Bishop Williamson

Karol Wojtyla, from Cardinal to Pope (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

His Excellency explains what “reciprocal integration” means, how the Pope sees himself teaching the old doctrine into the new teaching, and H.E. maintains that there is an overall lack of defining terms.



Karol Wojtyla, from Cardinal to Pope (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson explores the reasoning behind Assisi I, Fr. Garrigou Lagrange’s teaching of the future Pope, Gaudium et Spes, and the admiration man has for himself.



Redemptor Hominis (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson explains how this encyclical dissolves the differences between nature and grace, potential and actual salvation, the ambiguity this encyclical has towards the Incarnation and asks whether John Paul II could be Pope.



Redemptor Hominis (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson explores the new theology concerning Christ as Redeemer, God being viewed as a “sugar daddy,” how Novus Ordo priests typically view sin, and the concept of the “seeds of the word” as taught in Nostrae Aetate.



Questions & Answers – II

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

In this question and answer session, His Excellency discusses the life of St. Athanasius, the Greek Orthodox church, the lifting of the excommunication to Patriarch Athenegoras, liberation theology and the way the French and German think.



Our Apostolic Mandate (1910) – Part 3

Bishop Williamson on juillet 31, 2024

His Excellency discusses the importance of ideas, the nature of true liberty, child abuse in the home, democracy, American individualism, and how parents should exercise their authority in the home.

