Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Latest Comments
God’s Grandeur
A famous sonnet, coming from the love of God, shows the originality of the English poet and Jesuit priest, Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Church Godless
An American film portraying a clash within a Catholic parish during Vatican II suggests the Church’s imminent downfall.
Heroic Harmonies
The heroism portrayed in the first movement of Beethoven’s third Symphony inspires the idea of Catholic heroes making war for the Church.
A Letter
The cats-paw in the recent uproar between Church and world regrets that remarks of his provoked it.
“Excommunications” Lifted
The four SSPX bishops being “re-incommunicated” must help the Church, and any Rome-SSX discussions now starting should also be positive.
Third Position
If wild finances and crippled welfare are merely the logical conclusion of free-for-all capitalism, how about trying the Gospel?
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