Bishop Williamson

Where is our Heart

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

Sermon preached at the beginning of Lent whereby, His Excellency warns to faithful not to fall into complacency. He then asks us to have a sense of gratitude for what we have been given and again warns us to beware of collapsing just as the Church of the 50s did.



    Children are not Toys

    Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

    A practical sermon on the responsibility of parents towards their children. Bishop Williamson analyzes the problems of today’s parenting and offers some solutions for the Catholic family.



      Trust in God

      Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

      Short sermon given in Post Falls, His Excellency discusses the errors of individualism and points to the necessity living in a Catholic community. Emphasizes man is a social being and needs others for his perfection.



        Will I Be Chosen?

        Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

        For the feast of Septuagesima, the bishop emphasizes the difficulty of getting to Heaven. He makes the point that we can easily fall into idolatry and that we allow ourselves to get caught up in technology, the lies of the government and that the only way out of this is to start thinking.



          After the Consecrations

          Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

          Bishop Williamson answers the question as to where Archbishop Lefebvre stands after the Consecrations, mentions Cardinal Oddi, stationary and evolutionary truths, how it is not possible to make an agreement with Rome, and explains the difference between a conservative and traditional Catholic.



            Priestly Humility

            Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

            On the occasion of Ordinations to the Priesthood, His Excellency preaches on the identity of the priest, the trials that the priest must embrace, and manages to discuss the relations with Rome.

