Wagner (Part 2)
Bishop Williamson on July 31, 2024
Bishop Williamson gives a commentary on Wagner’s “Ring” cycle, explains the nature of original sin, the father’s authority, true modesty for girls, and Kantian philosophy.
Bishop Williamson gives a commentary on Wagner’s “Ring” cycle, explains the nature of original sin, the father’s authority, true modesty for girls, and Kantian philosophy.
Bishop Williamson preaches on the definition of heretic, how science is misused, what true love is, religious indifference and the message of Akita.
Bishop Williamson ends these talks giving the historical context for the Syllabus of Errors, the confrontation the Church made with the modern world, defense of marriage, Garcia Moreno, and Church and State relations.
Then Fr. Williamson explains the nature of the Crisis in the Church, the Protestant Revolution, the nature of democracy, the book “Rhine Flows into the Tiber,” what a layman should do, and how the SSPX is not a resistance to authority.
Bishop Williamson explains what the role of the SSPX is in today’s Crisis, parallels it with the English Reformation, discusses Neo-Modernism, reasons for the Consecrations and briefly touches the question of jurisdiction, the FSSP, and sedevacantists.
Fr. Williamson gives a definition of the Mass, mentions Sacrosanctum Concilium, the liturgical movement, brief history of the Traditional Latin Mass, how the New Mass departs from Tradition and how it relates to the Church’s indefectibility.