Eleison Comments


WRONG LEAD – I on February 5, 2022

At the Angelus Press Conference for Catholic Tradition held in the USA on December 11, 2021, the Superior General of the Society of St Pius X (SG for short) took official position on two different Covid questions, both controversial but in fact quite distinct. Firstly in a brief speech he gave three arguments to justify why the Society is not taking a public position for or against the so-called Covid “vaccines.” And secondly in Question Time he gave three comparisons to help explain why the Society tells Catholics that they may accept to be inoculated with these “vaccines.” Both his arguments and his comparisons deserve examination, but note that the SG has more than once been quoted favourably in these “Comments.” The problem is absolutely not personal in any way. See on the Internet: https://youtu.be/OYuqVdzr6Ew 

His first argument for the Society standing back from the whole Covid controversy is that it is a medical question which does not come under the religious mission of the Society. And this argument he says is the main reason for the Society not to commit itself officially one way or the other. However, is the abolition of God, of Christ and of the Catholic Church not a religious question? The objective investigation team of the German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich has interviewed hundreds of doctors and politicians ever since Covid burst on the world scene in March of 2020, and their serious conclusion is that the Covid onslaught is “the greatest crime ever committed against mankind as a whole.” Fuellmich is convinced that the jab or “vaccine” was not invented for the Covid virus, but the virus was invented to impose the jab, either to depopulate, i.e. kill, millions of human beings, or so change their genome as to render them more docile slaves of the surviving elite. That is why so many people make the same accusation, that Covid is a fraud, medical in deceptive appearance, but in reality utterly political, part of a massive and unbelievably wicked fraud to take power over the whole world.

Objection: priests should stand back, because who can tell for sure whether people like Fuellmich are not simply “conspiracy theorists”? Answer: Were Covid not a fraud, would it need such a mass of shifting lies to promote and protect it? Is an honest mind really so incapable of discovering the objective truth?

The SG even admits in his second argument that the Globalist Conspiracy to replace the Catholic Church and God’s natural order with another universal man-made authority, started 300 years ago, with Masonry. The Church has long known all about Freemasonry, he says, so we need not worry about Covid. However, if Covid is being tied through the Globalists to Judeo-masonry, the Church’s prime organised enemy, as the Popes have recognised since the 1730’s, then we can sit back and relax? Should not Covid be worrying priests all the more, not the less? Or has the SSPX also been infiltrated by Freemasonry? To ask the question is to fear the answer, when its SG argues in such a way.

His third argument, from the anti-”vaccine” alliance, is equally contorted. He says that the SSPX cannot afford to join the anti-”vaccine” alliance because it includes left-wingers opposing the “vaccine” in the name of human dignity and human rights, just like abortionists claim that abortion is part of human dignity and a human right. However, there is no comparison between these two “human rights.” The right of any man or woman to refuse anything going into their body which they do not want in their body is a true human right over one’s own body. Abortion is no human right at all, even of the mother, because the foetus is never part of her own body that belongs to her, because from the moment of conception it is a substance distinct from the mother’s substance, by blood-type, fingerprint and genetic composition. Therefore anyone, left-wing or right-wing, who claims that the two rights are comparable, is talking nonsense, and to oppose the “vaccine” the SSPX need have no fear of being associated with them. The business of an SG is to talk Catholic sense, not worry too much about the multitudes talking nonsense.

Kyrie eleison


SUPER-INFLATION COMING on January 29, 2022

We adapt here, and abbreviate, more precious truth-telling from the website of Doug Casey: internationalman.com “Here’s why the money-printing won’t stop.”

Question: The US government has printed more money recently than it has for its nearly 250-year existence. Does the US government have any alternative to printing more and more money?

Answer: The question is, what will the Fed do when it can no longer pretend that inflation is under control? The Fed has already printed trillions so that much higher inflation is already baked into the cake. The question is how the Fed will respond to inflation out of control. Either 1) it keeps printing trillions and lets inflation skyrocket, ensuring that the dollar finishes by losing all value, or 2) it tightens monetary policy by cutting Government spending, and watches the markets crash, including the stock market.

When faced with such a choice, politicians usually choose the easy option, in this case to keep printing money. For indeed, decisions to cut spending have often become politically impossible, so that the US government already has the certain prospect of endless multi-trillion dollar deficits that ever-increasing money printing alone can finance. Thus a conservative estimate of the budget deficit between now and 2031 will be close to $20 trillion, and that is a deficit which the Fed’s printing presses alone can pay.

Moreover, there is no bigger debtor in the history of the world than the US government, and inflation allows any debtor to reduce his debt burden because what he borrowed in dollars he can repay in dimes. Therefore the government has a huge incentive to continue creating enormous amounts of inflation.

In addition, a brief look at how the US government finances itself reveals that it is, without a doubt, running a giant Ponzi scheme, meaning that if they stop pumping continually more fresh money into it, the whole thing will collapse. Now unlike private Ponzi schemes, the US government can continue to pump new money into its scam by printing the money needed – we are back to the Fed’s printing presses. So the Fed may make gestures of cutting spending, but as soon as markets start to collapse and institutions to fail, it will stop tightening and it will again let loose the money-printing. In brief, the US government has no option but to continue with increasing money-printing to cover its expenses.

Question: But the Government recently said that “Inflation is good.”

Answer: Nonsense! It benefits the government by lightening its debt burden, but this it does by emptying out the value from the dollars in every citizen’s pocket. The government is in fact stealing from its citizens, but in such a way that few citizens realise what is happening. In fact the Federal Reserve and other central banks only ever existed to steal money from you through inflation, and redirect it to people politically connected. That is their primary purpose, and it always has been. Hence a flow of false information on finance and economics in the vile media and in the “universities” in particular.

Question: What other tricks can the US government play at this point in the game?

Answer: Whatever they call it and whatever form it takes, you can be sure that the net effect will transfer more money and power to the government. Out-of-control inflation is a common excuse for governments to implement capital controls, price controls, wealth confiscations, and all sorts of other nasty measures. But perhaps the most terrifying item on the menu is central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which will make possible an Orwellian surveillance system that monitors and controls every penny you earn, save, and spend. CBDCs are an important topic; we should dedicate our next conversation to them.

Kyrie eleison.


PUTIN’S COMMON SENSE on January 22, 2022

Common sense is becoming so rare today that from wherever it comes it must be welcomed. Some people think that President Vladimir Putin of Russia is merely a pawn of the world power presently using Covid to arrive at an anti-human dictatorship over the entire world. That may be partly true, insofar as that same power already has such control over world affairs that Putin could hardly have become a world leader without its consent. On the other hand other people think that he is the one true statesman on the present world scene, because of his good sense for the true interests of the entire world, and not just Russia. In any case he is capable of talking common sense like few politicians today. See for instance this summary of part of his speech last October 21 at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, Russia, bringing together nearly 300 participants from academia, politics and the media. English language link: Putin´s speech at the plenary session of the 18th Valdai Club – Global Review (global-review.info)

Some people in the West believe that an aggressive elimination of entire pages from their own history, “reverse discrimination” against the majority in the interests of a particular minority, and the demand to give up the traditional notions of mother, father, family and even gender, are mileposts on the path towards social renewal.

The advocates of so-called ‘social progress’ believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of new and better consciousness. However, their prescriptions are not new at all. Russia has been there already. After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs, indeed the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family with closest relations denouncing one another to the State, was proclaimed as progress then, and was widely supported around the world, as now. 

The fight for equality and against discrimination in Western countries has turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity. The works of the great authors of the past such as Shakespeare, are no longer taught at schools or universities. The classics are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender or race. In Hollywood memos are distributed about how many characters of what colour or gender should be in a movie. This is even worse than the Agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Zealots of these new approaches even go so far as to want to abolish these concepts altogether. Anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, is browbeaten with horrendous “Newspeak,” denying the fact. This is nothing new; in the 1920s, the so-called Soviet “In-culturers” also invented a Newspeak, believing they were creating a new consciousness and changing values that way. They made such a mess it still makes one shudder.

Today it is monstrous when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa. It verges on a crime against humanity, and it is being done in the name and under the banner of progress. The cost of such ill-conceived social experiments is sometimes beyond estimation. Such actions can destroy not only the material, but also the spiritual foundations of human existence, leaving behind a moral wreckage where nothing can be built to replace it for a long time.

Kyrie eleison


CULTURE WAR on January 15, 2022

These “Comments” have at least once warmly recommended readers to read the frequent articles of John HORVAT on the TFP website at tfp.org. This is because for countless adults today, God is the Great Unmentionable. He is not even to be named in polite society. On the contrary, while Horvat is often commenting on American politics, he is always doing so from the Catholic perspective of Almighty God.

In the words of one of the great Catholic thinkers of the 19th century, Horvat sees, and says, that if God today is not ruling Creation by His presence, then He is ruling it by His absence.

This is because God created the world freely, out of love, and He loves in particular the creature whom He set up to rule Creation as His deputy, and that creature is man, who sub-rules by that faculty of reason and free-will which he alone possesses among all God’s material creatures. However, if man uses that free-will to turn away from God, which God can allow him to do, then God fully knows what man does not know, namely the horrible eternity he is deserving for himself by his spurning of God’s great love of him, and God cannot leave His beloved creature alone on the road to such a destruction. And here is why modern man, fleeing God, cannot help recognising that the love of God is still pursuing him, even if that recognition merely drives him to flee all the more: “Stop loving me! I do not want Your love!”

Thus Horvat reads (article of 11 November, 2021) a recent surprise election in the State of Virginia, by which the right-wing Republicans swept all three State-wide races and surprisingly took back the House of Delegates from the left-wing Democrats. Horvat says that whereas “moderate Republicans promise everything but deliver next to nothing,” it was the moral conservatives (“with their powerful pro-life voting bloc”) who won this surprise election by voting on moral issues of the so-called “Culture War”: on Critical Race Theory, radical sex education, gender ideology and procured abortion. Notice how closely these moral issues in fact involve and offend Almighty God. Horvat says that these issues win elections because if they are well presented, “they address deep problems inside the souls of countless Americans.” In other words, the “Culture War” frames the debate in terms of what is deepest and truest in us men, God’s natural law, even if He Himself is rarely mentioned. “God, bless America” – still.

But the left-wingers are intent on driving God out of His Creation. Correspondingly, they hate the “Culture War,” and want it never to be mentioned, nor its issues to be raised. The cultural warriors who do so are “deplorables” (said Hilary Clinton), with no legitimacy inside the liberals’ overwhelming liberal culture. It goes without saying that the vile media do all they can to stifle the conservatives and to stop them from framing the issues as cultural or moral, i.e. pointing towards God. They absolutely cannot handle Him, nor even His shadow. Man has taken God’s place, and nothing and nobody may be put forward as imposing on man any objective right and wrong. Therefore anyone attempting to do so will be discredited as a “racist” or “sexist,” or “fascist” or “anti-semite,” or by some other bigoted label of hatred.

And yet so little do liberals know themselves that they are fanatical believers in “anti-hate” legislation!

Horvat’s conclusion is entirely logical, and taken seriously, it could save America from ruin: “Above all, conservatives must confide in God to come to their help. Disguised behind the façade of a thousand skirmishes is an all-out war against God and His order. Those who champion His cause can expect His assistance.” Archbishop Viganò makes exactly the same point.

Mother of God, whenever I pray your most holy Rosary, please let me grasp that I am not “just praying,” but I am doing the very best I can to assist you in your tremendous battle for the salvation of men and of their nations, through your divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Kyrie eleison.


MASS PSYCHOLOGY on January 8, 2022

Psychology “professors” at modern “universities” can emphatically not be relied on to talk good sense, but Dr. Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium, may be an exception to that rule. He makes no mention of God, but on the Internet athttps://youtube/uLDpZ8daIVM he tells many human truths as to “Why so many people still buy into the Covid narrative.” It is not a problem of truth. It is, as Dr. Desmet explains, a problem of empty and anxious human beings latching onto a false fulfilment presented by the media. Read below a (partly adapted) summary of his own interview.

The majority of the world’s population have fallen under a kind of spell – a “mass formation” or mass hypnosis. Mass formation is a specific type of group formation that can emerge in society under certain conditions:

1. People experience a lack of social bond; a lack of social connectedness.

2. A large part of society feels a lack of meaning in the world.

3. A general anxiety exists in society, an anxiety without a specific focus. For example, in Belgium, which has a population of 11 million, around 300 million doses of anti-depressants are used each year.

4. There is frustration and aggression, but without direction in a specific aim or cause.

Under these conditions, people connect their general anxiety to a specific object of anxiety presented via the mass media. The media not only focus the nameless anxiety, for instance on Covid, but they also give a concrete strategy to deal with it (lockdowns, etc.). People start to participate together in the strategy to deal with the anxiety. A new way of being social emerges. For instance in England was seen for a while the absurd banging of saucepans in the street at 8pm on Thursdays to recognise the “heroes” of the National Health Service, “battling” with the supposedly “overwhelming threat” of Covid. But everybody could feel good in the new group, with a cosy feeling of solidarity in meaningful action:”Save our NHS.”

People within this mass formation (mass hypnosis) must all participate in the lock-downs, mask-wearing or vaccinations. If you do not participate then you are not showing solidarity with the new group. The Covid measures are designed to identify who is part of the new cult-like social group and nothing more. They are not backed by science, nor do they have any ability to defeat the “pandemic.” Covid is a psychological and not a biological crisis. The artificial focusing of the anxiety leads moreover to a very narrow field of attention. People are only aware of a small part of reality, on which the media narrative focuses their attention. Any arguments against the Covid narrative falling outside this small field of attention get little or no traction, because people are only able to view the “pandemic” through this small lens, as if nothing else mattered. The artificial narrative also enables insubstantial politicians to set themselves up as leaders once more. Prior to Covid they were losing their grip, but now they can resound through the media, which enable them to hypnotise the mass of the population.

And the truth? Forget it! It interferes with the narrative. But such artificial narratives do require an enemy. With Covid, that will be the unvaccinated, who will be to blame for all infections and deaths. They are to be marginalised, dehumanised – and vaccinated by force, if all else fails. Dear readers, if all else fails, pray the Rosary to empower the Mother of God to stop these servants of the Devil! She can.

Kyrie eleison


“RESISTANCE” 2022 on January 1, 2022

If by “Resistance” we understand that loose grouping together of Catholic priests and lay-folk striving to maintain and to live by the faith and morals of traditional Catholicism prior to its essential dislocation by the modern world through the Second Vatican Council, then what are its prospects in the New Year just arriving? In appearance those prospects are not bright, because the Devil seems with the Covid-nonsense to be winning the battle for control of our world. In reality they are bright, because if the “Resistance” has survived so far, it can only be because God is granting to it minimal graces of survival in accordance with His promise to be with His Church to world’s end, and that promise still stands (Mt. XXVIII, 20).

But what are the principles by which the movement of “Resistance” (or “Fidelity”as it can also be known) came, and still comes, into existence? Most of the priests who would recognise themselves as belonging to the movement are former priests of the Society of St Pius X who disliked the policies it was officially adopting from around the General Chapter of 2012 onwards. These policies were characterised by a kind of benevolence towards the Church’s rulers in Rome, and towards the decisions of Vatican II shaping those rulers, that Archbishop Lefebvre, the Society’s Founder, had never shown towards either.

And what is wrong for Catholics to show benevolence towards the Church’s rulers? Is it not Catholics’ bounden duty to show respect and obedience towards the Church’s officials, in particular its Pope? Yes indeed, that is the normal rule, but there is one exception, and that is when the Catholic Faith is being endangered. Alas, it is seriously endangered by the most typical documents of Vatican II (1962–1965), e.g. Lumen Gentium, Unitatis Redintegratio, Gaudium et Spes and Dignitatis Humanae amongst others. And worse even than the grave but particular errors in these Conciliar documents, said the Archbishop near the end of his days, is the general subjectivism suffusing them all, in other words that mushing of the mind by which a man puts his subjective feelings in front of the objective truth. But if there is no objective truth, how can there be a true God? Vatican II opened the door wide to Pachamamma in the 20th century.

But does not Pope (or at least seeming Pope) Bergoglio show a special benevolence towards the Society of St Pius X? That, says Archbishop Viganò (once Number 11 inside the Vatican), is only trickery on his part to lure the Society into abandoning that juridical status of independence from the official hierarchy of the Church which Archbishop Lefebvre so carefully ensured for his Society, but which its present leaders still seem to want to exchange for full official acceptance by the Church’s apparent Authority. Yet at this very moment those leaders must be admitting that it is only the Society’s unofficial status which protects it from the sledgehammer of Traditionis Custodes, now smashing all other Traditional communities which strive to preserve the true Mass but which still want to respect these Romans’ Truth-less Authority.

The safeguarding of that Truth which is the Catholic Faith, without which nobody can be saved (Heb. XI, 6), was the mission and the strength and the glory of the Archbishop and his original Society of St Pius X. The strength was undermined and the glory was tarnished over the last 10 years by even just the shadow of compromise with the unfaithful Church authorities, but the mission remained, and it remains through the New Year, indeed until the Lord God puts the Pope back on his feet. In the meantime the “Resistance” (so-called), like any faithful remnant down the ages, requires no large numbers, nor prestige, nor official approval, but, to save the stones of the street from having to cry out (cf. Lk. XIX, 40) it does require from its followers faithfulness to the true Faith, and it may well at some stage require martyrs.

And so if Catholics fasten their eyes on Heaven, and pray seriously, quietly, steadily, if at all possible 15 Mysteries of the Rosary every day, they cannot make a better use of 2022. Happy New Year!

Kyrie eleison.