But such charm is, for a maid, much too disarming!
How can an innocent maiden raw life know?That’s why the Archbishop himself to Rome would go.
At on the Internet can be found an interesting video presentation in French entitled “Betrayal of the SSPX, told by priests.” The background picture shows Pope Bergoglio and Fr. David Pagliarani, Superior General of the SSPX (Society of St Pius X) putting their heads together, as though they are the best of friends. The picture may well be a fabrication rather than real, but it is a good fabrication, because it sums up the huge unreality that both of them are pursuing, namely that 2+2=4, and 2+2= 4 or 5 (or 6 or 6 million), can be reconciled in 2+2 = four and a half. But that is exactly the same unreal reconciliation that Pope Benedict and Bishop Fellay were dreaming of in 2009. It is the unreal dream of liberals that things are not necessarily what they objectively are, but anything that I may subjectively like them to be. For instance, if I do not like Ten Commandments, then I make them Ten Options!
And if for another ten years nothing interrupts the present course of Church affairs, then in in 2035 another Church leader and another SSPX Superior General will be caricatured in the same way because the liberal Church leader will still be posing as a friend of Catholic Tradition, while the dream-Traditional SSPX leader will still be seeking for official Church approval from the real enemies of the Faith. A good cartoonist could enhance the fabrication by portraying Fr Pagliarani as Little Red Riding Hood and the apparent Pope as the Big Bad Wolf: “What lovely teeth you have,” she fawns. “All the better to eat you up with, sweetie pie!”
However, “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” says Our Lord in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. VII, 1–5). Certainly not all priests in the SSPX are traitors well aware that they want to get rid of the last trace of Archbishop Lefebvre. Certainly seminarians in the seminaries which he built are still receiving something inherited from him. But the problem is among their Superiors, liberals firmly entrenched at the controls of the SSPX at Headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland. They may themselves firmly believe that Catholic doctrine excludes contradiction, as certainly as 2+2=4 excludes contradiction in arithmetic. But how then can they be so intent upon obtaining official Church approval for Catholic Tradition from today’s apostates in Rome? These have modernism firmly in their heads, which means the profound undermining of ancient and obvious truth. Between modern ears there are no longer enough grey cells capable of grasping old truth.
This is so much so that when a would-be friend of the SSPX proposes it should follow the 1988 example of Archbishop Lefebvre by taking for itself, even without Rome’s approval, the bishops it so needs for its worldwide apostolate, a sadder and wiser friend replies, “That is no longer possible. SSPX HQ has so imposed on Newsociety seminaries a doctrine of obedience to the Roman authorities and of obedience to the Newsociety authorities, that the young priests coming out of these seminaries for the last many years would be in total confusion. Like in the Church of the 1950’s, obedience has taken precedence of Truth. Consequence – “You must do what I say, merely because I say it.” The folly existed in Latin – “Sic volo, sic jubeo. Stat pro ratione voluntas” (Thus I wish, thus I command, my will takes the place of reason.)
In the the 1950’s, Catholics had a very real problem: how to bridge the ever widening gap between the real demands of the Faith and the real godlessness of the modern world, rising all the time. Fiftiesism, “Pay, pray and obey,” or, keeping up the appearances of the Faith while emptying out its substance, was not the needed solution. Quite naturally, appearances without the substance meant the collapse of both appearances and substance, and that was the Church of the 1960’s. Vatican II naturally followed on Fiftiesism. Vatican IIB risks gravely following tomorrow on what Menzingen is imposing on its seminarians today.
Therefore today’s Newsociety, but not all its priests, is leading not away from, but back to, Vatican II of the terrible 1960’s. “Cavete, consules.” Watch out, chiefs. At the very least, cease to inspire photographic cartoonists lampooning you as hobnobbing with your deadly enemy!
Kyrie eleison