Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Embattled Parents
Who can not have compassion on parents having to bring up children today? Yet still they must take seriously their grave responsibilities.
Embattled Sisters
Of two religious Sisters having to teach modern girls, one is daunted while the other is hopeful. Both are right.
Moral Framework
St Thomas Aquinas analyses the structure and order of the Ten Commandments, showing how they sum up the natural law.
Modern Art – I
Modern art is ugly because it is out of tune with the great order of harmony established by God throughout creation.
Van Gogh’s Popularity
Religionless religion makes the painter Van Gogh popular with the crowds today, but to be happy himself he needed the true religion.
Truth, Farewell
Americans today have “little regard for truth, little access to it and little ability to recognize it,” says an American. Example, 9/11.
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