Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.AMERICAN ELECTION
God is supremely generous. His blissIs something I shall be quite mad to miss.The re-election at the beginning of last month of Donald Trump as President of the United States…
A Russian convert thunders against the West?Only because he sees God’s foes the best!Dear readers, beware. Today’s long quote below comes from the former president of Russia from 2008 to…
In all things modern, Luther led the way?Then heeding modern man must lead astray.What on earth is a silent Major? Is it an army officer who does not talk much?…
‘Tis God Who designed, created every child.Neglect His own instructions – they go wild.“Spare the rod and spoil the child” is an old proverb, going back certainly before our own…
God then withdrew, a punishment quite just,Yet still men are intent on going bust!If there is one word with which to describe the state of the Catholic Church today, surely…
The chaos of today is serving to purgeMankind. Bad men will undergo the scourge.60 years ago this writer was given by God a real sense of civilisation disintegrating. From there…
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