Around the Incarnate God the whole world turns, 

As Scripture tells. By scorning Him, it burns.

The latest issue of the news bulletin of the “Resistance” Seminary of the Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary, in Morannes in North-western France, has an admirable Editorial coming from that Society’s Superior, Bishop Jean-Michel Faure. It is not long. Here is the complete text – 

Dear Friends and Benefactors, 

Our Lord said to the Apostles, “When you hear of wars and uprisings, let yourselves not be frightened . . . . you will be hated by everybody, because of my name” (that is to say, because of your faithfulness to my doctrine) . . . . “by your perseverance you will save your souls . . . . When you see these things beginning to happen, raise your heads and look up, because your redemption (and your victory) is close at hand.” (Lk. XXI, 9, 17, 19, 28). 

Today we are witnessing the signs that announce the great events alluded to by Our Lord Jesus Christ, St Paul and St John: the Great Apostasy. Never before have the enemies of Jesus Christ had at their disposal so many means of destroying all faith and morals in the souls of children, youngsters and elders. “Crush the infamous (church),” Voltaire was already crying out in the 18th century to adepts of the infernal sect – “Let us pull down the throne (or monarchy) in order to pull down the altar (or Catholic Mass and Church), by secularism (television, internet, cinema), indecent fashions, and finally by infiltrating the Church, up to and including the Papacy, thanks to the Second Vatican Council. 

Modern history illustrates the stages of the great Apostasy of the Nations, the gestures and deeds of the agents of the Antichrist, his predecessors preparing for the Antichrist himself to come, getting ready the generation of men to applaud him when he comes (cf. II Thess. I, 8). A very recent document coming from Rome states that human dignity is infinite. Here is man pretending to set up his throne inside the Church, so as to enthrone himself there with the power of the Devil (II Thess. II, 4). 

As he pilgrims of Emmaus said to Our Lord, “Lord, stay with us, for the day is far spent” (Lk. XXIV, 29) (and darkness is covering the earth). 

Have courage, little flock – “I have conquered the world” (Jn. XVI, 33), by the Cross. The Kingdom of God has never been so close. 

Mgr. Jean-Michel Faure 

What is impressive here is first and foremost how relevant to our unprecedented calamities in Church and world of today are the plentiful quotations from a distant yesterday. Readers of these “Comments” are entitled not to have been impressed by the lack of authority of much more recent Messages purporting to come from Heaven to enlighten and encourage us in the coming battle, but let them at least open their Bibles to read again Matthew XXIV, Mark XIII and Luke XXI. There is no lack of divine Authority behind the text of the Gospels, there is only a lack of our realising, in the manner of Bishop Faure, how much that text can come to life in our present circumstances. 

Readers, to understand what is really happening around us and what we need to do, read regularly God’s own Word in Scripture, and not only the New Testament but also the Old Testament, where the multiple presentation of God’s goodness meeting the wickedness of men is the very essence of today’s events. 

Kyrie eleison