Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Latest Comments
Latest Encyclical
Benedict XVI wants to rescue modern man from drowning, but he cannot do it by throwing himself too into the deadly waters.
Flogged Fathers
From direct experience of the modern work-place, a non-Catholic describes how it flogs its employees. This way of life is suicidal.
Scarce Vocations
An SSPX deacon from Argentina says that modern life holds youngsters too tightly for there to be many vocations.
A genuine excommunication can take only one of two forms. The “excommunications” of July, 1988, coming under neither form, were not genuine.
Fasten Seatbelts
Three indications suggest that World War III may break out in 2008. Or it may not, but let it make us pray.
Agreementitis – II
The Faith cannot be matter for compromise. Then the Church’s present problem is insoluble? For men, yes, but not for God.
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