Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Latest Comments
Cardinal Smiles
When a Cardinal smiles at the SSPX calling him a heretic, it shows how Roman officials are locked into their blindness. Patience.
Conciliar “Theologian” – II
At the heart of these errors is the turning away from God and the de-throning of the mind. Feelings take over.
Conciliar “Theologian” – I
Six errors sum up the doctrine of a ringleader of Vatican II, Fr. Chenu. In brief, man in the place of God.
Embattled Boys
Fathers, your own example will be decisive for your boys. They need to learn from you work, responsibility, judgment, discipline and manliness.
Restoring Fatherhood
God is the model of all fatherhood, the source of all authority. Fathers, to be true heads of your families, obey God.
Sleepless Pope
Benedict XVI says he cannot sleep because of the SSPX. No, your Holiness. Your problem is the Truth you have mislaid.
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