Sermon given on the Feast of All Saints and the entry into major orders; necessity of priests; nature of sacrifice; importance of doctrine explaining in a simple manner the doctrine of infallibility, the Second Vatican Council and the Communion of Saints.
In this sermon, given in Buffalo, Bishop Williamson preaches on the virtues of fidelity, especially in today’s crisis, for the occasion of Fr. Victor Mroz’s fifty-year anniversary to the priesthood. He ties in this talk to the importance of the family in the modern world.
For the Chrism Mass Bishop Williamson gives an explanation of the holy oils and speaks on the majesty of God.
His Excellency provides the historical context for the pronouncement of the Immaculate Conception. This doctrine was an answer to the modern world’s denial of original sin. He also discusses, in brief, 9-11.
For the feast of the Nativity, His Excellency preaches on how God does not force His grace on us; He wants our hearts. Makes reference to 9-11, the Sacred Heart and the fact that the Church does not need to adapt its doctrine to the modern world.<br />
On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, His Excellency discusses how this event was in a certain way the fountainhead of our Redemption. He also gives the analogy of the SSPX being an “emergency lighting system”, that will last as long as the darkness exists.