Customer accounts, PayPal orders, & EC 378

As part of our ongoing website development, three technical errors have been observed and are being or have been fixed: first, the deletion of some customer accounts last weekend (Oct. 17); second, the inability to download mp3’s immediately after placing and paying for an order via PayPal; third, errors with the first and second transmissions of EC 378.

In the first case, thanks to a customer from Australia, we believe that the error has been eliminated and payments processed via the site through PayPal will now go through as expected. In the second, we are in the process of notifying affected customers that their passwords have been reset. The inconvenience this will occasion is the need, at customers’ convenience, to reset passwords to those of their choosing. In the third case, our own tests suggested that the first transmission of EC 378 was somewhat of a disaster, and the recent re-transmission was clean & successful. We have heard from some readers, however, that the recent attempt to re-send EC 378 resulted in simply a blank, black email. Thanks to this feedback we have identified another programming error, that we believe we have fixed. (Would you believe that three “F’s” in the wrong place were the problem?) We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has seen this problem and who needs yet another copy of EC 378. The third time, as they say, is a charm.

We appreciate your patience & continued interest in our new site. Do bear with us, as the undertaking has been massive and plagued with a fair number of glitches and bugs, as one might expect for an endeavour of this magnitude. Please continue to let us know at or web-admin@stmarcelinitiative.​com about errors you observe. The more we know about what’ wrong, the more quickly we can get it fixed.

Meanwhile, thank you for your interest in His Excellency’s work and please do continue to visit the site.