Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Masking Apostasy
Right-wingers in politics are merely better disguised apostates than left-wingers. Both are, as the peoples wish, sliding away from God.
The Rocky Mountain range of North-West America is an impressive monument – to the sin of men and the anger of God?
Deadly Mush
If only liberal Catholics were clearly outside the Church! Inside, they are doing such damage as surely God alone can repair.
Documenting Distress
Modern art, like many revolutionary movements today, may express the problem, but it moves still further away from the solution.
Documenting Disintegration
A modern art exhibition in London shows how “art” has been re-defined to serve the suicide of an anti-civilization without God.
Romans Measured
Today’s Romans are, objectively speaking, enemies of the Catholic Church. The laity need to be informed, instructed doctrinally and strengthened spiritually.
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