

COVID CRIMINALS on June 15, 2024

Just as God scourged the faithless Israelites,

So now apostate Catholics He frights.

At the time of the Covid crisis between 2020 and 2022, when countless politicians and medical personnel were lying to us that the murderous “vaccinations” were “perfectly safe and effective,” one of the relatively few heroic truth-tellers was an honest Englishman, Dr Michael Yeadon, with tens of years of experience high up inside Pfizer, an American colossus of Big Pharma, nickname for the international pharmaceutical industry, in which so many of us had trusted – until Covid. For a video-clip of the original interview, see on the Internet – (The spoken text has been very slightly modified below for purposes of clarity.) 

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us. You are a former Vice-President of Pfizer. Could you just tell us very briefly about your position there. 

Dr. Mike Yeadon: For many years until 2011, I was responsible for worldwide research and early development in Pfizer’s field of new respiratory and allergy medicines. I was in contact with 200 people indirectly, across a couple of Internet sites. 

Interviewer: That gave you a real insight into what was happening in early 2020? 

Dr. Mike Yeadon: There are not many corners of this industry of which I have not had some knowledge, and when I started noticing former colleagues of mine, including Sir Patrick Vallance (?) saying things on television that I knew were not true, and of which I knew that he knew that they were not true, that is when the penny dropped for me, probably February 2020. I remember saying to my wife that this is not what they are saying it is. Something is going on.  

Then when I saw not only my own country locking down but dozens of other countries locking down at the same time, I would say to your listeners that this was proof of a supranational operation. There is no way it could have happened just at the local or country level. Therefore, it must have occurred at the level above. Whether it was the World Health Organization (WHO) or the World Economic Forum (WEF) or some other organisation, I don’t know. I’m convinced that this action alone absolutely proves, unequivocally, that we didn’t just get some virus drifting in, with ourselves then saying, “Oh, we all panicked”. They all did the same stupid, ineffective, “known not to work” things at the same time – and none of it was prepared or planned for a pandemic just in their own countries, because I have read all the texts concerned. 

So when I accuse these people of lying, I do it quite confident that they are not going to sue me. On the contrary, I say “Come on, sue me”. I would love to have this out in court. “You will lose, big-time” I say. And so they won’t sue me. What they do is smear me and censor me. I don’t care any more. We are facing something much worse than an alleged virus. At the very least, the things people are being injected with, the injuries to people from these so-called “vaccines,” I wish I could tell you that it was all accidental. It was not accidental. I have spent 32 years in rational drug design. I knew and wrote, even before any of these “vaccines” had emergency use authorization, that they were dangerous. I’m afraid I’m convinced, and I would say with my hand on the Bible, in front of a court and a judge, that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and to kill deliberately.

(End of interview) 

Then who were the culprits behind Covid? The usual suspects. Here is the gist of quotes attributed to “Henry” Kissinger: there is fabulous money to be made in vaccines for a pandemic. And, with the success of the Covid campaign, the whole world situation has changed. And, when the people accept to be vaccinated, it is game over for them. Kissinger was a public ringleader of the New World Order. 

Kyrie Eleison 

Chastisement Coming

Chastisement Coming on September 27, 2014

Father Constant Louis Marie PEL (1876–1966) is not a name well-known among the souls gifted by God with a knowledge of how God is going to set today’s world straight, but for those who knew him he was a priest very close to God. Doctor in theology, seminary professor, founder of a convent for women and of a seminary for men, with a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he was a personal friend of Padre Pio who said of him to some French pilgrims in San Giovanni Rotondo, “Why do you come to see me when you have so great a Saint in France?”

Fr Pel would spend nights on his feet in church with his forehead leaning against the Tabernacle, conversing with God in a permanent ecstasy. He died in a car accident just after Vatican II, but not before a seminarian, one of his spiritual sons, had been able to note down a prophecy of his, dating from 1945, concerning the chastisement which will strike France in particular. Here it is, quoted or abbreviated:—

“My son,” said Fr Pel, “know that with the sins of the world increasing in horror as this age wears on, great punishments from God will come down on the world and no continent will be spared by the Wrath of God. France being guilty of apostasy and denying its vocation will be severely chastised. East of a line stretching from Bordeaux in the south-west to Lille in the north-east, everything will be laid waste and set on fire by peoples invading from the east, and also by great flaming meteorites falling in a rain of fire upon all the earth and upon these regions especially. Revolution, war, epidemics, plagues, chemical poison gases, violent earthquakes and the re-awakening of France’s extinct volcanoes will destroy everything . .

“France to the west of that line will be less affected . . . because of the faith rooted in the Vendée and in Brittany . . . but any of God’s worst enemies seeking refuge there from the worldwide cataclysm will be found out, wherever they hide, and put to death by devils, because the Wrath of the Lord is just and holy. Thick darkness caused by the war, gigantic fires and fragments of burning stars falling for three days and nights will cause the sun to disappear, and only candles blessed on Candlemas (February 2) will give light in the hands of believers, but the godless will not see this miraculous light because they have darkness in their souls.

“In this way, my son, three quarters of mankind will be destroyed, and in certain parts of France survivors will have to go 60 miles to find another live human being . . . . Several nations will disappear off the face of the map . . . . A France thus purified will become the renewed “Eldest Daughter of the Church,” because all the Cains and Judases will have disappeared in this ‘Judgment upon the Nations’”. This Judgment is not yet the end of times, but so great is the punishment due to the sins of the nations that Our Lord told Fr Pel that the desolation at world’s end will be lesser.

Dear readers, what do we conclude? Let each of us strive with might and main, and with the help of the Catholic sacraments given to us by God for that purpose, to live in God’s grace and not in the state of sin, and let us make full use of the time he gives us between now and the Hour of his Justice to pray for the largest possible number of sinners to repent and save their souls for eternity when the Chastisement closes in. God, have mercy. Mary, help.

Kyrie eleison.