Bishop Williamson

Humani Generis of Pius XII (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

His Excellency continues his conference on Communism and then goes into the encyclical Humani Generis of Pius XII. Explores the nature of neo-modernism, Henri de Lubac’s thought, and the modernists’ desire to “return” to the Early Church.



Humani Generis of Pius XII (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

His Excellency explores the nature of the ordinary and extraordinary Magisterium, nature of biblical inerrancy, and briefly mentions some of the leading theologians as Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the philosopher Maurice Blondel.



Questions & Answers – III

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

His Excellency takes questions and discusses the thinking of Jacques Maritain, the work of Action Francaise, sedevacantism, collegiality, Humanae Vitae and the invalidity of Anglican orders.



Modernist Theologians (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

His Excellency goes on to discuss the thinking of Henri de Lubac and Maurice Blondel and explains why sound philosophy is important.



Modernist Theologians (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

His Excellency gives a commentary on an article(s) from the Si Si No No on von Balthasar and Adrienne von Spyr, Karl Rahner and provides an deeper understanding of modern Ecumenism.



Introduction & Opening Remarks

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

Introduction to the sessions, discusses the modern mind cannot grasp the importance of doctrine, our goal in Heaven is the most important thing in life, mentions Cardinal Castillo Hoyas’ invite in 2000, and SSPX-Rome relations.

