Eleison Comments



“Know your enemy,” says the old saying. Indeed, how else can one win a war? Now whether they like it or not, Catholics are in the front line of the relentless war between God and the Devil for the eternal salvation or damnation of immortal souls. But in this war, money is a prime instrument of the Devil for the seduction and corruption of men. Let Catholics profit from this brief history of the USA’s central bank up to 1913: “L’emprise de l’oligarchie bancaire sur les USA” by J.P. le Perlier (jeune-nation.com). 

The American War of Independence was not about tea tariffs. It was a war of independence against the stateless bankers who ruled in London and intended to dominate and ransom the American colony in the same way. So the bankers had the English Parliament pass a law obliging the colonists to replace their freely issued money with loans from the banks at interest. “In one year”, said Benjamin Franklin, “the era of prosperity was replaced by such a depression that the streets of the colony were filled with the unemployed.” This led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the resulting war.

The first care of the American legislators was to write in their Constitution that “Congress reserves the right to create the currency and to regulate its value.” However, the bankers did not give up and in 1791, they succeeded in obtaining from Congress the creation of a central bank on the English model for a provisional basis of 20 years. This central bank was refused renewal in 1811 by President James Madison but was once again imposed for twenty years from 1816. In 1837, renewal was refused by President Andrew Jackson, who was as hostile as his predecessors to the control of international finance over the United States. 

Almost half a century later, Abraham Lincoln went further by creating a national “green-back” currency beyond the control of the banking oligarchy. Re-elected in 1864, Lincoln made it known that his first objective in the aftermath of the Civil War would be to end the influence of the financial oligarchy in the US. The war ended on April 9, 1865. Lincoln was assassinated on April 14. Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor, issued directives to remove the green-backs from circulation and this was done in a few years.

The subsequent move towards centralized banking was done very gradually and with dissimulation. The name of “Central Bank” was avoided and the “Federal Reserve” Act passed in 1913. Charles A. Lindbergh declared: “The worst legislative crime of all time is perpetrated by this law: When the President signs this bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized .” Yet the War of Independence had been intended to free the US from the financial oligarchy that had imposed itself on England. Now, 137 years of intrigue had finally allowed the London bankers to re-establish their hold on the former American colony. With the creation of the Federal Reserve, 1913 was the year of the definitive subjection of Americans to the financial dictates against which they had revolted in 1776.

Like Lincoln a century before him, President John F. Kennedy took the risk of opposing the same financial power by ordering the issuance of a currency guaranteed by the U.S. State, without going through the Federal Reserve. The order was dated June 4, 1963. Six months later, Kennedy was assassinated. What do Lincoln and Kennedy have in common? In both cases, their successors stopped immediately the issuance of money by the Treasury, and restored this privilege to the financial oligarchy.

Kyrie eleison