Bishop Williamson states that Freemasonry attacks natural truths, undermines objective truth. He also goes on to explore the idea of Religious Liberty, Hollywood and Assisi I.
His Excellency ties the principles of Protestantism, Communism, and Freemasonry together. He also mentions the idea of the welfare state and the inherent contradiction within Vatican II.
Bishop Williamson talks about who conservatives are, the New World Order, whether joining Freemasonry is an excommunicable offense, and how the clergy must be educated about Freemasonry,
Bishop Williamson discusses the encyclical Mirari Vos of Gregory XVI, Rousseau and the French Revolution, Lammenais, and how obedience must be a thinking obedience.
His Excellency provides the historical context for the pronouncement of the Immaculate Conception. This doctrine was an answer to the modern world’s denial of original sin. He also discusses, in brief, 9-11.
His Excellency gives his thoughts on the building of the building of St. Isidore in Colorado; the modern world is a fantasy; how the events of September 11 are molding the world; politics are governed by religion