Bishop Williamson

The Grace of Fidelity

Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

On the occasion of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, His Excellency explores a variety of themes such as St. Dominic and St. Francis who represented the “thinking” and “poverty” of the Church; how one must not overestimate or underestimate the SSPX; a brief history of the SSPX early history, the ‘nine’ and the relative insignificance of the SSPX for the wider Church.



    Understanding Authority

    Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

    This sermon explains the nature of society; authority; how there is such a thing as natural inequalities; the errors of egalitarianism and the differences between men and women.



      Thoughts on the Saints

      Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

      Sermon given on the Feast of All Saints and the entry into major orders; necessity of priests; nature of sacrifice; importance of doctrine explaining in a simple manner the doctrine of infallibility, the Second Vatican Council and the Communion of Saints.



        Jubilee Ordination

        Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

        In this sermon, given in Buffalo, Bishop Williamson preaches on the virtues of fidelity, especially in today’s crisis, for the occasion of Fr. Victor Mroz’s fifty-year anniversary to the priesthood. He ties in this talk to the importance of the family in the modern world.



          Perseverance in the True Religion

          Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

          For the Chrism Mass Bishop Williamson gives an explanation of the holy oils and speaks on the majesty of God.



            Light of the World

            Bishop Williamson on julio 31, 2024

            His Excellency provides the historical context for the pronouncement of the Immaculate Conception. This doctrine was an answer to the modern world’s denial of original sin. He also discusses, in brief, 9-11.

