A Catholic View of Liberty (Part 1)
Bishop Williamson on July 31, 2024
Bishop Williamson explores the nature of true liberty, the concept of “freedom of press.” and the nature of free will.
Bishop Williamson explores the nature of true liberty, the concept of “freedom of press.” and the nature of free will.
Bishop Williamson discusses the character of Pius XI, his dealings with the Communists, and how precisely Christ is King as taught in Quas Primas.
Bishop Williamson discusses how men have made an idol of liberty, the character of the American Catholic, how the USA was built on religious liberty, and the tactics of Freemasons.
Bishop Williamson teaching from one of his schemas, “Meltdown of Catholicism,” and discusses the book, “The Second Vatican Council and Religious Liberty,” by Michael Davies.
Bishop Williamson is asked questions and discusses Americanism, Opus Dei, Secret of Fatima, and why the Church has Cardinals.
Bishop Williamson explores the encyclical Pascendi by Pius X. He also mentions the character of a Jewish convert, and praises Aristotle.