Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Airport Tyranny
The Transportation Security Agency in the USA is exercising an unbelievable tyranny in the airports. Is it a quasi-religious ritual?
Dangerous Prosperity
Scripture quotes Moses warning the Israelites that with too much material prosperity they risk forgetting God. And today?
Bishops Agree
Bishop de Galarreta’s ordination sermon in Econe took the line of Archbishop Lefebvre and his three Episcopal colleagues – firstly the Faith, then Rome.
Carrot Again
The threat was not carried out, even though the SSPX gave nothing away. Probably this Rome-SSPX stand-off will continue.
Stick Again
If Rome carries out a threat to declare the SSPX schismatic, probably the resistance will stiffen, certainly there will be more clarity.
Truth Exclusive
To say that religion has one truth while common sense has another is either a supreme crime, a supreme loss, or both.
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