Tag: Fatima

Fatima Crucial – I

Fatima Crucial – I posted in Eleison Comments on June 17, 2017

There are still Catholics who cannot understand the importance of the Apparitions and Messages of Our Lady to three peasant children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, together with the follow-up apparitions and messages given to one of them, Sister Lucy, for years afterwards. Yet the Church itself in Portugal in 1931 gave its official approval to Our Lady’s intervention, and in those Messages it is Our Lady herself who gave them great importance. Here is the text of the second part of the Secret of Fatima, which falls directly beneath the Church’s official approval. It is well known by many Catholics, but all men alive need to understand its importance, as underlined in the words in heavy black print:—

To save them [poor sinners who are on the road to hell] , God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace . The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse war will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church and against the Holy Father. To prevent this , I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated . . . . . . . . . In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.

Our Lady was speaking here in 1917. “The war” referred to in line 3 was World War I (1914–1918), and “the worse war” was World War II (1939–1945), which would not have happened if all Catholics in the world, starting with the Pope, had listened to Our Lady of Fatima. “To prevent this,” as she had promised in 1917, in 1925 she came to Sister Lucy to ask for the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays, and in 1929 she came again to Sister Lucy to ask for the Consecration of Russia. Still Catholics in general and the churchmen in particular paid little attention. As a result, the “night light” prophesied in 1917 in line 4 above by Our Lady occurred as an extraordinary red glow in the sky all over Europe on the night of January 25, 1938, and in September of 1939 World War II broke out fully, with its 66 million dead.

So Fatima was not important? When it could have saved us from World War II? But even more important was how Fatima could have saved us from the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), and could still in 2017 save us from the devastating consequences of that Council, if only enough Catholics would wake up and do what Our Lady asked for.

In the dots in the quotation above, between “annihilated” and “In the end,” was framed in the original Secret what has come to be known as the “Third Secret” of Fatima, actually the third part of the one and only Secret. Our Lady said that this text was to be revealed at the latest in 1960, if Sister Lucy did not die before then. But it has still not been published, almost certainly because it contains Heaven’s condemnation of the essence of the coming Council. So the blind churchmen, set upon their favourite project, dared to proclaim that Our Lady had said that from 1960 onwards it might be published, a wicked lie if ever there was one. Thus Fatima could have saved from the godlessness of 20th century man not only the world but also the Church, if only the churchmen had listened. Is Fatima still unimportant?

Dear readers, pray the Holy Rosary and practise the Devotion of the First Saturdays, as Our Lady of Fatima asked. It is when enough of us listen to Her that Church and world begin to turn around.

Kyrie eleison.

God’s Weapons

God’s Weapons posted in Eleison Comments on May 13, 2017

On this 100th anniversary day of the beginning of the great series of apparitions of Our Lady to the three children of Fatima in Portugal in 1917, it may be well to remember that Our Lord warned mankind through Sister Lucy that the Devotion to His Mother’s Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart would be the last major Devotion given to mankind, together with the Holy Rosary, for the salvation of souls. Towards the end of the 17th century when Protestantism and Jansenism were making charity grow cold, Our Lord had given to His Church the Devotion to His own Sacred Heart to remind men of God’s burning love for them. Towards the beginning of the 20th century, just as Communism was about to overwhelm Russia, He gave us, especially through Fatima, the Heart of His Mother as our last major recourse before world’s end.

But another half century passes from 1917, and Our Lord’s own churchmen are preparing to give the Church over to the demons of Modernism, the equivalent of Communism inside the Church. Sister Lucy of Fatima just then warned Fr. Fuentes that Catholics could no longer be relying on the clergy to save their souls. Sure enough. In 1962 Vatican II launched the pre-apocalyptic devastation of the Church, the worst in all its history. And in the 1970’s an Italian critic of Vatican II and of all its pomps and all its works, Professor Romano Amerio, wrote, as readers of EC 400 may remember, that if the Conciliar crisis was internal to the Church like no crisis before it, then we were “headed for a formless darkness ( . . . ) in the face of which there will be no alternative but to keep silence.”

A full century after Fatima we are well on our way to that darkness. Such are the disputes, divisions, confusion and chaos in Catholic hearts and minds being caused by the churchmen’s hollowing out of their authority by their abandoning of God’s Truth, that many a clear-sighted Catholic can already be preferring to keep silent rather than attempt to argue or to teach. A mass of modern minds are so incapable any longer of thinking or reasoning that any attempt to dispel their errors can seem to risk only increasing their confusion. Now, one reader of these “Comments” disagrees strongly with Amerio: how can Catholic Truth fall silent, he asks, and how can Catholics stop fighting? But he needs to recall the Gospel, especially the Passion.

Our Lord tells us not to throw pearls in front of swine, in other words not to teach people unfit to learn, and He tells His Apostles to shake off from their feet the dust of a town that will not listen (Mt. VII, 6; Lk. IX, 5). Our Lord gave the example of keeping silent, in front of the Sanhedrin (Mt. XXVII, 12, 14), Herod (Lk. XXIII, 9) and Pilate (Jn. XIX, 9). Many souls today are likewise unfit to hear the truth. And when it comes to fighting, Our Lord Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane told Peter to put up his sword. Such was not the will of God (Mt. XXVI, 54). Peter’s problem was that he had not done what Our Lord had told him to do, which was to “watch and pray.” As a result, when his manly will to fight was frustrated even by his beloved Master, he abandoned him and ran away (Mk. XIV, 50). Beware, fighters for Our Lord – if your fighting does not work, you risk running away from Him!

Today what Our Lord does ask us to do is to make reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Mother, especially by the Rosary and the Devotion of the First Saturdays. If only enough Catholics were listening to Him, then Our Lady of Fatima could soon obtain from Him the grace for the Pope to consecrate Russia to Her Heart, exactly as She asked, and then the “formless darkness” would immediately begin to grow light and regain its form. Order from the Fatima Centre in Ontario, Canada, copies of their excellent flyer on the First Saturdays. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

Kyrie eleison.

Double Consecration

Double Consecration posted in Eleison Comments on May 6, 2017

As a commentary upon the Consecrations of a new bishop and of Russia due to take place next week in Vienna, Virginia, on the eastern coast of the USA, here is a testimony from another reader of these “Comments,” coming from Brazil. His testimony places the Consecrations of May 11 and 12 in their context of today’s crisis of world and Church, a context which gives them neither too much nor too little importance, but highlights the central role to be played in both cases by the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He writes:—

I read you in the ‘Comments’ constantly referring to all 15 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. In a letter from the 1930’s Sister Lucy of Fatima wrote that if only other nations like Portugal were solemnly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, then “Heaven would grant them graces as great or even greater.” Clearly God wishes to save the nations of the world through the Heart of Mary, and whoever can see that will have received a special grace from God. Yet what other nation than Portugal has performed with all its bishops such a Consecration? None that I know of.

“But if most men are not profiting by the marvels of the Immaculate Heart, She is still deigning to bestow grace upon humble layfolk, as we can testify, here in our part of Brazil. In 2011 our chapel was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart, and a chain on the wall symbolizes the holy slavery of our chapel to the Blessed Virgin. In particular for some years now we have been doing the Five First Saturdays. When we have no Mass, we do what we can with a Rosary, spiritual Communion, the 15-minute meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary and an act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart, as Our Lady asked us to do.

“Her Rosary, all 15 Mysteries, has been prayed every day since 2012 in front of the Blessed Sacrament by one group of us or another, every day, and the countless graces we have received are hardly to be believed. This Devotion of the Rosary and the First Saturdays is very special to God even in these wicked days of ours. It is the light of our times of darkness and apostasy. We need to practise the Devotion, to study the whole background of the apparitions of Fatima, and apply what we learn to our own lives and in groups of the “Resistance.”

“Given all the difficulties of living in a liberal world without Christ, given the Revolution destroying the fortress of Tradition that was the Society of St Pius X, given our own great misery and numerous sins, it would be no exaggeration to say that it is thanks to the Rosary and the First Saturdays that we are maintaining a miniature Christendom, a Catholic group with a Catholic atmosphere, with good friends and a solid and spiritual doctrinal formation, both anti-liberal and Counter-revolutionary. We have our human problems, to be sure, but we receive many graces from the Immaculate Heart. With the 15 Mysteries every day, we are witnesses to the marvels wrought by the Blessed Virgin in a person, a town, a city, even a country. Blessed be the Rosary of the Virgin Mary!”

Here are the greatness and the littleness of next week’s consecrations . The littleness lies in their helping to maintain at the humblest level, in a world given over to the Devil, corners of Christendom. Such corners are possible anywhere, and are infinitely worthwhile everywhere, because there is an infinite greatness in any contribution to the saving of souls for all eternity. And special thanks for both of the coming Consecrations go to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Kyrie eleison.

Churchmen Aware? – I

Churchmen Aware? – I posted in Eleison Comments on November 5, 2016

A reader of these “Comments” just raised a question once often asked, now probably less often, but still of interest: is the Superior General of the Society of St Pius X (SG for short) aware of how he contradicts himself? – in July of this year he called for a new Rosary Crusade “exclusively” to obtain the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart through the Consecration of Russia, while more recently he claimed that Rome wants the SSPX to fill important positions in the Church to help it to overcome modernism. The contradiction is clear, because the churchmen presently holding position in Rome are certainly opposed to the Consecration as asked for by Our Lady, and the reasons for that run deep.

Write to Fr Guy Castelain at Le Moulin du Pin, F53290 Beaumont-Pied-de-Boeuf, France, for a copy of the excellent editorial in his SSPX bulletin of this month, where he lays out ten reasons why Vatican II is the main obstacle to Our Lady’s Consecration of Russia. In very brief, the Consecration represents political involvement against political neutrality, the reign of Christ against his dethronement, Catholicism against religious liberty, the Pope against collegiality, the one true religion against ecumenism, the Immaculate Heart against a glorification of human dignity forgetting original maculation or sin, the one true Church against salvation in other religions, peace by the Catholic Pope against peace by “the Spirit of Assisi,” and so on. No wonder Pope Francis told Vladimir Putin who came to see him and expressed an interest in the Consecration: “We do not speak about Fatima”!

Now human politics and politicians can solve by compromise many a human clash between man and man, but Fr Castelain’s ten reasons prove that the clash between Fatima and the Conciliarists is no less than the clash between the “old” religion of Rome, as fresh as eternity, and the “new” religion of Vatican II, as stale as sin. Here is one of those clashes between God and man where political compromise is out of the question. In 1973 had not Our Lady warned in Akita, Japan, that “. . . the Church will be filled with agents of compromise . . .” The question for the SG then becomes, is he aware that he is an “agent of compromise”? Does he or does he not see that he is promoting an irreconcilable contradiction? If he does see it, then he is a liar, either when he promotes Fatima or when he protects the Conciliarists, or both. If on the contrary he does not see it, then he is blind.

A number of Catholics are by now convinced that his latest call for a Rosary Crusade is merely a political ploy to deceive his more Traditional followers. Certainly in his first term as SG plenty of his words and deeds indicate that he did then see the clash as clearly as Archbishop Lefebvre saw it. But there must have come a turning-point since then when instead of holding to the interests of God he wished also to serve the interests of men. It cannot be done (Mt.VI, 24; Gal. I, 10), but like many of us, he wanted to have his cake and eat it, and nature is expert at dressing itself up as grace, says the Imitation of Christ. So there must have followed a time of transition when he was wilfully blind, but if wilful blindness goes on for too long, it turns into habitual blindness, which is a terrible punishment from God. Assuredly between 2006 and 2008 Our Lady obtained for him more than enough graces to see what he was doing, but like the Conciliarists and Macbeth, instead he “waded on in blood” (Act III, Scene 4) – that of the Church. Like the Conciliarists in Rome, he certainly needs our prayers.

Readers, if you wish to see clear, pray the Rosary, and if in our dark times you wish never to stop seeing clear, pray all 15 Mysteries of the Rosary every day. The Mother of God cannot fail you.

Kyrie eleison.

Inside Story – II

Inside Story – II posted in Eleison Comments on October 25, 2014

When the idea of a Rosary Crusade for the Consecration of Russia was first put to Bishop Fellay in June of 2006, he did not yet know that the idea was in fact a directive from Our Lady – the messenger had been too shy to tell him. So he did not knowingly go against Heaven’s will when on returning to Switzerland after his meeting with the messenger, he decided to take up the idea of a Crusade, but to apply it primarily to the liberation of the Tridentine Mass, leaving Russia’s Consecration among the secondary intentions. So, as Our Lady told her messenger, while she would bless the first Crusade as a sign that the messages were really from her, it would not be to confirm that the liberation of the Mass was what she really wanted. The true answer to the crisis of Church and world lay in Russia’s Consecration, as would soon be made very clear to the Bishop.

So, given the backing of Our Lady, the first Crusade was an unexpected success, both in the number of rosaries prayed by the people, and in Pope Benedict XVI’s fulfilment of Bishop Fellay’s long-standing wish by the declaration in his Motu Proprio of July 2007, that the Tridentine Mass had never been abrogated.

However, already in August of 2006, Our Lady had directed her messenger to send to Bishop Fellay a letter in which he was this time fully informed of all the details of her original request, including that it came from Heaven. To this letter the Bishop had responded positively, saying that he would use the boost from the first Crusade to launch the second, and that it would be best if he himself took the matter in hand. But one year later, soon after the Motu Proprio until the end of 2007, Our Lady directed the messenger to write to him, again and again, to remind him of her wish for a second Crusade that would be properly dedicated to the Consecration of Russia.

Still Bishop Fellay hesitated to commit himself, so in early 2008 Our Lady came back even more insistently with the same request for the Crusade to be dedicated to the Consecration. The problem was that Bishop Fellay had long been working on his own plan to solve the Church crisis by a reconciliation between the Society of St Pius X and Rome, and Our Lady’s request did not fit in with that plan. Therefore the more progress he seemed to be making with the Romans towards reconciliation, the more difficult it was becoming for him to keep his promise of doing what she asked, because he knew that what she asked would upset the Romans. Indeed . . .

It was at about this time that the messenger, being unaware of why the Bishop was continuing to stall over Our Lady’s request, asked her if the reason was that the Bishop was not sure that the request was indeed coming from Our Lady. “No,” came the simple answer, as Our Lady lowered her head and shook it gently from side to side, “that is not why.” Our Lady did not say what the real reason was, she only said that it was not because the Bishop did not believe that it was herself making the request.

We approach the climax of the drama. Drama it was. In early 2008 the Blessed Virgin’s message concerning the Consecration of Russia was becoming urgent, as she knew that the Bishop was seriously thinking of making use of the second Crusade for his own purposes. This time he wanted to use it to achieve the second of the pre-conditions for discussions with Rome – the lifting of the so-called excommunications of the four SSPX bishops in 1988.

Kyrie eleison.

(*Famous line from a poem by the Scot, Robbie Burns (1759–1796), meaning “go often wrong.”)

Inside Story – I

Inside Story – I posted in Eleison Comments on October 18, 2014

After 1917 it was made clear to the world by Our Lady of Fatima that the salvation of Church and world (“a period of peace”) depended upon two things: not only upon the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope with all the bishops of the world, but also upon Catholics making reparation to her Heart by receiving Confession and Communion and by meditating for 15 minutes and praying a rosary on each first Saturday of the month. Therefore let no Catholic think that there is nothing they can do to help Church and world out of their present appalling crisis. Every single Catholic responding to her second request will help the Pope to respond to her first request.

But this response has not yet been sufficient. For instance in the 1930’s, Pope Pius XI was well aware of Our Lady’s first request, but he never performed the Consecration of Russia. Why not? According to Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity in the second of his excellent three volumes on The Whole Truth About Fatima, it was because Pius XI was engaged at that time in diplomatic contacts with the Russian authorities in Moscow, and he thought that his own diplomacy was a better way of dealing with Communists than Our Lady’s Consecration. He preferred the human to the divine way of dealing with the problem, and so of course the problem remained unsolved. The world plunged into World War II, and the Church was broken from within by Vatican II.

Now in the 2010’s a parallel story has been coming to light of Our Lady appealing through a messenger to Bishop Fellay for the Society of St Pius X to organize a Rosary Crusade to pray for the Consecration of Russia to take place. If this story is true (as I believe it is, and some other priests also believe), it is worth telling in a few issues of these Comments, not to discredit Bishop Fellay (whose preference for human means is as understandable as that of Pius XI – God is their judge), but in order to emphasize how urgent the Consecration of Russia remains, and especially the devout practice of the five first Saturdays, even nigh on 100 years later. But is the story true? In particular, how reliable is the messenger?

I myself have met with her several times, and I believe her story has every likelihood of being true, firstly because she is a serious adult person who gives every sign of telling the truth, but mainly because what she tells is an inside story that corresponds to, and explains, a large number of public facts and well-known events on the outside, so to speak. As to the messenger, readers are entitled to distrust my personal judgment, but as to the perfect correspondence between inside story and outside facts, readers can judge for themselves.

The story begins on Good Shepherd Sunday of 2004, when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the messenger and gave her a message to be passed on to the Bishop of the Society of St Pius X. In it she asked for the SSPX to lead the faithful in a Rosary Crusade for the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, that same Consecration that Heaven has been asking for since the 1920’s. The understanding in the 2000’s was that if this were done as she asked, it would at last obtain, through her, the graces to bring about the much needed Consecration.

In June of 2006 the messenger gave the message in person to Bishop Fellay. He discussed it with her, but did not yet know that it was in fact a directive from the Mother of God. And so on his way back to Switzerland he took a first important decision. As Americans say, “Stay tuned”!

Kyrie eleison.