Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.God Disposes
On both sides of the divorce of Catholic Truth from Catholic Authority, Catholics strive to re-unite them. Truth has the absolute priority.
Rector’s Letters – I
Where too many people split religion from today’s reality, “Letters from the Rector” are recommended for attempting to fit them together again.
Killer Pride
A passage from Maria Valtorta’s admirable “Poem of the Man-God” diagnoses Judas Iscariot’s downfall – he wanted to save himself.
Fifteen Decades
A Catholic man, severely discouraged by today’s wasteland, testifies that praying fifteen Mysteries a day changed his situation completely.
Unthinkable Reality
The divorce of Catholic Truth and Authority from one another is something unthinkable, yet the Vatican II churchmen made it a reality.
Conciliar Church
The expression “Conciliar Church” means the neo-modernist human corruption attaching to, but incapable of staining, the spotless Bride of Christ.
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