Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Latest Comments
Christmas Cheer
Good news from the economic crisis – families are pulling together instead of apart, and credit cards are being used less.
Calming Confusion
Then Vatican II has imperilled millions of souls with its sacramental Rites placing Ministers’ Intentions on a slide into invalidity.
Unique Delinquency – III
So if I intend a Catholic sacrament but Vatican II has convinced me that Catholicism is the religion of man, then what?
Unique Delinquency – II
For if I intend to drive to London, but am convinced that London is in Scotland, how will I ever reach London?
Unique Delinquency – I
The problem with the Newchurch’s sacramental Rites is that they are deigned eventually to undermine the Minister’s sacramental Intention.
Femininity Rediscovered
A former feminist tells how unnatural it was trying to be a man, and how happy she now is being a woman.
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