Bishop Williamson defines what the true meaning of the Cross is, gives a bit of a biographical background to the Pope, how the conciliar mentality sees the Holy Ghost as being present in all religions.
Bishop Williamson gives the reasons for the Episcopal Consecrations in 1988, mentions the visitation of Cardinal Gagnon in 1987, the May 1988 Protocol, false promises given to seminarians who left in Econe in 1986, and explores the nature of papal infallibility.
His Excellent comments on the inequality in society, how the Church does not promote revolutions, brief mention is also made of Freud and Darwin, and the welfare state.
His Excellency discusses what the proper function of the State is, how the State’s business is to protect the poor, the idea of the common good and the use of unions.
Introductory conference on the theology of John Paul II based on the works of Professor Dörmann. Explores the Pope’s understanding of the Assisi meeting in 1986.
His Excellency explores the nature of the Trinitarian theology of John Paul II. Some ideas such as how Christ can be in all men, the dignity of man, the lack of missionary spirit and the nature of modern art and literature.