Bishop Williamson

Redemptor Hominis (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Juli 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson explores the new theology concerning Christ as Redeemer, God being viewed as a “sugar daddy,” how Novus Ordo priests typically view sin, and the concept of the “seeds of the word” as taught in Nostrae Aetate.



Redemptor Hominis (Part 3)

Bishop Williamson on Juli 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson states how John Paul II viewed John XXIII and Paul VI as summing up 2000 years of Church history, JP II is the Pope of the Council in many ways, the overcoming of “triumphalism” with Vatican II and explores false ecumenism.



Satis Cognitum of Leo XIII (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Juli 31, 2024

His Excellency gives a commentary on Satis Cognitum which explores the nature of the Unity of the church. H.E. also discusses Anglican orders, Irish-Catholicism, Jansenism, and how precisely traditional Catholics are united.



Redemptor Hominis (Part 4)

Bishop Williamson on Juli 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson again maintains the objectivity of truth, discusses the conciliar thinking that man is wonderful, argues for the usefulness of St. Thomas Aquinas, and explores the effect T.V. has on the soul and the importance of praying fifteen decades of the rosary.



Satis Cognitum of Leo XIII (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Juli 31, 2024

His Excellency speaks on the essence of the Magisterium, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos and the SSPX, how the SSPX could compromise, and the Episcopal Consecrations of 1988.



Redemptor Hominis (Part 5)

Bishop Williamson on Juli 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson explores the nature of revelation as seen by conciliar thinking, discusses the supposed transcendence of the human person, why the New Mass is man-centered, and what the true dignity of man is.

