Bishop Williamson

Quanta Cura of Pius IX (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson goes into a digression on the Oklahoma City bombing, mentions that society need religion, sports becoming a substitute religion, and that the man is the head of the family.



The Seven Ages of the Church (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson’s famous discussion of the Seven Ages of the Church taken from Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser. The bishop also goes on to explore other important episodes in European and American history.



Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson comments on the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX, how morals follow doctrine, and that the Pope has a right to exercise civil authority.



The Influence of Freemasonry on Society (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson teaches on the errors of naturalism, man’s false view of liberty, the separation of Church and State, American imperialism, and the concept of true patriotism.



Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX (Part 2)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson discusses the role of nature and grace, how reason can come to certain truths, and the importance of St. Thomas Aquinas.



Questions & Answers – I

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson is asked questions where he talks about Windswept House and the chapter on the computer’s effect on the New Church, the concept of the “medium is the message,” summary of the Unabomber Manifesto

