Bishop Williamson

Diuturnum Illud of Leo XIII (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

His Excellency comments on how politics, religion, and economics cannot be separated, American virtue making the Constitution work, Dr. Salazar of Portugal, and the American Civil War.



Dives in Misericordia (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson’s commentary on the encyclical “Dives in Misericordia,” the theology of mercy, the parable of the Prodigal Son, a Church without a hell, and the feminization of the New Church.



Diuturnum Illud of Leo XIII (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

His Excellency talks about the Jewish holocaust, the nature of true obedience, the movie “The Sound of Music,” the topic of abortion and the failure of parents to give good example.



Dives in Misericordia (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson speaks about the term love, universal salvation, the New World Order, Moses, the suggestion that the Jews are still the People of God, and the nature of the paschal mystery.



Questions & Answers – III

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

His Excellency takes questions and discusses the thinking of Jacques Maritain, the work of Action Francaise, sedevacantism, collegiality, Humanae Vitae and the invalidity of Anglican orders.



Modernist Theologians (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

His Excellency goes on to discuss the thinking of Henri de Lubac and Maurice Blondel and explains why sound philosophy is important.

