Eleison Comments


WAR DECLARED – I on March 19, 2022

And so between Russia and the Ukraine war has broken out. Already of course a number of more or less godless commentators are pouring out a stream of more or less well-informed political and strategic comments, but what followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ need to have is a view of events from the standpoint of Almighty God, because He alone can have allowed the warring parties to reach this point. What follows is an attempt – far from infallible – to give the briefest idea of what He may have had in mind when He allowed this war finally to break out.

When God freely created the world, the prime purpose of His generosity was to populate His created Heaven with creatures capable of sharing in His own infinite bliss. Among the variety of creatures in the world that He chose – angels, men, animal, vegetable, mineral – two alone He endowed with the free-will necessary for them to share that bliss. The angels, being immaterial, used or misused their free-will immediately after their creation to decide freely whether they wanted to share that bliss or not. They had no material body, as men have, to make their decision go backwards and forwards, and so from that first moment of their existence they sealed their eternal fate.

Men on the other hand would live a life on earth with soul and body, averaging finally 70 years in duration to make up their minds, always freely, between Hell and Heaven, between the seductions of the world, the flesh and the Devil, and the appeals or graces of God. Adam and Eve fell, damaging gravely all further human beings with original sin. God took human nature, once, as Jesus Christ, to overcome that damage by means of the one, and only one, Church, that He founded by dying, as a man, on the Cross. On that Church, and on it alone, depends accordingly the fulfilment of God’s purpose in creating the world.

Now men sin and they stir up hate, for instance by war, but God is love, and so He punishes hate and stirs up love to keep men on track for Heaven. Thus He does not want war, but He wants to allow it to bring men to their senses. Thus Scripture says that war is the punishment of our sins (James, IV, 1, etc.). Thus in World War II, God used, notably in the titanic clash between Germany and Russia, the Nazis to punish the Communists and the Communists to punish the Nazis. And in the West, in the rest of the 1940’s immediately after the war, duly chastened men paid attention to God, speaking for instance through the miracles of doves paying homage at the foot of statues of Our Lady of Fatima. But in the 1950’s sin picked up again, and in the 1960’s the West led the world in the betrayal of the Church by Vatican II.

And since Vatican II all mankind has committed such a long series of crimes in its war on God, that one shudders at the thought of what a punishment World War III must bring upon us all, if it comes to that. At the moment of writing these “Comments,” the fighting is confined within the Ukraine, but the West has for centuries now, since 1809 in particular, been putting itself under the control of a race of men who absolutely want World War III, because they count on it to bring them that domination of the world which they believe is their absolute due, as beings far superior to the rest of mankind who are just cattle in their eyes. These people will do all in their considerable power to make the fighting in the Ukraine escalate into World War III. Whether they will succeed or not this time round depends entirely on the plans of the Lord God for the cleansing of His Church. They do not know Him, but He knows them, and “He laughs at them and derides them,” and He will “speak to them in His anger, and trouble them in His rage” – Psalm II, 4,5. The West is equally guilty, if not more so, for empowering them.

What remains to us is to pray to Our Lady of Fatima – “Only I can help you now” – to obtain for us the mitigation of the now inevitable Chastisement. She has wonderful plans for the future of Russia, as soon as the Catholic Pope and bishops perform its long requested Consecration to her Immaculate Heart.

Kyrie eleison.


VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE ? on March 12, 2022

Even today young people can sense that they have a religious vocation, and then they can approach their elders for advice. But Mother Church is presently in great distress, so it is not easy to counsel them. What follows may seem rather negative, but it is one such attempt.

Dear youngsters.

Yours is a noble desire to serve God, but in today’s crisis of the Church, do not be too surprised or disappointed if you find special obstacles in your way. Ever since the 1960’s when the churchmen at Vatican II deliberately separated Our Lord’s Authority from Our Lord’s Truth, all Catholics have been forced to choose between clinging to His Authority at the expense of His Truth, or cleaving to His Truth at the expense of having to disobey what seems to be His Authority. Now you yourselves, God bless you, are pursuing a vocation in the movement of Catholic Tradition, in other words you are cleaving rather to unchanging Truth than to apparent Authority, but this means that you are at risk of not having above you a clear representative of God’s own Authority.

This means that you are going to come in contact with a variety of servants of Catholic Tradition engaged in bitter and more or less scandalous fights with one another, because there is no longer above them both that Authority to which both could turn to settle their dispute. Whether their dispute was personal or, more important, doctrinal, either way there was a hierarchical Authority capable of pronouncing on their difference, and of imposing, if necessary, an agreement. The lack of such Authority is the price that Catholic Traditionalists pay, as it were, for clinging to the unchanging Catholic Truth. And this is a state of the Church which must last at least until God intervenes, as He certainly will do, to put the Pope back on his feet, so as to restore Authority and re-unite Catholic Authority and Catholic Truth.

So what does all of this mean for yourselves? Continue to pursue your vocation, do not yet give up the pursuit, but be resigned in advance if it proves to be an unobtainable luxury. The Church is right now marching in the desert on iron rations. Mankind no longer has the right, as it used to have, to an abundance of good Superiors who know how to put together and keep in balance a religious community. God can very well make such Superiors out of human wreckage, but He will be disinclined to do that if our last state would only be worse than our first, alas! All of us today, we are more or less disintegrated beings, the fruit of centuries of liberalism. How do you make an integral community out of disintegrated members? And under a disintegrated Pope? Humanly, it is a tall order!

Therefore have a boundless trust in the God whom you wish to serve, in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but never let yourself be disappointed by men, and never be surprised if He writes on the blank cheque that you should be giving Him something different from what you expected. As far as possible, avoid criticising the churchmen who are all in difficulties in a Church which is in effect leaderless. On the contrary, have a great compassion for all victims of the godless 21st century, clergy or laity, because never before has the world been quite such a “valley of tears.” Follow Providence, because God may have foreseen for you a religious house where you can fulfil the vocation He may have inspired within you. Heaven alone knows how our world needs your prayers and your devotion to the God it scorns!

So have courage, pray the Holy Rosary every day, five Mysteries at least, preferably fifteen if at all possible, and Our Lady will look after you, and bring you, by whatever way, to Her divine Son.

Kyrie eleison.


FEDERAL RESERVE – I on March 5, 2022

“Know your enemy,” says the old saying. Indeed, how else can one win a war? Now whether they like it or not, Catholics are in the front line of the relentless war between God and the Devil for the eternal salvation or damnation of immortal souls. But in this war, money is a prime instrument of the Devil for the seduction and corruption of men. Let Catholics profit from this brief history of the USA’s central bank up to 1913: “L’emprise de l’oligarchie bancaire sur les USA” by J.P. le Perlier (jeune-nation.com). 

The American War of Independence was not about tea tariffs. It was a war of independence against the stateless bankers who ruled in London and intended to dominate and ransom the American colony in the same way. So the bankers had the English Parliament pass a law obliging the colonists to replace their freely issued money with loans from the banks at interest. “In one year”, said Benjamin Franklin, “the era of prosperity was replaced by such a depression that the streets of the colony were filled with the unemployed.” This led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the resulting war.

The first care of the American legislators was to write in their Constitution that “Congress reserves the right to create the currency and to regulate its value.” However, the bankers did not give up and in 1791, they succeeded in obtaining from Congress the creation of a central bank on the English model for a provisional basis of 20 years. This central bank was refused renewal in 1811 by President James Madison but was once again imposed for twenty years from 1816. In 1837, renewal was refused by President Andrew Jackson, who was as hostile as his predecessors to the control of international finance over the United States. 

Almost half a century later, Abraham Lincoln went further by creating a national “green-back” currency beyond the control of the banking oligarchy. Re-elected in 1864, Lincoln made it known that his first objective in the aftermath of the Civil War would be to end the influence of the financial oligarchy in the US. The war ended on April 9, 1865. Lincoln was assassinated on April 14. Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor, issued directives to remove the green-backs from circulation and this was done in a few years.

The subsequent move towards centralized banking was done very gradually and with dissimulation. The name of “Central Bank” was avoided and the “Federal Reserve” Act passed in 1913. Charles A. Lindbergh declared: “The worst legislative crime of all time is perpetrated by this law: When the President signs this bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized .” Yet the War of Independence had been intended to free the US from the financial oligarchy that had imposed itself on England. Now, 137 years of intrigue had finally allowed the London bankers to re-establish their hold on the former American colony. With the creation of the Federal Reserve, 1913 was the year of the definitive subjection of Americans to the financial dictates against which they had revolted in 1776.

Like Lincoln a century before him, President John F. Kennedy took the risk of opposing the same financial power by ordering the issuance of a currency guaranteed by the U.S. State, without going through the Federal Reserve. The order was dated June 4, 1963. Six months later, Kennedy was assassinated. What do Lincoln and Kennedy have in common? In both cases, their successors stopped immediately the issuance of money by the Treasury, and restored this privilege to the financial oligarchy.

Kyrie eleison


VILLAINS OVERVIEWED on February 26, 2022

A colleague in the priesthood has written another valuable overview of the whole Corona or Covid affair, to help souls to see clearly what it is all really about, as opposed to what liars of the past, present and future tell us it is all about. He explains how the insane pride of a tiny group of men is wanting to build “The Final Tower of Babel,” to shut God out and take His place, once and for all. Their purpose is therefore threefold: to decimate mankind; to create a global New World Order; and to create an entirely new kind of man, to be controlled by a satanic elite – themselves. In fact they have been working on this project for centuries, but the final breakthrough of something so new called for a worldwide “pandemic” to usher it in – hence the “Corona virus,” from Wuhan in China.

But the low Corona death statistics gave the lie to the “pandemic,” as did firstly the universal strict censorship in the world’s official media of any story to the contrary, such a censorship as could only come from a highly efficient and supremely powerful centre of power; and as did secondly the world’s servile politicians, ready to force upon the public any farce commanded by their hidden masters, in this case the farcical proposition that the only answer to the “pandemic” is their “vaccine,” or injection.

We must pause for a moment on the diabolical “vaccine” coming from this elite of Satanists. It is an unfinished product, intrinsically dependent on the multiple abortions of the “medical” foetus industry,

functioning by the manipulation of human genes, sterilising women, laden with metal nano-particles to work towards the blending of human beings with machines, that “transhumanism” beloved of people like Karl Schwab in order to create a completely new kind of human being, to be no longer created by God.

Such a sort of Satanic baptism, intended for all mankind, is absolutely unacceptable for Catholics.

We come back to the threefold goal of the Globalists with their so-called “pandemic” and “vaccine.”

Firstly, to decimate the world’s population. As commemorated by the monumental Georgia Guidestones erected in 1980 near Atlanta in the USA, the first Guideline reads, “Keep World Population under five hundred million,” i.e. well under its present eight billion, because the much reduced number of trans-humanised beings will be that much easier for the tiny NWO elite to control as their slaves. Deaths should rise steadily as the repeated “Vaccines” and boosters steadily undermine men’s immune systems.

Secondly, as the crumbling remains of the past Roman World Order are being driven into the wall by a deliberate financial crash and a planned Third World War, so their ruins will make possible the erection of the brand New World Order. And as Christendom will supposedly have failed, so men will turn to an Anti-Christian prolongation of their atheistic materialism, namely Communism, on the Chinese model, with “freedom” being replaced by total supervision and control of the population, by injected “Chips.”

And thirdly, by the successful blending of man with machine through implants in brain and body, heavily researched in several countries ever since the end of World War II, human evolution will take a great step forward, and the New Man will be born, “cleansed of the mistakes and omissions of man (as he is),” says Schwab. Here is the latest version of the glory of man replacing God – the final Tower of Babel.

So is this satanic programme fated to succeed? Is there nothing we can do? Not at all, says our colleague! Firstly, nobody can rob us, against our will, of our faith, or of God’s grace. Secondly, we need a great confidence in God. He may test us, like Job, but if we pass the test, great will be God’s reward. And thirdly, no Tower of Babel has succeeded in all human history. God is God. We need not be cowed!

Kyrie eleison.


INTERESTING PROTOCOL on February 19, 2022

The Protocols of the Sages of Sion is a book that deserves to be better known before it becomes, under a Communist regime once again, a capital offence to possess a copy. This is because it is a blueprint of the modern world, and if anybody is asking himself how the modern world came to be what it is, the book provides a number of answers, however strange those answers may at first sight appear. These “Comments” presented earlier (December 5, 2020) a useful summary of all 24 Protocols. Last week they referred to the end of Protocol # 10 as very possibly bearing on the Covid-nonsense, the “scamdemic.”

Here is the end of that tenth Protocol –

“. . . . By such measures we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, all that at the outset when we enter on our rights, we are compelled to introduce into the Constitutions of States to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every kind of Constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form of government into our despotism.

“The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the Constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall arrange for – of their rulers, will clamour:”Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of discords – frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts – who will give us peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our own rulers and representatives.”

“But you yourselves ( the Sages of Sion being addressed at their meeting ) perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations, it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy, and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM (Gentiles) see no other way out than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.

But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space, the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.” (End of Protocol # 10)

For any newcomer to the Protocols, it may be necessary to read a few times these four paragraphs to grasp the essential message, but it is worth it to realise fully who are the brains and the driving force behind the “scamdemic” or “plandemic” or “Covid-nonsense” or whatever one cares to call it. The latest of its true horrors to emerge is the unprecedented long blood clots now being pulled out of the veins of corpses of the “vaccinated” dead by embalmers emptying out the veins to prepare the corpses for burial. However, Protocol # 10 may well suggest that for its designers, the more the horrors of Covid, the better it will prepare the GOYIM to clamour for their own complete domination by – the Sages of Sion.

The Sages themselves have always bitterly disputed the authenticity of the Protocols, claiming that they are either a partial compilation from previous centuries, or a complete forgery. But as Henry Ford, the famous American car-manufacturer said, “If you want to know whether the Protocols are authentic, look around you.” Indeed the whole modern world corresponds to the Sages’ plan in the Protocols.

In 1899 Pope Leo XIII wrote the Prayer of the Consecration of the World to the Sacred Heart which included the following lines, often today omitted for fear of the Sages. Let us pray them, against Covid.

“Look, finally, with eyes of pity upon the children of that race, which was for so long a time Thy chosen people; and let Thy Blood, which was once invoked upon them in vengeance, now descend upon them also in a cleansing flood of redemption and eternal life.”

Kyrie eleison.


WRONG LEAD II on February 12, 2022

Readers of these “Comments” last week noticed of course that there was no room for the promised analysis of three comparisons made by the Superior General (SG for short) of the Society of St Pius X in support of the Society’s position that Catholics may accept to be inoculated with the Covid “vaccine” or jab. A criticism of these comparisons follows below, not for the pleasure of criticising the Society, God forbid, but because it is in today’s all-engulfing confusion so important to think as clearly as one can. Truth alone can be a solid basis for sane action.

Answering questions after his lecture on “The Mission of the SSPX” at the Society’s Press Conference for Catholic Tradition held in the USA last December, the SG began by presenting the principle of St Thomas Aquinas (2a2ae Q.78, a4) which allows of profiting by the sins of others as long as there is no co-operation in the sin as sin. And then the SG quotes three comparisons to illustrate the application of this principle to the case of accepting a Covid inoculation tainted by the sin of abortion through its resort, for its research or testing or production, to foetal tissue obtained from abortions. Note that comparisons always illustrate, but they also “always limp” (Latin saying), because they always have a good leg, the part that illustrates, and a bad leg, a part that does not apply. How well do the SG’s comparisons apply?

First comparison: just as everybody agrees that to take a cornea from the corpse of a man murdered a few hours ago, so long as one had nothing to do with the murder, is legitimate, so everybody should agree that to take foetal tissue from a baby just aborted is legitimate, so long as one had nothing to do with the abortions involved. However, how can a single murder, completely unconnected with the taking of the corpse’s cornea, be compared with today’ s foetal industry (as it can be called), deliberately ripping God knows how many foetuses from their mothers’ wombs to be torn apart while still living, with no anaesthetic, for their variety of tissues to serve modern medicine in a variety of ways? True (good leg), I had nothing directly to do with all those abortions, nor did many of all the patients profiting from them. But when the fury of God descends upon the foetal industry, will many of us have deserved to escape it?

Second comparison: just as a Catholic organisation cannot spend for Islam money given to it for a Catholic purpose, but it can accept property of Islam given for a Catholic purpose, so a Catholic cannot accept an inoculation given for a sinister purpose but he can accept it for a decent purpose. However, the purpose of the giver is not the sole reason for accepting or refusing a gift. For instance, if I know that a gift of money comes from stolen goods, the Church may not accept it, however pious was the giver’s purpose, because the gift is tainted in itself. Now the Covid inoculation is thoroughly tainted in itself: medically it is murderous, morally it comes from the foetus industry and politically it means compliance with the New World Order and Communism. Only a quite exceptional purpose can justify accepting it, because the triple taint is obvious to anyone who spends just a few hours investigating on the Internet.

Third comparison: just as meat that has been offered to idols can be eaten afterwards (so long as there is no scandal) by Catholics, because they know that idols are nothing (I Cor. VIII), so Catholics may accept the Covid inoculation because they believe that it has no religious implications. However, States all over the world continue to impose tyrannical restrictions in order to get all their citizens inoculated, despite the catastrophic injuries and deaths caused by the inoculation. This strongly suggests that health was never their main concern. All the evidence tells that the jab was not for the “virus,” but the “virus”(still not isolated) was for the jab. The inoculation has huge religious implications, being merely part of Judeo-masonry’s great war on God. Read the end of the tenth of the 24 Protocols of the Sages of Sion.

Kyrie eleison.