Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.“Excommunications” Lifted
The four SSPX bishops being “re-incommunicated” must help the Church, and any Rome-SSX discussions now starting should also be positive.
Third Position
If wild finances and crippled welfare are merely the logical conclusion of free-for-all capitalism, how about trying the Gospel?
Come, Lord!
An American family doctor describes the parlous state of his patients: infertile, over-fed, under-nourished, and incapable of resisting the anti-culture.
Thrift Matters
Overwhelming debt is at the heart of today’s financial crisis. Too many people and governments have been living beyond their means.
Providence’s 2009
If anybody does not foresee trouble in 2009, let him wake up. If anybody foreseeing it trembles, let him trust in Providence.
Campos Resilient
In Campos, Brazil, the Traditionalists who opted for Conciliar Rome are beginning to slide, while those who refused it are continuing to resist.
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