Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.VATICAN II SHORT – SIGHTED
Poor modern man, so drastically short-sighted,His whole life being, by that short sight, blighted!If we want to save our souls for eternity, as God wants all of us to do…
900th “COMMENTS”
Where is the true Church? Wait. It will revive,Wherever the true faith has remained alive.As we draw towards the close of 2024, there appears the 900th issue of these…
LEFEBVRE post 1988 – II
It takes a Saint to see how evil is bad.And most of us? Evil can make us glad!Three weeks ago these “Comments” concluded with a few lines of verse, but…
By Christendom Christ is absolutely needed. Archbishop Vigano’s teaching must be heeded.Last week these “Comments” presented in summary form the first part of a most interesting article of Archbishop Vigano…
We’re told today that God does not exist.But if that’s true, why is He so much missed?Tucker Carlson is a well-known American journalist, and he is not Catholic, but a…
LEFEBVRE post 1988 – I
A liberal is a wolf, dressed like a sheep.Judge by the fruits – sheep corpses in a heap.For what use is it to him to be “free,”If by God’s tenfold…
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