Eleison Comments


OUR RULERS on November 13, 2021

Doug Casey on the Next “Crisis” the Global Elite Have Planned (internationalman.com)

Every year, the most influential world leaders come together at Davos in Switzerland, where they present the most visible element of our international ruling class. They overlap with many other groups who are pushing the same agenda, including Bilderberg, Council of Foreign Relations and Bohemian Grove. These people are all part of what we might call the “World Deep State.” They all know each other. They go to the same conferences and share the same world-view. They live in their own little silo, where the rest of the world’s 7.9 billion population are outsiders.

In 2019, well before the first case of COVID was reported, the World Economic Forum (WEF), which hosts the annual Davos conferences, held an event to discuss the possibility of a worldwide pandemic – Event 201. They ran a simulation exercise for how the Covid scenario could play out and how governments, large corporations, and the media should handle the situation. This elite has been planning the idea of a virus for years, and they may do various things with it. Pretending to be friends of mankind, they may justify their plan as a way to cleanse the gene pool, reducing world population by 80 or 90%. Or the vaccine may be used itself to kill many people after a while and to sterilize the rest. Or it may serve as a means for the vaccinated herd, the obedient 80%, to put the independent 20% into internment camps for the unvaccinated. Or the current virus may be just the first gambit, and after the Delta and Mu strains a genuinely serious Zeta “variant” will present itself.

In any case we now have genuinely crazy people in control of the apparatus of the state. They have exactly the same psychological and philosophical profile as the French (1789) or Russian (1917) Revolutionaries. They are not going to let go of power voluntarily. They are turning many countries into genuine police states. It is happening right before our eyes in Australia – the entire country is locked down. Masked at all times, people cannot go more than a couple of miles from their homes without suffering draconian penalties. No one can enter Australia, no one can leave!

Here in the USA, vaccine passports are on the way. In a recent speech of Biden, he made the unvaxed out to be a potential enemy – a domestic danger. With this COVID nonsense the elite are playing the health card. They are also playing the race card and domestic terror card. They are succeeding in delegitimizing American values and history, as well as masculinity in general and white males in particular. Next is due to come back the Global Warming scam. The “plebs” will not be allowed to do anything, and most will go along with it because they have been indoctrinated over several generations. The elite are doing everything in their power to ramp up fear. Fear for our health, fear of domestic terror, fear of the non-compliant, and fear of the climate destroying the planet. Fear is the most powerful tool governments have to control the people. They thrive on fear. Fear is the health of the modern State.

And so as we enter the trailing edge of the Greater Depression, things are similar to 1914 or 1939. However, World War 3 will not be about nuclear weapons or conventional armies. It will be primarily a cyber and biological war. The cyber war aspect will be huge because the entire world now runs on computers and is starting to run on Artificial Intelligence. Earlier this year, the WEF started to make a lot of noise about cyberattacks disrupting global supply chains. A cyber pandemic and a closing down of the Internet are a near certainty, because for the elite to get control, it is essential for them to stop the people organizing to challenge them, so they must stop them from communicating with one another.

Kyrie eleison.


WAY FORWARD – II on November 6, 2021

In last week’s issue of these “Comments,” a reader was commended for taking a properly supernatural view of the modern world’s frightening problems, namely, they constitute one overriding offence against Almighty God. That is why their full gravity cannot remotely be grasped on a purely human level. That is why for centuries purely human solutions have failed, one after another. If the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. CX, 10), then atheism, the scorn of God, is suicidal folly. “The Lord is a jealous God and avenging, the Lord is avenging and wrathful; the Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries and keeps wrath for His enemies. The Lord is slow to anger and of great might, and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty.” (Nahum, I, 2–3).

Read again our reader’s version of the problem, and now read his version of the solution –

All that said, I think recognizing this state of affairs also reveals the solution: A spiritual intensification, to obtain help from the only One Who can defeat our enemy (but Who is currently withholding it because His aid is not being solicited earnestly enough). It is reparation, penance, prayer, and supernatural acts of faith, hope, and charity which will win His help.

Likewise it will be Our Lady’s heel which will vanquish the devil and his New World Order, not just our human efforts. For us, the focus should be on fidelity and final perseverance in grace and faith, than which nothing more is necessary, or needed. As for the coming persecution in particular, a rather profound letter back in February from the Superior General of the Society of St Pius X, Fr. Davide Pagliarani, seemed to reveal the secret of perseverance amidst bloody persecution:

“Having been warned of this for a long time, we have to prepare ourselves for it, peacefully, by surrendering ourselves unreservedly into the hands of Divine Providence, and without desperately looking for a way out. Let us think back to the first century Christians, under the persecutions:  those who looked too closely at the persecutors, the instruments of torture or the wild beasts, and forgot the God of love calling them to join Him in Heaven, saw nothing but danger, pain and fear . . . and ended up apostatizing. They had no lack of clear information, but their faith was not strong enough, and it had not been sufficiently nourished by ardent prayer . . . ” ( https://​sspx.​org/​en/​publications/​letters/​feb-2021-letter-friends-and-benefactors-n%C2%B0–90–63853 )

That is to say, our gaze should remain on God, and not on the noose. If we pray ardently for fidelity, faith, and final perseverance, the good God who certainly desires that we should have these things will not fail to grant them. But it may very much be doubted whether He will bestow such gifts upon those who do not ask for them. 

The athletes of God are now in training for the contest to come.  

Escape is not in the cards.

Kyrie eleison.


WAY FORWARD – I on October 30, 2021

Such is the pressure of national and international events in the autumn of 2021 that readers of these “Comments” can be asking themselves, is there any other way forward for people living today than the way forward traced for them by the enemies of God, namely complete submission to the world dictatorship being established all around us by means of the universal “Covid inoculation,” amongst other brutalities. When Almighty God has allowed His enemies to go so far in dominating mankind in this life, what can He possibly have in mind for us who want not to abandon Him, but to get to Heaven in the next life? A reader of these “Comments” offers us in this issue and in the next a valuable view of the supernatural problem and solution respectively. We congratulate him. Read on –

On the worldwide scene, I think we are witnessing the unfurling of a plan so elaborate, detailed, and comprehensive, affecting every aspect of our social, political, spiritual/religious, professional and economic lives, that only an atheist could miss perceiving a superior angelic intelligence directing and inspiring it all. Because of that, unfortunately, I do not believe we will be able to think or manoeuvre our way out of the present chastisement. 

We will need to bleed our way out. 

The God “who is not mocked” is too offended. Unfortunately, there is so little repentance, conversion, and reparation, even amidst this chastisement, that it is all but guaranteed to intensify (i.e., God will continue to allow the devil to establish ever more his New World Order). If that much is true, then it is entirely reasonable to predict that the situation for true Catholics will deteriorate most of all, and not just because life will become harder for us, as we are forced to recuse ourselves more and more from civil society (being portrayed and viewed as “enemies of the (Godless) state,” and even “terrorists” who need to be rounded up for not being “vaccinated”), but also because we will be the only ones – precisely because we will have accepted the penance of not conforming – capable of making the reparation which God’s justice demands.  

Ultimately, I am concurring with Romano Amerio in  Iota Unum : A formless darkness is descending upon us from which there will be no escape, and which will make active resistance futile (at the natural level, but not at the supernatural level). But only lately do I begin to understand the essence of this darkness: It is the seeming incomprehension and deterioration of critical thinking skills, which makes polemics futile; it is a “diabolical disorientation” which makes any kind of confederation or united resistance impossible; it is a disfigured human nature – even in most who describe themselves as “Catholics” – which erects an obstacle to grace, preventing grace from taking effect in many souls, rendering us without supernatural assistance. For if grace builds upon nature, and nature is subverted by transhumanism, homosexuality, chemical DNA mutilation, etc., then grace can hardly penetrate. 

In short, the darkness is an intelligent attack.

Kyrie eleison


“NEW NORMAL”? on October 23, 2021

A valiant priest, Fr. Ed Macdonald, formerly of the SSPX, now of the “Resistance” Down Under (Australia or New Zealand), issues a Traditional magazine of his own entitled The Broken Wheel. For its third issue, appearing last month, when the Covid grab for power is giving rise to a lot of talk about “the new norm” and the “new normal,” he wrote an interesting editorial about just what is “normal,” and he gave an answer which is thoroughly Catholic if one thinks about it, but which is actually abnormal for many Catholics today. They – we – all of us – need to do more thinking! Here is a summary, about one quarter as long as Fr. MacDonald’s original –(https://​tradidi.​com/​resources/​the-broken-wheel-issue-3.​12/​)

The rulers of today’s world tell us that we are going to have a “new” normal. Clearly it will be something artificial or contrived. So what is “normal”? For human beings the norm or rule is to Know, Love and Serve God. This is why “God made me.” If I do not know God I have deviated from the norm. If I do not Love God, or if I refuse to Serve God I am behaving in an abnormal manner. Yet in 2021 neither we nor our fathers have had much experience of a normal society. For instance, few of us have been blessed with a normal family life, and even fewer individuals have lived up to the norm of sanctity for which God meant us. He made us for Heaven. Only saints enter Heaven. Only the saints have lived up to God’s norm. Only the saints are, or have been, truly normal.

For over a hundred years, deviant behaviour has portrayed itself as normal. We have been accustomed to it and do not hate and detest it as we should. The public practice of false religions is a grave evil. Contraception, abortion, euthanasia and divorce are all abnormal. A home where parents are not respected is abnormal. But we in the West have tolerated and lived with such deviant behaviour for so long that we have difficulty imagining what a Catholic Society would be like. We have all loved “living the life we choose.” The Covid scam has brought an end to those days. They are gone forever. They never were normal. Now we are pining for those days of unbridled liberty, which was in fact licence to do evil. It was a house of cards built on sand. There is no liberty that is not based upon Truth. We should rejoice that those days are finished with their endemic sins. We now live under an openly totalitarian communist system, in which a few men, direct servants of Satan, control all western governments. We have the Kingdom of Satan on earth. This is not a political problem and there will not be a political solution to it . It is foolish for Catholics to fight for a restoration of the abnormal society that has just finished, a society without Christ as King.

Therefore each of us must ask himself: Is my home normal? Is Christ truly King in that little corner of creation subject to my authority? If not, we must do what we can to bring about the subjection of our own households to Christ the King, starting with the daily family rosary. We must obey Our Lady, and keep the First Saturdays, with the conscious intention to make reparation for the blasphemies against Her. We must pray intensely for the Pope with all bishops to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. We must do penance for our own sins, for sinners, for the public sins of the Pope and Church hierarchy, and for the public sins of our political leaders. We should beg Our Lady to send a leader who will raise a Christian army to conquer the enemies of God, and institute a Catholic civil order.

God is in charge. He permits these evil days so that we may be justly chastised for our sins. If we repent and amend our lives, the whole world will be blessed. Strive to acquire that relative perfection that God wants for you. One holy soul benefits Church and world more than do numberless mediocre Catholics.

Kyrie eleison


COVID = CRIME on October 16, 2021

These “Comments” make little to no apology for coming back so often to the question of Covid, to the crime of Covid, because it promises to be for a while to come the major battlefield in the great war between Satan and God for the souls of men. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer from Germany who has successfully sued, on behalf of victims of fraud, major German corporations such as Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. He denies being a religious man, but he clearly does not like fraud, so when he sensed major fraud in the Covid-nonsense, with a team of helpers he entered the fray. From interviews with more than a hundred individual politicians and doctors involved, he gave an overview of his team’s conclusions in an interview with the Stop World Control website in July of this year. Below is a summary of those conclusions –

The Covid so-called “pandemic” is a planned criminal operation, an unprecedented crime against all mankind. Around 0.000001% of the world’s population – a group of around 3000 super-rich people, including Klaus Schwab’s Davos clique – is trying to gain control over the rest of the world. A second Nuremberg trial will be needed to prosecute all the criminals responsible. In fact a team of over 1000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Fuellmich has begun legal proceedings against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Davos Group, for crimes against humanity.

This has never been about a virus or about health. This has always been about the elites taking all liberties from the people to make them completely dependent, and about so reducing their numbers by depopulation as to facilitate complete control over the survivors. Nor is Covid about money, because the super-rich already have more than they need. But the self-appointed political and corporate elites do use money as a tool to bribe such people as doctors, hospital workers and politicians. The president of Belarus, for example, said that he was offered almost a billion dollars to lock down his country. The elites use also all kinds of psychological techniques to manipulate people, and if anyone still resists them, they will use threats to bring them into line.

The so-called “vaccine” is not a vaccine at all, but years ahead the so-called World Health Organisation changed the definition of “vaccine” to cover their sinister experimental gene therapies of today. Likewise in 2009 they changed the definition of “pandemic” so as to make the people panic for fear of a major plague which was in reality nothing of the kind.

The Covid “pandemic” was created by two lies. Firstly the PCR test which produces high percentages of false positives, yet all the lock-downs, mask mandates and “vaccines” are based on this fraud. And secondly “asymptomatic infections,” by which perfectly healthy people can supposedly carry the disease and infect others with it. This was to make everyone fear everybody else.

Globalism is the culprit – private global organizations such as the WHO and the WEF (World Economic Forum) have taken control over the entire world. In 2019, things were coming to a head financially and about to implode – Covid was a diversionary tactic. Europe is the main battlefield of this war. Europe is bankrupt. The pension funds have been completely robbed. That is why the elites want to bring Europe under control – before people figure out what’s going on.  In this war we will not be able to save everyone. People will lose not just their livelihoods – many will lose their lives. On a spiritual level, if we do lose this war, that will be the end of man.

Kyrie eleison

Vigano on the “GREAT RESET”

Vigano on the “GREAT RESET” on October 9, 2021

It is surely providential that the official Catholic Church has no more work to require from its former nuncio in the USA until a few years ago, Archbishop Carlo-Maria Viganò. This leaves him free to do what every high-up churchman should be doing, namely protecting the Catholic flock and in fact all mankind that wants to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and in depth, on how Church and world are presently being ruled, or rather misruled, because they have turned their backs on God. Another of his splendid declarations from the end of August this year is heavily summarised here below –

The “Great Reset” is a criminal plan, a colossal deception based on lies and fraud, conceived tens of years ago and aimed at establishing a universal dictatorship in which a minority of immeasurably rich and powerful people intend to enslave and subjugate all mankind to their globalist ideology. The United States of Europe, uncontrolled immigration, the renunciation of national sovereignty, the control of citizens under the pretext of a “pandemic,” and the reduction of the world’s population through the use of vaccines with new technologies are not recent inventions, but the result of a planned, organized and coordinated action, perfectly adhering to a single script under a single direction.

We must face up to the criminal mentality of the authors of this plan. What has been happening for a year and a half had been widely announced, down to the smallest detail, by the creators of the Great Reset themselves. In 1991, David Rockefeller wrote: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the ‘right’ global crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” Today we can affirm that this “right crisis” coincides with the Covid emergency and with the “lock-step” outlined since 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation document,“Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” in which the events we are now witnessing are all anticipated. This criminal enterprise to enslave all mankind is being run less by the public governments of States than by their secret puppet-masters, the “Deep State,” disguised and hidden within those public governments, but forming the real government of the nations.

Catholics must also face up to the parallel fact of their official Church being similarly governed in reality by a “Deep Church,” hidden within the public Church, from within which fallen churchmen lend crucial support to the “Deep State” by spiritually corrupting souls. Here is the full dimension, the real sense of the Covid-nonsense, its non-stop lies and its deliberate tyranny. It is just the latest episode in the war between Satan and God, now approaching its conclusion at the end of the world. Here is why the forces of darkness are so wild at present, so impatient to cancel the name of Our Lord from the earth, to not only destroy his tangible presence in our cities by tearing down churches but also by cancelling Christian civilization and debasing its worship. In fact the “Deep Church” is subordinate to the “Deep State,” and Pope Bergoglio is a precious collaborator of the globalists, by liquidating the true Catholic Church to replace it with a philanthropic and ecumenical sect of Masonic inspiration that is meant to constitute the Universal Religion in support of the New Order – hence the Newchurch.

In this cosmic war there is the side of God and the side of Satan. It is not possible to come to terms with the enemies of God, nor is it possible to serve two masters. Christ must reign, and He will reign. Where He reigns is peace and harmony. Where Satan reigns is hatred and tyranny.

Kyrie eleison