Eleison Comments Spanish

LEFEBVRE post 1988 – I

LEFEBVRE post 1988 – I on September 14, 2024

A liberal is a wolf, dressed like a sheep.

Judge by the fruits – sheep corpses in a heap.

For what use is it to him to be “free,”

If by God’s tenfold Law still bound he be?

“To Hell with Heaven! I will do as I like!

And let God with His Hell for ever strike!”

After consecrating four bishops in June of 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre saw more clearly than ever that the Conciliar Romans are no servants of the Catholic Faith. In 1989 he gave a long interview in France, cruelly shortened below. For the complete original, see https://sspx.org/en/one-year-after-consecrations-30335

Why the consecrations?

For several years I had been trying to get Rome to understand that as I was advancing in age, I had to ensure my succession. They were afraid that I would consecrate bishops, so they alluded to the possibility of our having a bishop who would be my successor.

I went to Rome for conversations, but without any confidence in their success. I wished to go as far as possible to show what good will we had. Very soon, however, we realized that we were dealing with people who are not honest. Rome brought up the question of the Council, which we did not want to hear of. A formula for an agreement was found which was at the very limits of what we could accept. I obtained only one bishop, whereas I was asking for three. That was already virtually unacceptable. And, when, even before signing the protocol, we asked when we could have this bishop, the answer was evasive or null.

The accumulation of distrust and reticence impelled me to demand the nomination of a bishop for the 30th June. Either that, or I would go ahead and consecrate. Faced with such a choice, Cardinal Ratzinger said, “If that’s how it is, the protocol is over. It’s finished, and there is no more protocol. You are breaking off relations.” It’s he who said it, not I.

Lefebvre should have stayed in the Church

What Church are we talking about? If you mean the Conciliar Church, then we who have struggled against the Council for twenty years, because we want the Catholic Church, would have to re-enter this Conciliar Church in order, supposedly, to make it Catholic. That is a complete illusion.

Danger of schism?

To say that we are not the “visible Church”, that we are quitting the “visible Church”, which is infallible, all that is just words which do not correspond to reality. It is incredible that anyone can talk of the “visible Church”, meaning the Conciliar Church, as opposed to the Catholic Church which we are trying to represent and continue. We are against the Conciliar Church which is virtually schismatic, even if they deny it. In practice, it is a Church virtually excommunicated because it is a Modernist Church. We are not making a parallel Church. We are what we have always been – Catholics carrying on. That is all.

Each of these recent popes is truly two popes in one. It was John XXIII who launched the opening of the Church to the world. From that point on, we were framed within ambiguity and duplicity, i.e. the two-faced way of acting proper to the liberal.

We are not against the pope insofar as he represents the values of the Apostolic See which are unchanging. But we are against the pope insofar as he is a modernist who does not believe in his own infallibility, who practises ecumenism. So long as in Rome they stay attached to the ideas of the Council: religious liberty, ecumenism, collegiality, they are going the wrong way.


I do not think it is opportune to try contacting Rome. I think we must still wait. Wait, alas, for the situation to get still worse on their side. But up till now, they do not want to recognize that fact.

Kyrie eleison


ROSARY BLAST 2024. on September 7, 2024

Our Lady knows exactly why we’re bleeding,

And, better than anyone else, what we are needing.

Both at Fatima in Portugal in 1917 and at Akita in Japan in 1973 Our Lady said that only She can help us henceforth. In Akita She added, “from the imminent calamities,” the calamities hanging over our heads. If anybody has been watching events in the Ukraine over the last two years, he must be blind, either naturally or wilfully, not to see a nuclear Third World War coming, and bringing with it calamities without number. Our Lady of Akita also told Sister Agnes Sasagawa that all those who put their confidence in Her will be saved, by which She almost certainly meant, saved for eternity and not just for this brief life on earth, which is so much less important.

In any case it is Our Lord Himself – in complete control of coming world events and allowing the calamities only for our own greater good – who has told us that to reward His Mother for the special part She has played in the saving of souls, especially in modern times, He wants it to be the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will take the credit among men for the eventual rescue of mankind from its present dire straits. For indeed mankind will be rescued in the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, a brief Golden Age for the Church, following on the Chastisement, and constituting the greatest world-wide victory of Our Lord’s Church in all its history. Then sin will return, with the run-down to the Antichrist and to the fiercest persecution of Christians, generating some of the greatest Saints in all Church history.

Into this cosmic drama preceding the end of the world fits Our Lady as its queen and our guide, as appointed by Her Divine Son Himself. At Akita half a century ago, She did warn us, like a good mother, of “fire falling from Heaven which will eliminate a large part of mankind, both the good and the bad, sparing neither priests nor laity, and leaving survivors so desolate that they will envy the dead. At that moment you will have two weapons left: the Rosary, and the sign left by My Son (It is not yet certain in what that sign consists). Pray the Rosary for the Pope, for bishops and priests.” Indeed the primary problem today of our storm-tossed Church and world is the defection of the Catholic churchmen, deceived by the diabolical Second Vatican Council of the 1960’s.

Accordingly, the little “Resistance” movement in England is organising again this year a pilgrimage to Walsingham in Norfolk, from Thursday 26th until Sunday 29thSeptember, but based this year in Swaffham, about 30 minutes away by car. As in previous years, the main business of pilgrims will be daily Mass and the praying of full 15-Mystery Rosaries, possibly as many as ten in the four days inclusive, from the Thursday to the Sunday. That may seem a great deal, but nobody complained in previous years, on the contrary they were rewarded with the realisation of how relatively easy the full Rosary can be. And they well knew they were not wasting their time, by doing exactly what the Queen of Heaven is asking all of us to do. At the heart of the distress of our times is a spiritual and not material problem. The problem is mankind turning its back on God, for which all the latest and best of warplanes, submarines and tanks are relatively useless. See Psalm 32–33 – “The war-horse is a vain hope for victory . . . . Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him.”

For all practical details of how to get to Swaffham, for accommodation (not expensive if you can bring your own bedding and towels) and so on, please e-mail respicestellam2015@gmail.com. Mass will take place each day at a former Convent in Swaffham, followed by a simple breakfast, and kitchen facilities are available to cater for an evening meal. Do notify as soon as possible by email this same address if you mean to take part, because organisers would like to have ahead an idea of numbers.

And do think of doing a great service to Our Lady, to your country, to your family and to yourself by taking part in the “Rosary Blast.”

Kyrie eleison.


EVIL GLOBALISM on August 31, 2024

If enemies of God so seem to prevail,

It’s only because His friends, in praying, fail.

In his book, now censored, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300,” Dr. John Coleman (born 1940), who has long studied the criminal rulers of the modern world, presented a list of 20 means by which they mean to force upon the world their New World Order. The interest for Catholics is to recognise, if they have not yet done so, just how criminal are our real rulers today, who control our puppet governors but are themselves hidden from public view. Catholics must realise with what cunning and co-ordination the globalists operate, and how close they are to achieving their totally godless aims. God will not let them finally conquer, but He will let them put us through the severe trial which they show that we deserve –

1. To erect a One World Government with a single Church and a single money-system, under their control.

2. To destroy completely all sense of national identity and pride in one’s nation, since only so will men accept a World-Government above all nations.

3. To destroy all religion, especially the Christian religion, with one exception: their own new “religion.”

4. To establish thought control techniques so as to create human robots controlled from outside.

5. To stop all industrialisation, except for the computer and service sectors. What is needed is a “Post-industrial no-growth society.” Industry needed can be outsourced to inexpensive Third World countries.

6. To promote the consumption, even legalisation of drugs, and to turn pornography into an art form, so as to make it widely accepted and even seen as normal.

7. To depopulate big cities, on the model of the Pol Pot massacres in Cambodia.

8. To suppress all scientific development, unless it serves the purposes of the globalists.

9. To bring about the death of 3 billion people by 2050 either through “limited local wars” in the developed countries, or through hunger and sickness in the undeveloped countries. For instance, the US population must be brought down to 100 million by 2050.

10. To weaken the morals of the people and further demoralise the working classes by unemployment. Youth must be encouraged by means of drugs and wild music to rebel against the status quo, which will lead also to the weakening and dissolution of the family.

11. To make people unused to deciding their own fate by exposing them to one crisis after another. People must feel so overwhelmed by the decisions needed to decide their own fate, that they become apathetic.

12. To introduce new religious cults, and to promote the cults already existing.

13. To promote Christian Fundamentalism, which sees the Zionist State of Israel as “God’s Chosen Race,” so that Israel gets support with, amongst other things, huge sums of money.

14. To push for the spread of extreme religious sects like the Muslim-Brotherhood and the Sikhs and to perform thought-control experiments, as Jim Jones did in his death camp in Jonestown in 1978.

15. To bring about a collapse of the world economy, and therewith total political chaos.

16. To take control of all national and international policies of the USA.

17. To give the greatest support to Supranational Institutions like the UN, IMF, the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, the International Court in The Hague, while national institutions are weakened.

18. To infiltrate and take over all governments, so as to dissolve the supreme rights of each single nation.

19. To create an international terrorism, and to negotiate with any terrorists who have actually acted.

20. To take control of all educational institutions in the USA, so as to ruin them completely.

Kyrie eleison


OLYMPIC SCANDAL on August 24, 2024

Behind appearances, our world mocks God.

But mocked He is not. Souls, expect the rod!

When the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games held recently in Paris, France, included a blasphematory presentation of the Last Supper held by Our Divine Lord with His Apostles on the eve of His crucifixion, the scandal was such that all kinds of commentators said and wrote all kinds of true things in protest. Thanks be to God! The ceremony closing the games was ambiguous in nature, but not so clearly scandalous. However, let nobody be surprised that the scandal took place. Instead, let everybody reflect on the full implications – Paris is committing suicide, and with Paris, so-called “Western civilisation.”

There can be no surprise that the scandal took place, because it is merely the latest in a series of such public and ever more serious insults to Almighty God. These are being organised by His enemies to exploit and promote the ever increasing lack of true religion on the part of His friends. The underlying apostasy, of Christendom turning its back on Christ, goes back at least to the end of the Middle Ages. It exploded in modern times with the French Revolution of 1789, centred in Paris, to launch the Masonic Republic of France to replace the Catholic King of France. Behind the launching of the modern Olympic Games in the 1890’s was Freemasonry, again special enemies of God, to promote pagan sport with, for instance, ever more women participating in ever scantier clothing. On the Internet the “artist” entrusted with designing the scandalous opening ceremony in question justified it by saying that he had wanted to commemorate France’s “republican values.” In other words, he was merely continuing the French Revolution.

Can anybody still not see that the particular scandals are merely part of our world’s universal war on God? In 2024, worst of all is the fact that the highest authorities in the French State must have known about the scandal being prepared, and must have given their green light for it to go ahead. As for the Olympic authorities, of course they too must have given their permission, if it was not their original idea. But what on earth does a mockery of the Last Supper of Our Lord have to do with athletic games? Huge numbers of people today have such a low idea of the importance of religion that they cannot even imagine that it plays any serious part in men’s lives, but here it is, driving, deep down, the sports and games which they so love.

Let us conclude with two quotes, one ignoble, from the “Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”; the other divinely noble, a comment on the Last Supper in Scripture. Here is a passage from Protocol #13 –

“. . . . In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about, we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces. Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them . . .”

And from Scripture, Lk. XXII, 15–20, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer . . . . This is My Body, which is given for you . . . . This chalice which is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my Blood . . .” And the comment: At which point Our Lord looks almost disappointed, as though He had nothing more to be able to give to His Apostles.

Kyrie eleison


Bp. THOMAS SPEAKS on August 17, 2024

This true disciple made no compromise,

And, to his Master, proves still faithful and wise.

Bishop Thomas Aquinas, Superior of the “Resistance” Benedictine Monastery in the hills behind Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, does not often make public declarations, but the one that he made at the end of last month on “Archbishop Lefebvre, Archbishop Vigano and Sedevacantism” might make us wish that he took position in public more often. In those crucial years of the 1970’s and 1980’s Fr. Thomas Aquinas was never a seminarian directly under Archbishop Lefebvre inside the Archbishop’s Society of St Pius X, but he was closer to the Archbishop in thought and mind than many of his own seminarians, and could be called at that time a confidant of the Archbishop. His faithfulness to the Archbishop’s way of thinking is clear from this recent article of Bishop Thomas, translated below, complete, from a French version of the original –

Archbishop Vigano has behaved like a true hero ever since he realised, or began to realise, just how the Conciliar Church is doctrinally and morally decomposing. Unfortunately he seems to be leaning towards the position that the Apostolic See is vacant. Time will tell if he is truly a sedevacantist.

As for Archbishop Lefebvre, he had already begun this fight with the Conciliar Church when it was even more decisive than it is today. He had gained the trust of Catholics all over the world, thanks to his solid doctrinal formation and to his superior practical judgment. The latter enabled him to avoid both the trap to the left of the Ecclesia Dei communities going back under Rome, and the trap to the right of sedevacantism. He pointed out precisely how on the left Dom Gerard and others like him were leading their communities to commit suicide by placing themselves under the authority of the modernists, while the sedevacantists on the right were putting themselves in a position as uncertain as it is dangerous, by stating more than Church teaching allows one to state.

Some people think that Archbishop Lefebvre would be a sedevacantist today. I do not think so. I even think the opposite. I think the arguments he gave when he was alive have lost nothing of their force or relevance today. His arguments are simple. What becomes of the Church if the Popes from John XXIII to Francis were never Popes? Were the Cardinals appointed by them not valid Cardinals? Who will elect the next Pope? How can we ever have a Pope again? Sedevacantism would seem to imperil the very existence of the Church. Let us rather wait for the Church to give official judgment on the question one day, so as to resolve it once and for all.

Given how opinions held and measures undertaken diverge within Tradition today, I see only one reasonable line of conduct: to hold on to and to hand down what we received from Archbishop Lefebvre, in doctrine and in practice. Many will object that in practice one needs to take into account how the state of the Church crisis has evolved from the Archbishop’s day to our own. True, there have been changes, but they are not essential. The crisis remains essentially the same. Like the Arian crisis which lasted 60 years, this crisis carries on, unchanged. Hence the relevance of the Archbishop’s example.

May Our Lady, conqueror of all heresies, grant us the grace to overcome the attacks of the Devil and of the modernists.

+Tomas Aquinas, O.S.B.

Here is the Catholic wisdom of Archbishop Lefebvre, restated for our times, most fruitful for the Church when judged by its fruits, of not deviating to the right or to the left, as the Lord God commanded Joshua when he succeeded to Moses as leader of the Israelites (Joshua I, 7). Truth is the measure of this centre position, and not where right or left may happen to find themselves, because Truth is of God.

Kyrie eleison.


ROSARY POWER on August 11, 2024

The humble Rosary, praised by every Saint –

A surer help to Heaven there simply ain’t.

When these “Comments” concluded last week (# 890, August 3) that praying the Rosary was the solution to the present madness of supposed Church laws being “imposed” upon us by modernist Rome, many readers may have wondered, what connection can there be between the two? How can all the Church’s problems be off-loaded onto the Rosary, so to speak?

Yet before Sister Lucy of Fatima was replaced in the 1960’s by a dummy that would be rather more docile to the modernists, she was able to say that in our times God has given to the Rosary a special power, such that it can solve all problems. This power is something that Catholics (and non-Catholics) need to believe in, for the world’s imminent trials. The key is that the world around us empties out God, leaving a shell of Him at most. The prayer of the Rosary restores the sense of God, little by little, in human souls. Let us begin with the man-made absence of God, and pass on to the power of the Rosary.

Mankind’s emptying out of God began in modern times at the latest in the 1400’s with the decline of Catholic faith in God and with the corresponding rise of esteem for man in the so-called Renaissance, or “Rebirth” of man. The underlying idea was that the Middle Ages had so overvalued God as to undervalue man. This idea paved the way for the explosion of humanism, or the super-valuing of man for man’s sake, by Martin Luther (1483–1548), in the form of Protestantism in the early 1500’s. This fragmentary revolt of subjective man against the unified objective order of the God of Catholicism has dominated the modernity of “Western civilisation” ever since. To Protestantism can be traced back all the most important errors of our times, for instance Naturalism, Rationalism and especially Liberalism in the 1800’s, then Ecumenism, Modernism and especially Communism in the 1900’s. The godlessness has come a long way.

For well over 400 years the Catholic Popes held up the Catholic Faith against Luther, so to speak, but with Vatican II (1962–1965) they gave way, and by 2024 the way was clear for worldwide Games to start with a mockery of the Last Supper. Such blasphemy is virtually the new religion of “Western civilisation.” Fully to grasp just how long-standing and deep is the alienation of modern man from the one true God, it is necessary to read a portrait of Luther like that of the French philosopher Jacques Maritain in his book, “Three Reformers.” Luther’s violent uprising against God was in the very depths of the human soul. And so how can anyone pretend that praying the simple and repetitive Rosary can be a cure?

Physically, the Rosary engages, regulates and tranquillises all the most mobile parts of a human being: the fingers with the beads, the mouth with uttering the prayers, the mind with contemplating the Mysteries, maybe also the feet with walking up and down. This captivating of our fickle frame frees the soul to commune with God, i.e. to pray. My mind goes wool-gathering? The beads bring me back. And spiritually, the Mysteries centre on Our Lord, framed symmetrically within Mysteries of Our Lady (the unsymmetrical “Mysteries of Light,” added by modernists, should be disregarded). She gives Him birth, He dies for our sins, She is rewarded with the Queenship of the Universe.

Now “Rome is not built in a day.” Not even the Rosary may re-open Heaven in a few weeks. But whoever perseveres with the Rosary has every chance of getting back onto the wavelength of Heaven, and steadily more off that of the world. Each Mystery has its own lesson of God, and all fifteen together take me through the entire cycle of the history of our Redemption. Here is why I was ever born, and nowhere else. Here, passed in review in less than an hour, is what makes sense of the whole of Creation. Our lives on earth are not just “nasty, poor, brutish and short,” in the notorious words of an English philosopher. To get us to Heaven, Our Lord alone suffered for us all more than all of us put together could ever suffer. I want to get to Heaven. I will be faithful to the special prayer God gave to His Church to get me there!

Kyrie eleison.