Voice of the Trumpet released!

The Voice of the TrumpetAfter literally years of labor, and incorporating dozens of hours’ worth of interviews, Dr. White’s “unfinished symphony” – his sketch of the life and work of Bishop Richard Williamson – “in four movements,” is now available. See the website for additional detail. There it is also possible to pre-order a copy now, for shipping as soon as the stock arrives in the S.M.I. warehouse, no later than November 21, 2018, the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Deo gratias!

From the book’s back cover:

A “beast” and a “dinosaur” to some, an “extremist” to the mainstream Church and media, and a hero to loving and loyal admirers, Bishop Richard Williamson is likely the most loved and hated Catholic cleric since the American Radio Priest of the 1930’s. Either way, it is impossible to avoid him. In this charming – and, in its own right, provocative – account, his friend and confidant of nearly 30 years explains why.

David Allen White graduated summa com laude from the University of Minnesota in 1971, and earned his M.A. from the University of Wisconsin and his Ph.D. from Indiana University. He taught literature at Temple, the University of Wisconsin (Eau Claire), and the U.S. Naval Academy. His previous works include The Mouth of the Lion and The Horn of the Unicorn.