Eleison Comments


ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL on December 30, 2023

The justice of a patient God strikes soon –

Turning to God is now most opportune.

Here is another recent convert who has received a great deal of light in a world engulfed in darkness by pride. Modern man really thinks that with his petty “reason” and his materialistic “science” he has found the true way to the good life, and that he no longer needs Almighty God. But God is not abandoning His poor human creatures gone astray, in fact the old Irish Catholic saying is as true as ever, if not more so: The help of God is closer than the door. “If not more so,” because, as Scripture says, “Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Romans V, 20). This can only mean that today’s abundance of evil all around us must be a good time to be looking for God, through Jesus Christ – “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (Jn. VIII, 12). Does that not mean that he who does not follow Christ will be walking in darkness? Read on.

Let me write to give thanks for all the help I received to find my way back to the true Catholic faith through the Latin Mass. I was born in 1963, I grew up in Melbourne, Australia, and was raised Catholic in the Novus Ordo. I had no idea at all about Vatican II until recently, nor that the Mass and the Faith had been so disastrously altered that it had led to a collapse of the Church. I just took the way the Mass had been changed as being normal. Actually, in my twenties I stopped going to that Mass and I left the Faith, because of the distractions of the world, and because I felt there was very little there that really connected with my spirit. 

It was only when the Corona “pandemic” suddenly emerged that I realized something was deeply evil about the world. Over the years, I listened to you on various podcasts like Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and to your sermons on Youtube, in the days when you were not so censored as now.Gradually, I discovered what the true Catholic Faith was all about, and how the direction of the modern world is totally against both the Faith and common sense. Then when I watched the four parts of “Confusion now hath made his masterpiece,” everything clicked into place. I could see what liberalism and the decline of belief in Jesus Christ had done to the western world: Liberalism has made the world a cesspit of wickedness and insanity. 

Eventually, I returned to Mass and to the sacraments. I also began to go to the Latin Mass in Melbourne, where I gained a much broader exposure to true Catholicism, and realized that the reception of Communion and many other practices in the Novus Ordo are not reverent at all. These things obviously grew out of Vatican II. During the lock-downs, I frequently walked with a friend of mine, and one day he told me about the day when he saw a surf life-saver have a heart attack while he was out swimming at a local beach. I realized that I could die at any time, and that I would then face judgment and eternity. 

Today, the world is totally sick, as most people have abandoned any faith in God. Mankind wants Satan as its master. That is why human beings have been so easily manipulated by the Covid scamdemic with all its asinine restrictions, and they have also been fooled into taking the deadly vaccine. I am grateful that God gave me the grace to see through the lies which the media were telling us very early in the so-called pandemic. 

I have come to the conclusion that the Holy Rosary is the only weapon that can turn the tide against evil. This is why Our Lady is always calling for it. The world is heading straight to hell and only the intervention of Almighty God can stop the deadly rot, and restore order. I really do believe that a major Chastisement will befall this world in the next five to ten years at most, and that the Three Days of Darkness will be at our door very soon, because this is the only way for God to correct mankind. 

Kyrie eleison


EUROPE’S DOWNFALL – II on December 24, 2023

Refusing God, men must to other men turn – 

Soon Beauty, Truth and Goodness they will spurn.

Last week these “Comments” presented without much explanation the summary of an excellent article – as far as it went – on the present parlous state of France and Europe, written by a French nationalist, by pen-name the “Militant.” (For the original complete article see https://jeune-nation.com/nationalisme/natio-france/prenons-un-seul-parti-celui-de-la-france-helleno-chretienne) Such an article in a political magazine may seem not to have much to do with religion, but that is its interest for these “Comments.” What these would like to prove is that the most serious problems of human politics cannot be solved without the Catholic religion. To prove that, is easier said than done, because the whole mentality of modern man is that politics, economics, art, medicine, law, music, etc., all have nothing to do with religion, or, religion has nothing to do with them. In other words, the best of political arguments do not go far enough.

Let us begin by an even briefer summary of last week’s summary in seven paragraphs, of the article – 

1 France and Europe are collapsing. We nationalists have long been announcing the catastrophe. 

2 From the 1950’s onwards, one political disaster after another has caused little public reaction. 

3 Ever since the Middle Ages, France had a largely beneficent worldwide influence – no longer. 

4 Today France and Europe are fast enslaving themselves to the banksters of New York and London. 

5 By their proxy war in the Ukraine the USA have broken the competition of Europe and Germany. 

6 Here is the end of a world, yet the highest institutions of France are silent, docile, go with the flow. 

7 Solution? In politics we must do what we can, and preserve cultural treasures for better times. 

And now let us see if this solution is anywhere near solving the catastrophe evoked at the beginning – 

1 Indeed men who love their country are not happy with sleepwalking while it is being destroyed. At least nationalists see a serious problem and sound the alarm, which is all to their credit. But if they have eyes to see, they must recognise that “politics,” as understood today, are busted, over, kaputt. Why? 

2 Nationalists, observing the very lack of public reaction, should be asking, how can a nation be remade out of unmade human beings? What is unmaking modern man? What can still remake him? A solid family and home? Compared with religion, what can politics do for family and home? No comparison! 

3 Dear Frenchmen, take a good look at that glory of France in the Middle Ages! Where do you think it came from? From politics? No way! It came from the Church, and not from the French Protestants but from the Catholic Church, which received from God outstanding gifts for it to enlighten the world. 

4 Dear French friends, do not blame the Anglos for your own Revolutions against God. Here, and not elsewhere, is the poisoned source of all your political problems, now poisoning the world. Expensive problems have no cheap solutions. To betray God is a problem with no merely political solution! 

5 True, the USA and England have much to be blamed for, but they were never meant, by God, to be at the head of the nations. Nor was selfishly nationalistic France designed by God for that, but only selflessly Catholic France, in the manner of Archbishop Lefebvre. See what his French godliness achieved. 

6 But why is France currently being led by such “infamous” individuals? Because these are the men being currently voted for, if you please, by “politics” in a “democracy.” And the same is happening all over Europe. Modern man believes not in God or religion, but in man and politics. Is the resulting trash any surprise? 

7 No wonder the good nationalist writer arrives at such a weak solution. True, the medieval monks squirrelled away treasures of antique culture for the benefit of all mankind, centuries later, but by what were they motivated? Not by politics, but by that religion which taught the enduring value of Beauty, Good and Truth. 

Of course politics are subject to religion, or to the lack of religion, and religion, or its lack, governs politics. The reason is not far to seek. God exists, infinitely above His merely human creatures, and in Him they all “live and move and have their being,” every moment of their existence (Acts XVIII, 28). Politics can be nowhere so close to any man alive. For indeed religion is the relationship that every man must have to this God so deep within him, politics are merely the exterior relationship he has with his fellow-men. But if a man refuses to believe in God, then naturally his politics become his substitute religion. Beware, nationalists! 

Kyrie eleison


DOWNFALL of EUROPE – I on December 16, 2023

French Nationalists we may or may not heed,

But Catholics, French, we absolutely need.

The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw, predicting the grave consequences for society and civilisation, which are now evident. Several outstanding writers, and magazines like Rivarol, have long been sounding the alarm, as dark events followed one after another. 

After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change,” chemtrails, etc. Yet there was little public reaction. People might be a little shaken for a moment or two, but soon they settled down again. Yet we speak of “a rise in the standard of living” as though there has been a real bettering of life, when in reality it has been little more than technical – better machines making available more material goods. The result has been that the household’s need for two salaries instead of one splits the mother from the home, especially if she may not like mothering. 

For a whole age France radiated worldwide, in general for good, but now it is itself sinking in a moral and economic decline, in such a social and intellectual crisis that it can no longer exercise any such influence. Worst of all, it rejects, scorns and is ignorant of all that it once achieved. Yet surprisingly, that “West,” which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind. 

And ever since Covid, that monstrous lie designed to test just how far the manipulation of modern man can go, the peoples of the Europe of Charlemagne have fast been enslaving themselves to the banksters of London and New York. The depopulation plan behind Covid goes back at least to the 1970’s when Jacques Attali, still today a key adviser to the French government, said in a public interview, “Useless eaters are good for the slaughter-house.” Hence the dangerous and deadly “vaccinations.” 

As for France, it is cut up and sold for profit to the USA and private interests. As for Europe, it is torn apart by the USA-NATO attack on Russia, with the vile mass-media and their commentators spewing lies against Russia, while above all the entire political class keep silent. By their proxy war in the Ukraine, killing half a million whites, the USA have achieved at least one thing – Europe’s economic power and Germany’s competition are broken – German companies are moving to America. Little do the Americans suspect how history shows that such “conquests” are signs of an empire’s imminent fall. Moreover, the West has tied its fate to that of the State of Israel which it worships, but the rest of the world is rejecting such arrogance and degeneracy, and it is not accepting what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. 

The complete lack of reaction in all of France’s highest institutions to such infamy of the France of Charlemagne signals the end of a world. They stand and watch, silent and docile, while France rolls into the trash-cans of history. Some hope it will last their time, others continue to sleepwalk, drunk on their own propaganda. Those in power strive to silence all opposition, while World War hangs over their heads. 

Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation.

Kyrie eleison


LIBERALISM in ACTION on December 2, 2023

A reader sends in a few penetrating questions concerning recent history of the Church, of the Society of St Pius X and of the so-called “Resistance” movement. One day, when Mother Church comes back to her senses – as she is already quietly doing – the shadows and darkness will be dissipated, and the history will be opened wide in truth and charity. Here meanwhile is a sketch of some answers. 

1 How can you be against any structure for the “Resistance”? Can anything Catholic thrive without it? 

The strength of the “Resistance” is, firstly, the Truth, and secondly the very looseness of the connections between the various small groups resisting the revolution of Vatican II. That revolution swiftly overcame the large part of the Catholic Church because Catholics were too obedient to unfaithful authorities above. Likewise the large part of the SSPX was swiftly blunted in 2012 because its priests were too respectful of the authority of their official leaders above them, who wanted to get back in with apostate Rome. They were serving no longer the true Church or the true Faith, like Archbishop Lefebvre, but themselves. On the contrary, to capture one small pocket of Resistants will not necessarily mean capturing even a second pocket. Thus the Faith will survive until God chooses to restore Catholic structure, in His own good time. 

2 Were the SSPX leaders who were deceived by the apostate Roman officials in the mid-1990’s driven by personal ambition? 

It is always possible, but one may think that their problem was rather their lack of faith in the means of God to solve the crisis of the Church, and their excessive trust in merely human Vatican politics to solve it. Not grasping, as did the Archbishop, the divine and pre-apocalyptic dimension of the worldwide crisis, they conceive it in relatively small and worldly terms, missing the mark altogether. Contrast Archbishop Lefebvre, always pondering the full-scale collapse of the Church. Compare Archbishop Vigano, also reflecting constantly on the universal fall of Church and world, brought on by Vatican II. 

3 Was there clear evidence of this insufficiency of SSPX leaders at the General Chapter of 1994? 

Evidence, yes, but clear evidence, not yet. The participants at that General Chapter gave the impression of nice children playing games rather than of grown warriors fighting a gigantic war for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls in a highly dangerous environment. It takes a Saint to believe in evil, said Gustavo Corcao. That Chapter’s dear and pious young priests seemed not up to the gravity of the hour. 

4 When, for you, did the two camps of SSPX Compliants and SSPX Resistants divide from one another? 

Certainly in the 1980’s the elements of the division were already there. I know a priest who in 1982 after professing for five years at Econe, was sent across the Atlantic for more than a quarter of a century, most likely to get him out of the way. Young seminarians needed to be prepared to obey the liberals who already foresaw themselves taking over the SSPX from the ageing Archbishop. He had been wonderful in his day but, for the Compliants, was becoming steadily out of date by his implacable condemnation of the modernists of Rome, who were seen as the true Authority of the Church and as evolving all the time for the better. Nor will these liberal leaders of the SSPX have thought of themselves as liberals, on the contrary. They see themselves infiltrating modernist Rome and converting it to Catholic Tradition. Is that likely? They have little idea of how deep and serious is the crusade of the liberals to destroy the Catholic Church. 

5 Has the Compliants-Resistants clash always been there inside the Society of St Pius X? 

Surely, yes. Archbishop Lefebvre used to tell us that reading Fr. Barbier’s history of liberalism’s clash with Catholicism in the 19th and 20th centuries made him realise that the only difference between the same clash before and after Vatican II was that before, the Catholics were in command, whereas after, it was the liberals. For as long as the Archbishop was alive, his personal magnetism kept the SSPX Catholic, but as soon as he died in 1991, the constant magnetism of Rome for Catholics began to reassert its sway. Let us have patience. God will not be outmanoeuvred, by the Devil or by fallen angels or fallen churchmen. 

Kyrie eleison. 

Men can suppress reality for a while,

But on God’s face, a sad and gentle smile.


ISRAEL vs. HAMAS on November 25, 2023

Readers may well appreciate something being said about the insane clash between Israel and Hamas which began on October 7. Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the very centre of it. Here are two quotes. The first is from Scripture, the Word of God (and not just of St Paul), from I Thessalonians II, 14–16: 

“For you, Thessalonian Christians, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judea; for you suffer the same things from your own countrymen as the Judeans did from the Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all men by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved – so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But God’s wrath has come upon them completely.” 

Two comments on this first quote. Firstly, if anybody is tempted to think that St Paul was an “anti-semite,” let them read in Romans IX, 1 to 5, how St Paul loved and respected his fellow-Jews, but that did not stop him from telling the truth about them. Jews may well dismiss him as a “Jew-hater,” but that is obviously false, by the quote from Romans. And secondly, two thousand years of history are there to show how the Jews have indeed continually persecuted the Catholic Church from the Crucifixion onwards. See for instance Maurice Pinay’s 2000 years of Plot against the Church, written by a team of Catholic priests to warn every bishop at Vatican II against the danger of the Jewish influence in the Council. Alas, the warning was not sufficiently heeded. The Church largely succumbed to that influence. 

But much more striking by way of proof that the Jews have not changed over 2000 years from how St Paul portrayed them above, is how they regularly “mow the lawn” in Palestine, their own expression in Hebrew for their vicious oppression of the Palestinians which we are observing once more today. Take for instance this speech of Israeli journalist Gideon Levy at the conference on “The Israel Lobby: Is it good for the US? Is it good for Israel?”, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., April 10, 2015. In summary – 

Israel is living in denial. This denial is corrupting for Israeli society. Israel has surrounded itself with shields and walls – not only physical, but mental walls. Is there any example from history where a country lived on its sword forever? Israel is addicted to occupation. There is no chance of change from within Israeli society. It is too brainwashed. Israel is a lost cause. How do Israelis live with this reality? How do they live in peace with the brutal occupation of Gaza and the West Bank? There are 3 reasons: 

1. Most, if not all, Israelis believe that they are the Chosen People. If they are Chosen, then they have the right to do whatever they want.

2. There has never been in history an occupation in which the occupier presents himself as a victim. Not only the victim but the only victim. Israel adopts a dual strategy – victimhood on the one hand and manipulation on the other. With victimhood also comes the ‘holocaust.’ Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel from 1969–1974, stated that after the ‘holocaust,’ “Jews have a right to do whatever they want.”

3. The systematic de-humanisation of the Palestinian people. If Palestinians are not human, then there is no question of human rights. Almost no Israelis will treat the Palestinians as human beings. Israel is a democracy for its Jewish citizens (as long as they think like the majority) but it is an apartheid regime in Gaza and the West Bank. This shared set of beliefs enables Israelis to live in peace with their ongoing crimes. Why would the Israelis change? What is the incentive? 

In other words, says this intelligent and relatively honest Jew, there is no solution. You can only leave us to do as we like . . . . But that cannot be true. The true solution is the Catholic Faith. When souls had the Faith in the Middle Ages, Jews were more of a threat than a problem. But when souls prefer Mammon (money) before God, then God uses the Jews to scourge their backs, so that they do not all fall into Hell. 

Kyrie eleison.


WAR – II on March 26, 2022

These media are not at all impartial in this clash between Russia and the Ukraine, which they have been deliberately provoking ever since 2014, when Victoria Nuland. from and for the USA, engineered the downfall of the democratically elected President of the Ukraine, because he was not favourable enough to the New World Order. These media lie and lie and lie. Throw the television out of your home, read the newspapers with your fingers, and wash your fingers afterwards! 

In fact, truth has always been one of the first casualties in any war between men, and if we love the truth, then we must beware of our passions running away with us. It is all too natural for me to love my own country, indeed I am commanded to do so by the Fourth Commandment, because my fellow-countrymen have given me so much, with my parents, since my birth, for me to be who and what I am today, so that I owe my country a debt of service and gratitude. However, “My country, right or wrong,” is an error of the emotions easy to slip into. It is God who tells what is right and wrong, not my country. I must not so forget or betray God as to put my country above Him. That is what England did at the Reformation, with disastrous results for the English people ever since. How many souls eternally lost for sheer lack of knowledge or care for the Catholic Faith! King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I may have made themselves popular, but the real friends of the English people were the English martyrs who put God before country, and gave their lives for the Faith to be preserved in England. They will not be forgotten. 

Then how should I judge of nations locked in combat? By their fruits (Mt. VII, 17–19). Which are the combatants who are looking after the interests of Almighty God, of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church, and which are the combatants disregarding or persecuting those interests? And here is another error easy for Westerners to fall into: “America is good, Russia is bad.” That may have been broadly true up to the 1950’s when America was still Christian in name while Russia was still thoroughly Communist, but from the gutting of Christianity in the 1960’s by Vatican II, America was less and less restrained in its atheistic materialism, while from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 onwards, Russians have been rebuilding thousands of churches destroyed under Communism, including, stone for stone, some of the most central and important churches of all. And this revival of religion in Russia is positively promoted by President Putin. So today might it not be truer to say, “Russia is good, America is bad”? 

Of course there is good in America, and there is bad in Russia today, but according to Our Lady of Fatima, it is Russia that counts, and She cannot be mistaken. In the 1920’s it was Russia, and not England or America or any of the Western nations that She wanted to be Consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, so that the appalling decadence of world and Church could at last be thrown into reverse. Putin once came to Rome to talk with the Pope about that Consecration, only to be told by the most prominent religious leader of the West, “We do not talk about Fatima here”! Yet, a few years later Putin sent representatives to Rome to learn in depth about Fatima from Fr. Gruner, who said afterwards that teaching these Russians had been one of the most important things he had done in all the years of his Fatima Crusade. 

Pope Francis, Consecrate Russia! Catholic Bishops of the world, put pressure on him to Consecrate Russia! Readers, practise the Devotion of the First Saturdays of the month to obtain the Consecration! 

Kyrie eleison.