Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Unique Delinquency – I
The problem with the Newchurch’s sacramental Rites is that they are deigned eventually to undermine the Minister’s sacramental Intention.
Femininity Rediscovered
A former feminist tells how unnatural it was trying to be a man, and how happy she now is being a woman.
Frankfurt School
The Frankfurt School played a large part, before and after World War II, in making Western civilization lurch to the left.
Valid Bishops?
A dying Cardinal betrayed Freemasonry’s diabolically subtle plan at Vatican II to invalidate the Catholic sacraments not suddenly but gradually.
“Tristan” Chord
The revolutionary harmonies of Wagner’s “Tristan” played a major part in destabilizing modern music, and with it, modern man.
“Tristan” Production
A modern staging in London of a famous Wagner opera betrays a complete lack of common sense. London, where are you going?
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