 years; the third messianism is that of the Talmudic Jews, followers of their post-christian Scripture which is no longer the Old Testament as we know it, having God Himself for its author, but the “Talmud,” their own man-made substitute for the Old Testament, because on every page of the Old Testament is mentioned in various ways Our Lord Jesus Christ to come, and for the race which crucified Him He is not to be mentioned, let alone adored as God; and lastly the fourth messianism is Communism which is a mighty offshoot of Talmudism, as being a powerful and active movement to help destroy the last remains of decadent Christendom, the main competing messianism which must be gotten out of the way of Talmudism. 

Thus messianisms can be seen as the mainsprings of human history, so to speak: a messianic people; the true Messiah; the once messianic people turning all their gifts out of hurt pride against the true Messiah; and as a result all kinds of pseudo-messianic movements down 20 centuries, all of them fighting to hinder the salvation of souls, as St Paul well understood, even so soon after the crucifixion and resurrection of Our Lord Himself (I Thess. II, 16). 

As for the Russians they are certainly a religious people, as their aptitude for the anti-christian pseudo- religion of Communism showed. But at Fatima Our Lady foretold that Russia would play an essential role in the healing of the nations’ godlessness today, and sure enough, Rome may not be built in a day, as the proverb says, but after 72 years of terrible sufferings under Communism(1917–1989), Russia has learned its lesson and is returning to Christ. Read Solzhenitsyn. God has not lost His grip. He has made the Ukrainians pay a heavy price for having chosen to trust the Talmudists, who are in complete control of the Americans, but it was their own choice. If anyone needs the help of God, let them just prefer His will. 

Kyrie eleison