
Voice of the Trumpet


by David Allen White Ph.D.

Variously a “dinosaur,” “extremist,” and hero, Bishop Richard Williamson is likely the most loved and hated Catholic cleric since the Radio Priest. Either way, it is impossible to avoid him, and in this charming and provocative account, his friend and confidant of nearly 30 years explains why.


A “beast” and a “dinosaur” to some, an “extremist” to the mainstream Church and media, and a hero to loving and loyal admirers, Bishop Richard Williamson is likely the most loved and hated Catholic cleric since the American Radio Priest of the 1930’s. Either way, it is impossible to avoid him. In this charming – and, in its own right, provocative – account, his friend and confidant of nearly 30 years explains why. Beginning with the twin origins of Williamson’s family in America and England, and covering his youth, adolescence, schooling, path to Catholicism, the priesthood, and the Society of St. Pius X, White then explores the most controversial and engaging of the bishop’s views as expressed over a decades-long career of pedagogy and polemics. The work is sure to delight, inform, entertain, and (for some) infuriate. Not to be missed, in any case.