Eleison Comments
About Eleison Comments
A weekly column written by his excellency Bishop Richard Williamson. Eleison Comments is currently available in five languages.Frankfurt School
The Frankfurt School played a large part, before and after World War II, in making Western civilization lurch to the left.
Valid Bishops?
A dying Cardinal betrayed Freemasonry’s diabolically subtle plan at Vatican II to invalidate the Catholic sacraments not suddenly but gradually.
“Tristan” Chord
The revolutionary harmonies of Wagner’s “Tristan” played a major part in destabilizing modern music, and with it, modern man.
“Tristan” Production
A modern staging in London of a famous Wagner opera betrays a complete lack of common sense. London, where are you going?
Faithless Europe
A former official high inside European Union headquarters in Brussels tells how corrupt the Union is, for lack of accountability. Perhaps deliberate?
Mass Error
The Mass is central to the Church because it embodies Catholic Doctrine. The Mass needed saving first. Now for the Doctrine.
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