Eleison Comments Italian

900th “COMMENTS”

900th “COMMENTS” on October 12, 2024

Where is the true Church? Wait. It will revive,

Wherever the true faith has remained alive.

As we draw towards the close of 2024, there appears the 900th issue of these “Comments” which have appeared once a week since 2007. Amidst the confusion in Church and State which grows worse with each passing year, let the occasion be celebrated with another attempt to take the error of modernism to pieces, which has done so much damage to souls, especially since the 1960s, when it succeeded in deceiving so many high-placed Catholic churchmen at the disastrous Second Vatican Council.

Modernism inside the Catholic Church is the error of wanting to bring the Church in line with the modern world instead of bringing the modern world in line with the Church. Just before Our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven at the end of His personal ministry on earth, in the course of which he had founded His Catholic Church to be the continuation of His Incarnation among men, he gave, as His last words to His Apostles, highly important instructions: “All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Mt. XXVIII, 18–20).

“All power in heaven and earth” belongs to all three persons of the Omnipotent God, but it has also been entrusted by the Father to the Son in His human nature. So Jesus has a divine authority to be telling the Apostles what they must do. What He tells them is to “Teach all nations”: to teach, not to dialogue; “all nations,” including Israel and Saudi Arabia, and not just some nations: And “nations,” not just sacristies, which means that politics are to serve the Church with their considerable influence, in order to help save souls. And after souls have been taught the truths of salvation, then they are to be given the supernatural sacraments of salvation, and they are to “observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” in other words they are to obey the commands of Jesus, not just consent to His suggestions. And if that programme seems daunting, then they have the assurance that if they fulfil His commands, they will always have His support and presence with them – even in 2024. But they must do what He says, and that is what the Church has always said and done, which is Catholic Tradition.

Just a glance at these last lines of the Gospel of St Matthew is enough to show us how well Our Lord designed and built His Catholic Church. What happened then? For three of its Seven Ages, of the Apostles, Martyrs and Doctors respectively, it thrived, building up to the approximately one thousand years of the Fourth Age, the Middle Ages stretching from the end of the ancient world to the beginning of the modern world, from around 500 to 1517, when Luther is reputed to have nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Church in Wittenberg. In any case he was primarily responsible for launching Protestantism, the father and mother of a series of revolutions, creating the modern world: naturalism, rationalism, LIBERALISM; ecumenism, communism, MODERNISM, and a host of other “isms,” all attempting to put together again what Luther had broken apart, the Catholic Church’s God-given wholeness of man, but failing to do because they refused to return to the true Church of Catholic Tradition.

The neo-modernism of Vatican II, as Fr Calderon clearly presents it in his admirable book Prometheus, is merely the latest in the long line of these sub-protestantisms, upgrading man at the expense of God. The clever excuse was that all the previous humanisms had merely resulted in two World Wars, but the Catholic Church itself was now going to create a new humanism which would upgrade man without downgrading God. Vain illusion! For the sake of “human dignity,” Jesus’ commands had to turn into men’s consents. God was no longer to be in command. What god was that? Millions upon millions of Catholics lost their faith in Him. Yet His true Church still lives, in the few souls keeping the true Faith.

Kyrie eleison

LEFEBVRE post 1988 – II

<b>LEFEBVRE post 1988 – II</b> on October 5, 2024

It takes a Saint to see how evil is bad.

And most of us? Evil can make us glad!

Three weeks ago these “Comments” concluded with a few lines of verse, but a few more lines than usual, in order to draw the lesson from words of wisdom spoken by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1989 concerning that controversial consecration of four bishops which he had performed in the summer of 1988 without the official permission of Rome, normally necessary. However, not all readers may have understood how the lines of verse were connected to the Archbishop’s line of thinking. And even for those who did understand, the crucial question of those consecrations deserves always to be developed, so we return to the subject. Here are those lines of verse, in heavy black, with explanation following –

A liberal is a wolf dressed like a sheep

Here is the central problem. A “liberal” is somebody whose real religion is not Catholicism, as he may deceive himself, but liberty. Thus he can come to think that Catholicism, the one true religion of the one true God, is a matter of choice, of his own choice, and he personally chooses it, but if anybody else wants to choose any other of the numberless false religions, he is at liberty to do so. He is not. True, God gives to every one of us human beings at the age of reason the faculty of free-will enabling us to choose between truth and error, between right and wrong, but He gives us no moral right to choose error or moral wrong. If He gives me the faculty of reason with its free-will, it is only so that I will make good use of it by choosing whatever is true and right, so that by rewarding me with Heaven He can share His infinite bliss. If I have the free-will to choose error or wrong, I have no “liberty” to escape the consequences of my choice, which will ultimately be, if I do not repent, the fires of eternal Hell. I will have freely chosen Hell. Only in this sense are human beings “free” to choose for themselves (what they know to be) any false religion.

It follows that if anybody wants to persuade me that my worth or dignity as a human being depends on my mere faculty of free-will, and not on the right use I make of it, then he is wanting to persuade me of a terrible error (he is a wolf), even while he is pretending to encourage my dignity (he is in sheep’s clothing). Every soul in Hell has the “dignity” of having itself chosen its torment, but what real dignity is that? The “dignity” to blaspheme, for ever and ever!? Yet such is the doctrine of Vatican II, with its Decree on “Human Dignity”: the State must protect the right, not just faculty, of every citizen to choose his own religion. This Decree is absolutely not Catholic. No wonder the Archbishop never signed it!

Judge by his fruits – sheep corpses in a heap

Are not the fruits of Vatican II millions upon millions of Catholics losing the Faith? Of course! The Council has told them that their dignity consists in choosing whatever religion they like! There are so many religions much easier to practise than Catholicism!

For what use is it to him to be “free”

If by God’s tenfold Law still bound he be?

Here is why the worshippers of “liberty” must have religious liberty, because whoever or whatever else they are free from, if they are not free from God Himself with His Ten Commandments, what are they really free from? Here is why religious liberty is the key to “liberty,” and why every liberal inclines to join in that war on God, war against God, which rages all around us. Here is why the Decree of Vatican II on “Human Dignity” is an unbelievable crime against all mankind. And in the half century since Vatican II, do the high Church officials in Rome show any sign of abandoning their wretched Council? In real terms, none at all!

To Hell with Heaven! I will do as I like,

And let God with His Hell for ever strike!

Among liberals, at least the ring-leaders know exactly what they are doing. Theirs is a diabolical pride. They know they are destroying the Catholic Church, and they are defying God to do His worst. God, have mercy! Archbishop Lefebvre understood what they were up to, but not all his followers understand.

Kyrie eleison


VIGANO-CARLSON II on September 28, 2024

By Christendom Christ is absolutely needed.

Archbishop Vigano’s teaching must be heeded.

Last week these “Comments” presented in summary form the first part of a most interesting article of Archbishop Vigano from last year, inspired by a broadcast of the American journalist, Tucker Carlson. Carlson argued that secular humanism may claim to repudiate all religion, but it does that only by itself acting as a full-blown substitute religion. In this idea the Archbishop supported Carlson as only an eminent Catholic churchman can do, because only such a churchman can have the sufficient truth, height and breadth of view to grasp fully what is at stake. With this or that solution proposed by Archb. Vigano one may beg to differ, for instance sedevacantism (if that is still tempting him), or the driving out of mankind’s treacherous authorities in Church and State (how could that be done, when they hold all the levers of power, as never before?). But the Archbishop is at least grappling with the full depths of the problem. If only Mother Church had today a dozen bishops with his clarity and courage, she would not be in the same trouble. For a summary of the rest of the Archbishop’s article, read on –

It is disconcerting that among the number of converts to the universal religion we can also count Jorge Mario Bergoglio, with all the cowardliness of the churchmen who remain faithful to him. The apostasy of the Catholic hierarchy has reached the point of worshipping the idol of the Pachamama, who is the demonic personification of ecumenical, inclusive, and sustainable “Amazonian” globalism. What we are witnessing is nothing more than the reverse application of the process that led to the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire and throughout the world, a sort of revenge of barbarism and paganism on the Faith of Christ. What Julian the Apostate tried to do in the 4th century, that is, to restore the cult of pagan gods, today is pursued zealously by new apostates, all united by a “sacred fury” that makes them as dangerous as they are convinced of being able to succeed in their intentions, because of the endless means at their disposal.

This religion is nothing more than a modern realisation of the cult of Lucifer. It is no mystery that the ideologues of globalist thought are all anti-Christian and anti-clerical, significantly hostile to Christian morality, opposed to the civilization and culture that the Gospel has shaped in two thousand years of history. All the precepts of the globalist religion are a counterfeit version of the Ten Commandments, their grotesque inversion, an obscene reversal. In practice, they use the same means that the Church has used for evangelization, but with the aim of damning souls and subjecting them not to the Law of God, but to the tyranny of the devil, under the inquisitorial control of the anti-church of Satan. At the bottom of all this, there is the hatred of God and envy for the supernatural bliss that He has reserved for men by redeeming them from sin through the Sacrifice of the Cross of His Son.

The enmity between the seed of the Woman and that of the serpent (Gen 3:15) is a theological reality in which the enemies of God believe above all. One of the signs of the end times is the abolition of the Holy Sacrifice and the presence of the abomination of desolation in the temple (Dan 9: 27). The attempts to suppress or limit the traditional Mass unite Deep church and Deep State, revealing the essentially Luciferian matrix of both. They know very well what are the infinite graces that pour out on the Church and on the world through that Mass, and they want to prevent those graces from being given so that they do not hinder their plans.

For too long citizens and faithful have passively suffered the decisions of their political and religious leaders in the face of the evidence of their betrayal. If those in authority in the State and Church act against the citizens and the faithful, their power is usurped and their authority null and void. If they do not want to be like fathers to us; if they do not want our good and if indeed they do everything to corrupt us in body and spirit, it is time to drive them out of their positions and call them to account for their betrayal, their crimes, and their scandalous lies.

Kyrie eleison


VIGANO with CARLSON – I on September 21, 2024

We’re told today that God does not exist.

But if that’s true, why is He so much missed?

Tucker Carlson is a well-known American journalist, and he is not Catholic, but a television programme of his, broadcast last year, inspired Archbishop Vigano to write a most interesting article to which one could give the title, “The Religion that will not say its name.” Tucker Carlson’s central idea is that secular humanism pretends to be free of any and all religion whatsoever, but this it achieves only by acting itself as a substitute religion. In other words, “Chase out nature, it comes back at a gallop” (French proverb). Or, “You can drive out nature with a pitchfork, it will always come back,” ( Horace, Roman poet). Men can refuse God, but they cannot live without Him, because it is from Him they come, and to Him that they are all meant to go. To see how much light the Archbishop finds in the journalist’s observations, read on –

In an interview on Fox News titled The Church of Environmentalism, journalist Tucker Carlson has brought to light a contradiction that may have escaped the notice of many, but which is extremely revealing. Carlson recalls that the U.S. Constitution prohibits any state religion, but for some time the governing Democratic party has imposed on the American people the globalist cult. A religion in all respects, all-encompassing, with its green agenda, woke dogmas, cancel culture, priests of the World Health Organization and prophets of the World Economic Forum.

In the name of the globalist religion, its adherents demand that all citizens behave in accordance with the morality of the New World Order, accepting uncritically and with an attitude of devout submission, the doctrines defined ex cathedra by the Davos Sanhedrin. Citizens are not required merely to share the motivations that justify the health, economic or social policies imposed by governments, but to give their blind and irrational assent. It is not allowed to contest the psycho-pandemic, argue the groundlessness of climate alarms, oppose NATO’s provocation of the Russian Federation with the Ukrainian crisis or refuse to stand by as children are corrupted with LGBTQ obscenities.

The high priests of this religion have even reached the point of theorizing human sacrifice by means of abortion and euthanasia: a sacrifice required by the common good, so as not to over-populate the planet or over-burden public health. Adherence to globalism is not optional: it is the State religion, and the State “tolerates” non-practitioners only to the extent that their presence does not prevent society from exercising this cult. The public act of vaccination represented a sort of “baptism” in the globalist faith, the initiation into worship.

The “church of environmentalism” defines itself as inclusive, but it does not tolerate dissent. Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body, and considered public enemies.

This State religion has spread to all the nations of the Western world, whose leaders were converted to the globalist “Word” by the apostle of the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, its self-proclaimed “pope” who is invested with an infallible and incontestable authority. On the website of the World Economic Forum, we find the list of “prelates” of globalism. A very powerful, highly organized network, widespread not only at the top of institutions, but also in universities and courts, in companies and hospitals, in peripheral bodies and local municipalities, in cultural and sports associations, so that it is impossible to escape indoctrination even in a provincial primary school or a small rural community.

Tucker Carlson’s observation highlights the deception to which we are subjected daily by our rulers: the theoretical imposition of the secularism of the State has served to eliminate the presence of the true God from the institutions, while the practical imposition of the globalist religion serves to introduce Satan into the institutions, with the aim of establishing that dystopian New World Order in which the Antichrist will claim to be worshipped as a god, in his mad delirium to replace Our Lord.

Kyrie eleison

LEFEBVRE post 1988 – I

LEFEBVRE post 1988 – I on September 14, 2024

A liberal is a wolf, dressed like a sheep.

Judge by the fruits – sheep corpses in a heap.

For what use is it to him to be “free,”

If by God’s tenfold Law still bound he be?

“To Hell with Heaven! I will do as I like!

And let God with His Hell for ever strike!”

After consecrating four bishops in June of 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre saw more clearly than ever that the Conciliar Romans are no servants of the Catholic Faith. In 1989 he gave a long interview in France, cruelly shortened below. For the complete original, see https://sspx.org/en/one-year-after-consecrations-30335

Why the consecrations?

For several years I had been trying to get Rome to understand that as I was advancing in age, I had to ensure my succession. They were afraid that I would consecrate bishops, so they alluded to the possibility of our having a bishop who would be my successor.

I went to Rome for conversations, but without any confidence in their success. I wished to go as far as possible to show what good will we had. Very soon, however, we realized that we were dealing with people who are not honest. Rome brought up the question of the Council, which we did not want to hear of. A formula for an agreement was found which was at the very limits of what we could accept. I obtained only one bishop, whereas I was asking for three. That was already virtually unacceptable. And, when, even before signing the protocol, we asked when we could have this bishop, the answer was evasive or null.

The accumulation of distrust and reticence impelled me to demand the nomination of a bishop for the 30th June. Either that, or I would go ahead and consecrate. Faced with such a choice, Cardinal Ratzinger said, “If that’s how it is, the protocol is over. It’s finished, and there is no more protocol. You are breaking off relations.” It’s he who said it, not I.

Lefebvre should have stayed in the Church

What Church are we talking about? If you mean the Conciliar Church, then we who have struggled against the Council for twenty years, because we want the Catholic Church, would have to re-enter this Conciliar Church in order, supposedly, to make it Catholic. That is a complete illusion.

Danger of schism?

To say that we are not the “visible Church”, that we are quitting the “visible Church”, which is infallible, all that is just words which do not correspond to reality. It is incredible that anyone can talk of the “visible Church”, meaning the Conciliar Church, as opposed to the Catholic Church which we are trying to represent and continue. We are against the Conciliar Church which is virtually schismatic, even if they deny it. In practice, it is a Church virtually excommunicated because it is a Modernist Church. We are not making a parallel Church. We are what we have always been – Catholics carrying on. That is all.

Each of these recent popes is truly two popes in one. It was John XXIII who launched the opening of the Church to the world. From that point on, we were framed within ambiguity and duplicity, i.e. the two-faced way of acting proper to the liberal.

We are not against the pope insofar as he represents the values of the Apostolic See which are unchanging. But we are against the pope insofar as he is a modernist who does not believe in his own infallibility, who practises ecumenism. So long as in Rome they stay attached to the ideas of the Council: religious liberty, ecumenism, collegiality, they are going the wrong way.


I do not think it is opportune to try contacting Rome. I think we must still wait. Wait, alas, for the situation to get still worse on their side. But up till now, they do not want to recognize that fact.

Kyrie eleison


ROSARY BLAST 2024. on September 7, 2024

Our Lady knows exactly why we’re bleeding,

And, better than anyone else, what we are needing.

Both at Fatima in Portugal in 1917 and at Akita in Japan in 1973 Our Lady said that only She can help us henceforth. In Akita She added, “from the imminent calamities,” the calamities hanging over our heads. If anybody has been watching events in the Ukraine over the last two years, he must be blind, either naturally or wilfully, not to see a nuclear Third World War coming, and bringing with it calamities without number. Our Lady of Akita also told Sister Agnes Sasagawa that all those who put their confidence in Her will be saved, by which She almost certainly meant, saved for eternity and not just for this brief life on earth, which is so much less important.

In any case it is Our Lord Himself – in complete control of coming world events and allowing the calamities only for our own greater good – who has told us that to reward His Mother for the special part She has played in the saving of souls, especially in modern times, He wants it to be the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will take the credit among men for the eventual rescue of mankind from its present dire straits. For indeed mankind will be rescued in the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, a brief Golden Age for the Church, following on the Chastisement, and constituting the greatest world-wide victory of Our Lord’s Church in all its history. Then sin will return, with the run-down to the Antichrist and to the fiercest persecution of Christians, generating some of the greatest Saints in all Church history.

Into this cosmic drama preceding the end of the world fits Our Lady as its queen and our guide, as appointed by Her Divine Son Himself. At Akita half a century ago, She did warn us, like a good mother, of “fire falling from Heaven which will eliminate a large part of mankind, both the good and the bad, sparing neither priests nor laity, and leaving survivors so desolate that they will envy the dead. At that moment you will have two weapons left: the Rosary, and the sign left by My Son (It is not yet certain in what that sign consists). Pray the Rosary for the Pope, for bishops and priests.” Indeed the primary problem today of our storm-tossed Church and world is the defection of the Catholic churchmen, deceived by the diabolical Second Vatican Council of the 1960’s.

Accordingly, the little “Resistance” movement in England is organising again this year a pilgrimage to Walsingham in Norfolk, from Thursday 26th until Sunday 29thSeptember, but based this year in Swaffham, about 30 minutes away by car. As in previous years, the main business of pilgrims will be daily Mass and the praying of full 15-Mystery Rosaries, possibly as many as ten in the four days inclusive, from the Thursday to the Sunday. That may seem a great deal, but nobody complained in previous years, on the contrary they were rewarded with the realisation of how relatively easy the full Rosary can be. And they well knew they were not wasting their time, by doing exactly what the Queen of Heaven is asking all of us to do. At the heart of the distress of our times is a spiritual and not material problem. The problem is mankind turning its back on God, for which all the latest and best of warplanes, submarines and tanks are relatively useless. See Psalm 32–33 – “The war-horse is a vain hope for victory . . . . Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him.”

For all practical details of how to get to Swaffham, for accommodation (not expensive if you can bring your own bedding and towels) and so on, please e-mail respicestellam2015@gmail.com. Mass will take place each day at a former Convent in Swaffham, followed by a simple breakfast, and kitchen facilities are available to cater for an evening meal. Do notify as soon as possible by email this same address if you mean to take part, because organisers would like to have ahead an idea of numbers.

And do think of doing a great service to Our Lady, to your country, to your family and to yourself by taking part in the “Rosary Blast.”

Kyrie eleison.