Bishop Williamson

The Influence of Freemasonry on Society (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson teaches on the errors of naturalism, man’s false view of liberty, the separation of Church and State, American imperialism, and the concept of true patriotism.



Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson discusses the role of nature and grace, how reason can come to certain truths, and the importance of St. Thomas Aquinas.



Pascendi Gregis – The Heart of the Matter (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

His Excellency likens Kant’s philosophy to the French Revolution within philosophy. He asks, why Modernists like destroying the Church, and what the idea of vital immanence is.



Pascendi Gregis – The Heart of the Matter (Philosophies) Part 1

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

His Excellency tackles Cardinal Ratzinger’s quote on Jesus Christ, von Baltasar’s concept of hell, John Paul II’s theology of Assisi, “Feenyism,” and the nature of the Novus Ordo.



Pascendi Gregis – The Heart of the Matter (Philosophies) Part 2

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

His Excellency explains what faith means to the modernists and how they understand Tradition. He also discusses the mentality of “Ecclesia Dei” groups.



Pascendi Gregis – The Heart of the Matter (Believes #14a – 22)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

His Excellency mentions Teillard de Chardin, the possible canonization of Paul VI, and how the modernist denies objective reality.

