Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Discussions’ Usefulness – II
Bishop de Galarreta was not maintaining (156) that the irreconcilable doctrines of Rome and the SSPX can be reconciled. They cannot.
“University” Wasteland
A former University Professor recommends Catholics to avoid today’s “universities,” lacking all truth and authority, except to get a job.
Modern Art – II
By its disharmony, modern art points to some prior harmony, as harmony points to God. Despite itself, modern art points to God.
Discussions’ Usefulness
Bishop de Galarreta argues that while the on-going Rome-SSPX Discussions are essentially disappointing, they do have collateral advantages.
“Humanly, Finished”
The Cardinal’s smile (153) proved his loss of Truth (154) and the self-destruction of his mind. God alone can rescue such men.
Catholic Balance
When Vatican II split Catholic Truth from Catholic Authority, all Catholics were torn apart. Archbishop Lefebvre showed their right re-integration.
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