Eleison Comments

Truth and Authority – III

Truth and Authority - III on July 10, 2021

With regard to the crisis of the Church, the diagnosis of loyalty to Catholic Truth battling it out ever since Vatican II with loyalty to Catholic Authority (EC 726, June 12) throws much light (EC 728, June 26), but it may have yet more light to throw, on the vexed question of how far defenders of the true Catholic Faith need today to be structured. What one might call normal Catholics will argue that Authority is so intrinsic to the Church that defenders of the Truth with no structure of authority at all among them can only go nowhere, can only finish by dissolving in thin air. What one might call abnormal Catholics will reply, with these “Comments,” that since Catholic Truth is the purpose of Catholic Authority (EC 726), then those who truly possess Catholic Truth need, exceptionally, strictly speaking no further structure to hold them together. For if, as the saying goes, “The Truth is mighty and will prevail,” it will also unite.

Normally, ever since Our Lord founded His Church, it has had to make its way in hostile territory, namely a world of which the Devil is Prince (Jn. XIV, 30), because of original sin. In this world Jesus threw him out by the Cross (Jn. XII, 31), but He left man with the wounds of original sin, so that man continued to need all the Church’s Authority to protect the Church’s Truth (EC 726). But after 19 centuries Pope Leo XIII was given a vision of God allowing once more full freedom to Satan to attack the Church, so that abnormally, at Vatican II, one century later Satan effectively overwhelmed even Church Authority. How had God now foreseen to protect His Truth from anarchy in His Church? There was never any question of the Church not surviving (Mt. XXVIII, 20). What would God do to protect His Church? Deliberately He had allowed its normal Authority to be broken down. What would He abnormally resort to?

Surely we can see it all around us. Since 1965 when Vatican II came officially to an end, Catholics have had a half century in which to grow used to an Authority above them growing more and more empty of that Catholic Truth which it is their purpose and justification to teach. Have Catholics abandoned the Church accordingly? Yes, many have turned to false religions or given up religion altogether, but not all. Sheep that are keeping the Faith can be found scattered in all directions by their Shepherd the Pope having been struck, but they are to be found still all over the official Church, in what used to be Ecclesia Dei groups, in the Society of St Pius X, in St Peter’s Fraternity, in the “Resistance,” in sedevacantists and so on and so on. They are liable all to excommunicate one another, but that is not what matters. What matters is the Catholic Truth which they are all more or less hanging onto, unless and until they let go, but that Truth includes that they must all come back under Catholic Authority again as soon as it comes back itself under Catholic Truth, but not before. Anyone can foresee that not all the sheep now scattered will find it equally easy to submit to Authority, but it will be equally necessary if they are to remain Catholics.

Meanwhile who can say that God has abandoned His sheep? The golden rule is that He never abandons a soul that has not first abandoned Him. In fact many of us can tell of the remarkable ways by which He has individually enabled us to hold onto the Faith, or even return to it, and that includes the crisis of the Church itself. Without the madness of the modernists one might have gone on sleepwalking in the Faith until one died. One may now find it difficult to find a group to which one can attach oneself to live the Faith, but if one searches and keeps searching until one finds what one needs, it is not God who will fail to provide it. For some 40 years the Society of St Pius X was a real oasis in the desert, and still many souls find refuge there. It is being urged now by Archbishop Viganò to keep putting Truth before misguided Authority, Faith before “obedience.”

Therefore yesterday’s theology manuals (strings of Catholic pearls) were right when they said things like, “No heresy can come from the Pope because then the situation of the Church would be hopeless.” That situation is indeed now humanly hopeless, but the manuals must add in the “humanly,” because they had forgotten that what may indeed be hopeless for men can be child’s play for God.

Kyrie eleison.

God Central

God Central on July 3, 2021

If I ask myself, how can zillions of world citizens all over the world have so little common sense as to be lying down and taking this covid-nonsense, an avalanche of lies captivating people’s minds and then the tyrannical stupidities dominating their behaviour, I have only one answer – they have let “science,” then technology, and finally electronics so dominate their lives that they no longer have anywhere near enough common sense left to recognise the global fraud and to stand up to the global tyrants.

It is a foretaste of what St Paul says about the coming of the Antichrist: “And then that wicked one shall be revealed . . . . whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs and lying wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (II Thess. II, 8–11).

This is a text which holds true in all times and places, but it is applying more than ever as we approach the end of the world. Notice how the trouble begins with lack of love of the truth. To love the truth and to pursue it is a great gift of God, because if one pursues it, one will find it (Mt. VII, 7–8), and if one then keeps pursuing it, God will lead the one pursuing it to Heaven and everlasting bliss, no less. But if for love of the world, the flesh or the Devil, those three great enemies of the soul, one refuses the truth or refuses to pursue it, then upon lack of the truth in the mind will necessarily follow error in the mind, the erosion of common sense, and corruption and immorality in the will. For indeed common sense is the mind’s natural endowment from God with its ability to recognise reality around it, and with reality truth, an ability normally necessary to survive. But if I set my will against reality and truth, as I can, then God will allow me so to erode my common sense that it will no longer make any sense to me.

This is what is now happening on a global scale, so that the most prestigious of “intellectuals” are turning themselves into the most stupid of human beings because, for instance, to impose their own scheme of equality in Creation upon God’s design of variety through inequality, they will refuse to give any recognition to the manifold complementarity between man and woman, and will strive to turn men into women and women into men, with disastrous results for both, and with catastrophic surgical operations for boys to be supposedly turned into girls and girls into boys. But why not, if God, Creation, Nature, Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell are not true? Then the whole world becomes my toy, and the playpen of people like Gates, Soros and Schwab.

Here is why the one true God, from whom derive Creation, Nature, Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell, is at the very centre of this global covid-fraud, NOT because He in any way directly caused it, but because He most certainly first allowed it, “that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.” No lies can enter His Heaven, let alone an avalanche of lies. But He means to populate His Heaven, howsoever men mean to depopulate His world!

Kyrie eleison.

Truth and Authority – II

Truth and Authority - II on June 26, 2021

One may or may not agree with the statement by these “Comments” two weeks ago (#726, June 12) that at Vatican II (1962–1965), Catholic Truth was split, broadly speaking, from Catholic Authority, but it is in any case a position which goes a long way towards explaining the breadth and depth of the unprecedented confusion reigning inside the Catholic Church ever since. For indeed Catholics clinging to Truth cling fiercely because they know it is Catholic, while Catholics loyal to what looks like Authority are fiercely loyal because they too know that there is no Catholic Church if there is no Authority. As Archbishop Lefebvre used to say, it was the masterpiece of the Devil to have thrown Catholics through “obedience” (to Authority) into disobedience (to Truth). From this diagnosis follow important conclusions –

1 Since Catholic Truth is unchanging in its essentials, then it is Authority that will have to return to Tradition for the crisis and confusion caused by the split between Truth and Authority to come to an end. Now by its true definition, authority can come only from above – “If God does not exist, I have no reason to be an army officer,” says a character in Dostoyevsky’s Devils. Therefore God alone can put the Pope back on his feet, and He has told us through His Mother at Fatima how He will do it – through the Pope’s Consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart in union with all the Catholic bishops of the world. But only when enough Catholics are praying for that Consecration will it happen.

2 In the meantime there is necessarily in the Church from top to bottom a state of disorder which in the words of the proverb, “must be endured because it cannot be cured.” Almighty God has not stopped looking after His Church, in fact He is using the crisis to shake the rotten fruit from the tree. He does know exactly what He is doing, so that it is no time to stop believing in the Catholic Church, any more than it would have been time to stop believing in the divinity of Our Lord if we had been spectators or bystanders at the very first Way of the Cross in Jerusalem while Our Lord was staggering past in front of us. And yet, humanly speaking, how much reason we would have had, in front of that spectacle, to disbelieve! Today, divinely speaking, how much reason we have to trust in the future of the Church. At world’s end it will be even more shaken than it is being shaken today, yet the Antichrist will bring about the Church’s greatest triumph in all its history.

3 Therefore Catholics need today a boundless confidence in the Wisdom and Omnipotence of God, despite all the appearances. One day the poor wretches now ruling the world and planning to complete their power over all mankind by a combination of injections from within and radiation from without, will, as the Psalmist says, melt like wax before the face of God. They have become like the machines they adore. So little notion do they have of God, or of spirit rising above matter, or of free-will, that they really plan on turning human beings into robots. God laughs at them, says again the Psalmist (Psalm 2). Up to us to give to God all the honour, love and glory that He is missing from them, and to his Mother all the Rosaries that She asks for to be able to intercede with God for their and our conversion and salvation.

4 And finally amidst all the present confusion and lack of authority, Catholics need that charity, specially towards our fellow Catholics, which covers a multitude of our own sins and which prepares for tomorrow’s restoration and reunion of the Church. I may know the Truth, but “knowledge puffs up, while charity builds up,” says St Paul. Even the globalists and banksters are not my real enemies today. These are still “principalities and powers,” “world rulers of this present darkness,” “spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. VI, 11). The real war is spiritual, between ourselves and fallen angels, and it takes place firstly inside my own soul.

Kyrie eleison.

Vigano Pleads

Vigano Pleads on June 19, 2021

These “Comments” have more than once quoted Our Lady saying in Japan in 1973, “Only I can help you now.” It is typical of the wisdom of Archbishop Vigano to take Her seriously. Not all readers of these “Comments” will have seen how he pleaded with Her last month:—

Noble Lady and Queen of Heaven, do look upon us, your children, in this hour of darkness and affliction. Deign to hear and fulfil our humble and confident prayer, in an hour when the Enemy’s forces are multiplying in an assault from Hell upon God, upon His Church and upon the entire human family.

As a model and example of humility and obedience to the will of God; enlighten our rulers for them to remember that the authority they exert belongs to God before Whom they will answer, the just Judge, for the good they will have done and the evil they will have committed. Virgin most Faithful, teach those in charge of public affairs to honour the moral obligations of their office by refusing any kind of connivance with vice or error.

As our Intercessor in front of the Throne of God, you cure our ills of body and soul and you are rightly called upon as Health of the Sick; guide now the doctors and medical workers in their profession, and help them to look after the sick and to tend to the weakest. Give them courage to stand up to whosoever would force them to kill people or make them ill by inappropriate treatment or harmful medicine. Ask the divine Doctor of Souls, Our Lord, to awaken in their conscience the sense of their true role and duty to promote life and bodily health.

As a fugitive to Egypt you saved your divine Son from the massacre of Herod; save our children from the moral and material threats which hang over them, protect them from the true plague of sin and vice, and from the criminal plans of the ideological dictatorship seeking to crush them in body and soul. Give strength to parents and educators, to enable them to stand up to a dangerous and morally illicit drug being tried out on children. Frustrate the attempts of those attacking their innocence, who strive to pervert them at their tenderest age by misleading their intelligence and corrupting their morals.

In passing from this world to eternal life you were consoled by the presence of your Son; be close now to the sick, to the aged, to the dying, especially to those who are being forced by inhuman rules to face death alone in a hospital bed without the sacraments. Bring them comfort by inspiring them with sorrow for their sins, and with the desire to offer their sufferings in reparation for sins committed, so that they may leave this life with the consolation of dying in the friendship of God.

As the Mother of Priests; give light to our Shepherds to open their eyes to the present threat, to make them coherent witnesses of Christ your Son, brave defenders of the flock entrusted to them by the Lord, valiant adversaries of error and vice. Free them, Virgin most Holy, from all human respect and connivance with sin. Set them on fire with the love of God and neighbour, enlighten their mind and arouse their will.

In front of you the demons of Hell flee; destroy the diabolical plans of this hateful tyranny, the deceit of the pandemic, the lies of the workers of iniquity. Let the light of Truth shine forth above the lies, just as the true light of Christ shines above the darkness of error and sin. Confound your enemies, and humble beneath your feet the proud head of all those daring to defy Heaven, and seeking to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist.

As Mediatrix of all Graces and our Co-redemptrix, by divine decree; obtain for us the grace to see the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart, to which we consecrate ourselves, our families, our communities, our Church, our homeland and the entire world.

So be it, on the Feast of the Ascension, Archbishop Viganò, 13 May, 2021

Truth and Authority – I

Truth and Authority - I on June 12, 2021

A reader of these “Comments” was puzzled recently by what seemed to her the relatively unsatisfactory explanation given by a prestigious Traditionalist leader of his return under the authority of the official Church after he had for several years followed the lead of Archbishop Lefebvre (1905–1991), and then taken his little Congregation, in effect, back under the authority of the official local diocese and Rome. These “Comments” habitually explain the unsatisfactory nature of reasoning like his in terms of the Church’s Truth and Authority, made to be partners, but split by Vatican II (1962–1965) from one another. Our reader says she was greatly helped by this explanation, so let it be offered again to all readers

The Truth is essential to the Catholic Church as it is to no other institution on the face of the earth. If it claims, as it does, to represent the one true God who calls Himself “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Jn. XIV, 6), then if it were to pronounce and cling to one single untruth, it would be essentially discredited. No other human institution to remain creditable is so dependent on avoiding the least untruth. However, original sin is a tremendous reality, denied by modern man in general, but it is why truth does not naturally flourish when exposed in the market-place, as Thomas Jefferson so optimistically thought. But men’s salvation depends on God’s truth (Jn. XVIII, 37), which is why God gives His divine Authority to His divine Church to impose His divine Truths on wayward and wilful men until they submit to them.

Given then men’s sinfulness, the Church’s Authority is the essential protector and support of its Truth. For instance, Lk. XXII, 31: “Simon (Peter), I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail” = Truth – “ and when you have turned again” = to the Truth, “ strengthen your brethren” = exercise your Authority. Notice here how Truth is the purpose and base of Church Authority (as Archbishop Lefebvre so uniquely understood) and precedes it, but at the same time has, for sinful men, such a need of Church Authority. For God’s purposes, Truth (doctrine) and Authority (the hierarchy) are meant to be inseparable partners.

But here’s the rub. At Vatican II, Catholic Authority (Pope and Conciliar Fathers) separated itself from Catholic Truth, by pretending that modernist doctrine is Catholic when it is nothing of the kind, but it can be, and was, made to look like it.

And from then on, as the Archbishop said, all Catholics were necessarily torn in two. Either they followed Catholic Authority (Pope and Bishops) and abandoned more or less of Catholic Truth (which Authority had abandoned) or they followed Catholic Truth and had to abandon more or less of Catholic Authority. Since Pope and Bishops refused resolutely to return to Catholic Truth and Tradition, then Catholics clinging to Catholic Truth had to more or less get themselves, in effect, out from under lawful Catholic Authority, or that Authority which appeared lawful. And so, the Shepherd being struck doctrinally (especially Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, because Paul VI was  leading the modernist dance), then the sheep were necessarily scattered. Many were 100% Authority and no percent Doctrine. Some were, say, 85% Authority, 15% Doctrine. Others were 60% Authority, 40% Doctrine. And so on. Archbishop Lefebvre was 100% Doctrine but still 15% Authority, so to speak. He did always insist on recognising, respecting and obeying the Pope as Pope whenever the Truth (Faith) would allow him to do so.

But from the accursed Council onwards, as long as Authority went on divorcing itself from Truth, there was inside every Catholic (taking his Faith seriously) a tug-of-war going on between Catholic Truth and Catholic Authority. Now the leader whose behaviour so puzzled our reader at the outset, was and is a serious and devout Catholic, so he is a torn man who may be assumed to have acted in three stages: firstly, he followed and devoutly obeyed with his Congregation what looked like normal Catholic Authority. Secondly, he realised that the Archbishop was right to be putting Truth before Authority, and he followed his example of “disobeying” Rome, to be faithful to Catholic Tradition. And thirdly when the Archbishop died in 1991 and his personal charisma disappeared from the scene, then the powerful magnetism of Catholic Rome reasserted itself and the tug of Authority pulled him to follow the New society back under the apparent Authority of the red buttons and mahogany desks of “Rome.”

Kyrie eleison.

World War III

World War III on June 5, 2021

The third World War is coming close. We have just had a very serious military confrontation on the Russian-Ukrainian border between armies of those two countries, specially mobilised for that confrontation. Outright war seems to have been avoided for the moment, but many observers consider that it cannot be avoided indefinitely, not because Russia wants war because it does not, but because there is a race of men that has for thousands of years been set upon dominating the world; which for hundreds of years has dominated Europe and for tens of years the USA.

This race has recently mastered the Ukraine and is using it, together with Europe’s NATO, to provoke Russia into the third World War. On it they count to achieve that world hegemony for the United States which they intend to control. Alas, whenever war breaks out, one of the first casualties is always the Truth, and so let a few things be said while they can still be said, before emotions of “patriotism” so cloud men’s reason that they cannot think straight. Love of one’s own country is, as such, not only legitimate but even commanded by the fourth Commandment. However, as Nurse Edith Cavell (1865–1915) once famously said, “Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness for anyone.”

While then one can still think straight, let Catholics be careful to keep their minds free of the massive and powerful propaganda which has long been at work to persuade everybody that the USA’s drive for world control is the best way forward for the entire world. But that propaganda and that drive are fuelled by lies, and Our Lord calls Satan “a liar and the father of lies” (Jn. VIII, 44). Lies are the sure footprint of Satan. Now with all his serious faults President Trump (2017–2021) pulled the USA back from engaging in wars, just as President Putin of Russia (1999-today) resurrected his country by preparing for war, but by also firmly holding back his military forces from any major war, and that he has done since the beginning of his presidency. Therefore the “Synagogue of Satan” (Apoc. III, 9) had to get rid of them both.

Against Putin there have been several assassination attempts, but none of them has worked yet, so he has to be constantly discredited by a pack of lies in the vile Western media (wholly controlled by the same Synagogue) as a war-monger longing to invade Europe, interfering in Trump’s surprise election in 2016, and so on. So almost from the beginning of Trump’s presidency, he was hounded down by the Synagogue (Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, etc.) with what proved to be another complete pack of lies (fabricated by an Englishman) to the effect that he was in collusion with Putin’s Russia. Since these lies also failed, then the risk of his being re-elected by the American people absolutely had to be stopped in 2020 by fair means or foul, so that when the early votes pointed to a landslide victory for Trump, then all foul means possible were deployed in the middle of the night to fabricate a mass of false votes to “elect” Biden in the morning. And the Synagogue had in the White House the puppet war-monger it wanted. Shame on every “decent” American who has knowingly consented to the mass of lies surrounding that “election.” His once noble country risks being severely punished – by Putin. Be wary of American “patriotism.” Your country’s true friends are those that tell it the truth, like Putin. Heed his common sense, not the media.

How events will eventually turn, of course we do not know. Our Lady may succeed for a while yet in holding back her Son’s avenging arm, but it does look as though the moment will come when She can do so no longer. And it does look as though mankind is so wallowing in its way of sin that nothing less than the horrors of nuclear war will be enough to bring it to its knees. That is the purpose of God, to give to well-meaning souls a chance of making their way to Heaven which they seem hardly to have right now, suffocating as we all are in a world over which reigns the Synagogue, by God’s permission, by our own fault. Let us all pray every day the Rosary of Our lady – “Only I can help you now”(Akita, 1973).

Kyrie eleison.