Islam’s Origins

Islam’s Origins on September 10, 2016


In recommending to readers “Plot Against the Church” by Maurice Pinay, a book which proves with a wealth of documents that the main external enemy of the Catholic Church for 2,000 years has been the Jews, these “Comments” stated that Jews were behind Islam, Freemasonry and Communism. No readers contested that they were behind Freemasonry and Communism, but a few asked what shows that they were also behind Islam. Indeed since Islam arose in the seventh century after Christ there is for Islam nothing like the documentation that exists for the modern roots of Freemasonry and Communism. In fact experts on Islam will say that even many original documents on the beginning of Islam may have been destroyed, precisely to cover up its true origins. We are left with the text of the Koran itself and historical arguments to point to Jews as the originators of Islam.

As for the text of the Koran, one who studied it closely before the Council, Hanna Zakarias, came to the conclusion in his book “True Mohammed, False Koran” that it was entirely the work of a Jewish Rabbi. To support his thesis that Islam is simply Judaism explained to Arabs by a Rabbi to convert them to the one true God of the Old Testament, Zakarias maintains that there is no story, no detail in the Koran that is not specifically Jewish, referring to the Old Testament, the Talmud or other Jewish literature. Only a Jew, he argues, could so glorify Israel as the Koran does, at the head of the nations, sole receiver of the one Revelation of the one true God. Thus passages in the Koran honouring for instance John the Baptist and the Blessed Virgin honour them purely as Jews, cutting out all connection to Christianity (Sourat XIX, 1–21). As for Jesus, he may have been the son of Mary, but he was certainly not the Son of God.

On the contrary a post-conciliar student of Islam, Laurent Lagartempe, states in his book “Origins of Islam” that there are many questions as to the historical person of Mohammed, and he argues that the Koran is a medley of disparate texts, more or less stabilized only two centuries after the beginning of Islam, to justify the new religion, and to act as its holy text to rival with the Old and New Testaments of Moses and Jesus Christ respectively. But Lagartempe does not contest a significant presence of Judaism in the Koran, nor its influence.

As for the historical arguments for Jews being behind Islam, Pinay’s book documents the well-known part played by Jews in helping the Arabs to conquer Catholic Spain between 711 and 788, reconquered by the Catholics only in 1492. Lagartempe reasonably supposes that the preceding Arab conquest of North Africa from 647 to 710 was also helped by the Jews, because those countries south of the Mediterranean, once a thriving part of Christendom, have ever since remained mostly under Arab control.

However, perhaps the main argument for Jews being behind Islam is of a more general order, and hardly disputable, resting on the quite special role played in history by the people of the Messiah, Our Lord Jesus Christ. To begin with, the training of the Israelites for that role by God himself stretched over 2,000 years from Abraham to Christ. See in the Old Testament how specially God both rewarded and punished them, to form them as the cradle of the Messiah to come. This formation gave to the Jews a quite special familiarity with the one true God, and they have never entirely lost it ever since. And that familiarity gives them a special ability to fabricate substitute religions that seem to satisfy men’s real religious needs.

Alas, they refused their Messiah when he came, and that refusal gives them a special motivation to fabricate false religions to pull human beings away from Christ and away from eternal salvation. Here is why Maurice Pinay can show how they have fought down all the centuries against the Catholic Church. Today they are indisputably behind the Muslim invasion of the once Catholic nations of Europe, to dissolve the last remnants of the Faith, and so stop those nations from opposing their New World Order.

Kyrie eleison.