Eleison Comments

Great Reset?

Great Reset? on July 31, 2021

For the Philosophy Festival held in Venice two months ago, Archbishop Vigano wrote another of his splendid overviews on modern events, presenting a truly Catholic point of view such as all churchmen should be presenting, but which by the Conciliar madness the large number of them are still preventing. To the Church in its unprecedented distress approaching the end of the world (cf. Mt, XXIV), God has assuredly set aside this Archbishop as a beacon of light, to go on telling the fullness of God’s Truth which the rest of his colleagues have been more or less smothering ever since the close of the wretched Second Vatican Council over half a century ago. Here follows a summary of the Archbishop’s letter on “The Great Reset: the Latest Greatest Lie.”

The lack of “common sense” in individuals has in large part made possible this assault against God, against the Church, and against the human race that is represented by the Great Reset. Irrationality, the abdication of reason, the annihilation of critical judgment and the denial of evidence are the true pandemic virus of our time. We should renounce the comforting premise which tells us that our leaders act for our good. The reality is not only different but diametrically opposed to what we are being told.

The workers of the Great Reset consider that they have already so enslaved the masses of people that they need fear no revolt. These masses now believe their salvation depends on vaccines, and soon they will put out their hands to receive a chip beneath the skin. And if the “pandemic” farce wears off, the next deceit is ready:  “climate change” will impose “ecological transition” and “sustainable development.”

Such lies are the consistent hallmark of the architects of the various Great Resets over the last few centuries – the Protestant Pseudo-Reformation, the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution. the two World Wars, the Revolution of 1968, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. In this long series of Great Resets organized by the same elite of conspirators, not even the Catholic Church has managed to escape. She too, with Vatican II, saw a greater understanding of the liturgy by the people given as a pretext for destroying the apostolic Mass, for cancelling the sacred language and profaning the rites. So this latest Great Reset may be traced back to all the other assaults that in the course of history have tried to nullify the work of Redemption and establish the tyranny of the Antichrist. What is happening corresponds to a diabolical plan which over the centuries has pursued a single goal – The New World Order. The final step is the establishment of a joint rule in which command is seized by a few faceless tyrants, themselves given over to the worship of death and sin.

The Kingship of Christ was in the way? Vatican II shifted it to the end of the world, leaving the Church to fall victim to the same democratic deception into which civil societies had fallen almost two centuries earlier, at the French Revolution. By recognizing the legitimacy of error and false religions, the Church dethroned herself with her own hands, reducing herself to having to beg for approval from the powerful masters of this world, to whose orders she has submitted.

Today, each of us has the possibility of choosing to align himself with Christ or against Christ. Commit yourselves with renewed zeal to Him, so that the Crown that His enemies have torn from Him may be restored to He who is Our King. Make Our Lord reign in your souls and in all areas of private and public life. Only where Christ reigns is there true peace and concord: the peace of Christ in the reign of Christ.

May God give many more years to this outstanding Shepherd of souls, Archbishop Vigano.

Kyrie eleison.

Life Precious

Life Precious on July 24, 2021

“And then the lawless one (the Antichrist) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by his appearing and his coming. The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends upon them an operation of error, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (II Thess. II, 9–11).

If many of the serious professionals who have studied the contents of the Covid inoculation are right, then many thousands of those who have been inoculated have already died of it. But the worst is yet to come, they say, because what the inoculation does is to cripple the body’s own natural immune defence, so that any further exposure to viruses can be fatal, notably from this autumn onwards with the reopening of the flu season. Whether this dire prophecy is true remains to be seen, but given just how much damage in deaths and injuries the so-called “vaccine” has already done, the prophecy seems highly possible, if not probable, and if it turns out to be true, then there is going to be a large number of very angry people.

That they will be furious with all the propagandists who lied to them that the “vaccine” was safe and effective, politicians, journalists, doctors and so on, is one thing. The problem is that they will be tempted to blame God, and they risk resorting to quotations like the one above to prove their point. Then in the calm before the possible storm, let us look at this quotation which is not the only one of its kind. So how can God positively send error, and secondly, what entitles Him to impose His idea of “Righteousness”?

Firstly, God is absolute Goodness because He is absolute Being, only a lack of being can be evil. It is absolutely impossible for God to cause directly moral evil. What He can do is cause it indirectly by not giving the grace or graces which would have prevented that moral evil from happening. In that case He is not acting positively, He is refraining from acting, or acting negatively, to allow the evil to happen. Those graces that would have prevented the evil, He is entirely free to give or not give, and if He always gave them, He would in effect be stopping human beings from exercising their free-will and from meriting for Heaven. But an unmerited Heaven could not have the quality of a merited Heaven, which is why we live in this “vale of tears” – God created us only for the best, even if it necessitated the “collateral damage” of a “vale of tears” in which a majority of all souls created would choose Hell (Mt. VII, 13–14).

Secondly, who made “true” true? Who made “false” false? And why is “true” “righteous”? And why is “false” “unrighteous”? Answer, God created the universe to be mankind’s home as an ordered whole out of many parts. God’s Order of our home is true (it corresponds to the mind of God), it is beautiful (city-dwellers still flock out of modern cities at weekends to enjoy the beauties of God’s Nature / Order) and it is good (that Order is real, being, in Nature, not just fabricated by my imagination). Therefore the Order of God is true, beautiful and good in all His Creation, and God created my soul out of nothing to give me a number of years of life sufficient for my free-will to choose either to recognise that goodness in His Creation and to love the Creator for giving me the chance to go to His Heaven for eternal bliss; or to refuse to recognise the goodness of the Creator in and behind His Creation, and in His utterly stupendous offer of eternal bliss in exchange for a few years of my observing His Order’s truth and righteousness. In brief, truth and righteousness are not arbitrary, but are based on what is, on my faith in its goodness, and on my submission to it.

Kyrie eleison.

The Enduring God

The Enduring God on July 17, 2021

Man is changing all the time, no need to prove that, whereas God cannot change in the least. He is Being itself (and they say that He does not exist!), so that He has all being in Him and there is no being that He can acquire. But by any change whatsoever He would acquire some being. Therefore He cannot change. Now the Psalms were all written by God, through human instruments like King David but ultimately by God, so that each Psalm is a little self-portrait of the unchanging God, as true to Him as ever, despite all confusion of men in succeeding ages, including our own. Let us look at Psalm 77 (modern numbering 78) to see what is at the heart of the Covid confusion, dating from the spring of last year. It is not complicated.

1–4 The Psalmist begins by calling his listeners to attention: to the coming generation he is going to tell of the past glories of God, just as past generations told of them notice, here is Tradition. Contrast how today “education” does the exact opposite, even forbidding “educators” to mention the very name of God.

5 He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children; 6 that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, 7 so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His Commandments; obviously, modern “education” is wanting to shut out God. 8 and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God. here in 2021 is the essence of our generation.

9–20 For instance even after all the miracles by which God led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, such as water sufficient for a whole people being struck from dry rock, still there were those who refused to obey God, saying that He could never feed them in the middle of the desert.

21–22 Therefore, when the LORD heard, he was full of wrath; a fire was kindled against Jacob, His anger mounted against Israel; because they had no faith in God, and did not trust His saving power. God is equally angry with the faithless modern West because it is trusting in “scientists” and politicians who lie, in materialists who are blind, and not in Him. Covid is the punishment.

23–29 Yet God fed the Israelites abundantly with manna. 30 Still they sinned. 31 Again He struck. 32 Still they disbelieved. 33 He killed them. 34–37 Then they turned to Him, but it was insincere. 38–40 God in His goodness, remembering men’s frailty, forgave them, but how often in the desert they grieved Him! 41–51 How often they clean forgot all He had done in Egypt, to punish Egyptians and Israelites alike. How often God has scourged modern Europe with terrible revolutions and wars, and now Covid, (less the supposed virus than the appalling “vaccine”). Yet still the people largely disregard Him.

52–58 Finally God led His People into the Promised Land, but even there they practised idolatry. 59–64 Once again God is furious, rejecting Israel and handing over the Israelites to their enemies Covidites and Communists today. 65–66 Once again, God relents, and this time scatters the Israelites’ enemies. If only Westerners would turn, and return, to God, both Covidites and Communists could disappear like a puff of wind. 67–72 But God still loves Judah especially, and gave to it the great King David.

Kyrie eleison.

Truth and Authority – III

Truth and Authority - III on July 10, 2021

With regard to the crisis of the Church, the diagnosis of loyalty to Catholic Truth battling it out ever since Vatican II with loyalty to Catholic Authority (EC 726, June 12) throws much light (EC 728, June 26), but it may have yet more light to throw, on the vexed question of how far defenders of the true Catholic Faith need today to be structured. What one might call normal Catholics will argue that Authority is so intrinsic to the Church that defenders of the Truth with no structure of authority at all among them can only go nowhere, can only finish by dissolving in thin air. What one might call abnormal Catholics will reply, with these “Comments,” that since Catholic Truth is the purpose of Catholic Authority (EC 726), then those who truly possess Catholic Truth need, exceptionally, strictly speaking no further structure to hold them together. For if, as the saying goes, “The Truth is mighty and will prevail,” it will also unite.

Normally, ever since Our Lord founded His Church, it has had to make its way in hostile territory, namely a world of which the Devil is Prince (Jn. XIV, 30), because of original sin. In this world Jesus threw him out by the Cross (Jn. XII, 31), but He left man with the wounds of original sin, so that man continued to need all the Church’s Authority to protect the Church’s Truth (EC 726). But after 19 centuries Pope Leo XIII was given a vision of God allowing once more full freedom to Satan to attack the Church, so that abnormally, at Vatican II, one century later Satan effectively overwhelmed even Church Authority. How had God now foreseen to protect His Truth from anarchy in His Church? There was never any question of the Church not surviving (Mt. XXVIII, 20). What would God do to protect His Church? Deliberately He had allowed its normal Authority to be broken down. What would He abnormally resort to?

Surely we can see it all around us. Since 1965 when Vatican II came officially to an end, Catholics have had a half century in which to grow used to an Authority above them growing more and more empty of that Catholic Truth which it is their purpose and justification to teach. Have Catholics abandoned the Church accordingly? Yes, many have turned to false religions or given up religion altogether, but not all. Sheep that are keeping the Faith can be found scattered in all directions by their Shepherd the Pope having been struck, but they are to be found still all over the official Church, in what used to be Ecclesia Dei groups, in the Society of St Pius X, in St Peter’s Fraternity, in the “Resistance,” in sedevacantists and so on and so on. They are liable all to excommunicate one another, but that is not what matters. What matters is the Catholic Truth which they are all more or less hanging onto, unless and until they let go, but that Truth includes that they must all come back under Catholic Authority again as soon as it comes back itself under Catholic Truth, but not before. Anyone can foresee that not all the sheep now scattered will find it equally easy to submit to Authority, but it will be equally necessary if they are to remain Catholics.

Meanwhile who can say that God has abandoned His sheep? The golden rule is that He never abandons a soul that has not first abandoned Him. In fact many of us can tell of the remarkable ways by which He has individually enabled us to hold onto the Faith, or even return to it, and that includes the crisis of the Church itself. Without the madness of the modernists one might have gone on sleepwalking in the Faith until one died. One may now find it difficult to find a group to which one can attach oneself to live the Faith, but if one searches and keeps searching until one finds what one needs, it is not God who will fail to provide it. For some 40 years the Society of St Pius X was a real oasis in the desert, and still many souls find refuge there. It is being urged now by Archbishop Viganò to keep putting Truth before misguided Authority, Faith before “obedience.”

Therefore yesterday’s theology manuals (strings of Catholic pearls) were right when they said things like, “No heresy can come from the Pope because then the situation of the Church would be hopeless.” That situation is indeed now humanly hopeless, but the manuals must add in the “humanly,” because they had forgotten that what may indeed be hopeless for men can be child’s play for God.

Kyrie eleison.

God Central

God Central on July 3, 2021

If I ask myself, how can zillions of world citizens all over the world have so little common sense as to be lying down and taking this covid-nonsense, an avalanche of lies captivating people’s minds and then the tyrannical stupidities dominating their behaviour, I have only one answer – they have let “science,” then technology, and finally electronics so dominate their lives that they no longer have anywhere near enough common sense left to recognise the global fraud and to stand up to the global tyrants.

It is a foretaste of what St Paul says about the coming of the Antichrist: “And then that wicked one shall be revealed . . . . whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs and lying wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (II Thess. II, 8–11).

This is a text which holds true in all times and places, but it is applying more than ever as we approach the end of the world. Notice how the trouble begins with lack of love of the truth. To love the truth and to pursue it is a great gift of God, because if one pursues it, one will find it (Mt. VII, 7–8), and if one then keeps pursuing it, God will lead the one pursuing it to Heaven and everlasting bliss, no less. But if for love of the world, the flesh or the Devil, those three great enemies of the soul, one refuses the truth or refuses to pursue it, then upon lack of the truth in the mind will necessarily follow error in the mind, the erosion of common sense, and corruption and immorality in the will. For indeed common sense is the mind’s natural endowment from God with its ability to recognise reality around it, and with reality truth, an ability normally necessary to survive. But if I set my will against reality and truth, as I can, then God will allow me so to erode my common sense that it will no longer make any sense to me.

This is what is now happening on a global scale, so that the most prestigious of “intellectuals” are turning themselves into the most stupid of human beings because, for instance, to impose their own scheme of equality in Creation upon God’s design of variety through inequality, they will refuse to give any recognition to the manifold complementarity between man and woman, and will strive to turn men into women and women into men, with disastrous results for both, and with catastrophic surgical operations for boys to be supposedly turned into girls and girls into boys. But why not, if God, Creation, Nature, Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell are not true? Then the whole world becomes my toy, and the playpen of people like Gates, Soros and Schwab.

Here is why the one true God, from whom derive Creation, Nature, Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell, is at the very centre of this global covid-fraud, NOT because He in any way directly caused it, but because He most certainly first allowed it, “that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.” No lies can enter His Heaven, let alone an avalanche of lies. But He means to populate His Heaven, howsoever men mean to depopulate His world!

Kyrie eleison.

Truth and Authority – II

Truth and Authority - II on June 26, 2021

One may or may not agree with the statement by these “Comments” two weeks ago (#726, June 12) that at Vatican II (1962–1965), Catholic Truth was split, broadly speaking, from Catholic Authority, but it is in any case a position which goes a long way towards explaining the breadth and depth of the unprecedented confusion reigning inside the Catholic Church ever since. For indeed Catholics clinging to Truth cling fiercely because they know it is Catholic, while Catholics loyal to what looks like Authority are fiercely loyal because they too know that there is no Catholic Church if there is no Authority. As Archbishop Lefebvre used to say, it was the masterpiece of the Devil to have thrown Catholics through “obedience” (to Authority) into disobedience (to Truth). From this diagnosis follow important conclusions –

1 Since Catholic Truth is unchanging in its essentials, then it is Authority that will have to return to Tradition for the crisis and confusion caused by the split between Truth and Authority to come to an end. Now by its true definition, authority can come only from above – “If God does not exist, I have no reason to be an army officer,” says a character in Dostoyevsky’s Devils. Therefore God alone can put the Pope back on his feet, and He has told us through His Mother at Fatima how He will do it – through the Pope’s Consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart in union with all the Catholic bishops of the world. But only when enough Catholics are praying for that Consecration will it happen.

2 In the meantime there is necessarily in the Church from top to bottom a state of disorder which in the words of the proverb, “must be endured because it cannot be cured.” Almighty God has not stopped looking after His Church, in fact He is using the crisis to shake the rotten fruit from the tree. He does know exactly what He is doing, so that it is no time to stop believing in the Catholic Church, any more than it would have been time to stop believing in the divinity of Our Lord if we had been spectators or bystanders at the very first Way of the Cross in Jerusalem while Our Lord was staggering past in front of us. And yet, humanly speaking, how much reason we would have had, in front of that spectacle, to disbelieve! Today, divinely speaking, how much reason we have to trust in the future of the Church. At world’s end it will be even more shaken than it is being shaken today, yet the Antichrist will bring about the Church’s greatest triumph in all its history.

3 Therefore Catholics need today a boundless confidence in the Wisdom and Omnipotence of God, despite all the appearances. One day the poor wretches now ruling the world and planning to complete their power over all mankind by a combination of injections from within and radiation from without, will, as the Psalmist says, melt like wax before the face of God. They have become like the machines they adore. So little notion do they have of God, or of spirit rising above matter, or of free-will, that they really plan on turning human beings into robots. God laughs at them, says again the Psalmist (Psalm 2). Up to us to give to God all the honour, love and glory that He is missing from them, and to his Mother all the Rosaries that She asks for to be able to intercede with God for their and our conversion and salvation.

4 And finally amidst all the present confusion and lack of authority, Catholics need that charity, specially towards our fellow Catholics, which covers a multitude of our own sins and which prepares for tomorrow’s restoration and reunion of the Church. I may know the Truth, but “knowledge puffs up, while charity builds up,” says St Paul. Even the globalists and banksters are not my real enemies today. These are still “principalities and powers,” “world rulers of this present darkness,” “spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. VI, 11). The real war is spiritual, between ourselves and fallen angels, and it takes place firstly inside my own soul.

Kyrie eleison.