Eleison Comments

Walsingham Pilgrimage

Walsingham Pilgrimage on September 5, 2020

The inspiration for this “Resistance” pilgrimage due to take place in two weeks’ time at England’s foremost Marian sanctuary near Norfolk, East England, came directly from words of Our Lady of Akita, spoken in Japan on October 13 in 1973, already 47 years ago. Note the day and month which She chose for her pre-apocalyptic Third Message for the world, given through the humanly deaf Sister Agnes Sasagawa: the day and month of the Great Miracle of Fatima in 1917. In the course of conducting his official investigation into the authenticity of Our Lady’s intervention, the Catholic Bishop of Akita at the time consulted Cardinal Ratzinger who is reported to have said that Akita continued Fatima. In any case in 1982 that bishop, John Shojiro Ito, gave his full official approval to the devotion of Our Lady of Akita. Here is her Third Message:—

As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their colleagues . . . churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sorrow. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them.

The grossly inflated corona-panic of the spring of 2020 together with the threat of its deliberate repetition this autumn and of the intended clampdown of Communism to follow upon the entire world, have given to many people to see more clearly why in 1973 Our Lady of Akita added after Her Message these words: I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Today’s problem of Church and world, caused by human beings, has long been way beyond any solution by mere human beings. If God allows, in Walsingham we shall do exactly what Our Lady asked for, to obtain Her solution, not ours!

Friday, 18th September
Arrive in Walsingham for 4pm.
5.15 pm. First complete Rosary (Pope, bishops, priests) at Slipper Chapel grounds.
8.00 pm. Optional complete Rosary in Walsingham village.

Saturday 19th September
10.00 am. Second complete Rosary of the pilgrimage, walking Holy Mile from Slipper Chapel.
12 noon. Mass at Walsingham Abbey grounds.
2.00 pm.Third complete Rosary (bishops, priests, Pope) at Walsingham Abbey.
4.30 pm Fourth complete Rosary in Walsingham village.
8.00 pm. Optional complete Rosary in Walsingham village.

Sunday 20th September
9.30 am. Fifth Complete Rosary (priests, Pope, bishops) at Walsingham Abbey.
10.30am. Mass at Walsingham Abbey.
12.30 pm. Final blessing at Walsingham Abbey.

These times are GMT plus one hour for English summertime. They may help souls far from Walsingham to pray in union with pilgrims on the spot in Walsingham.

Kyrie eleison.

Viganò to Be Diluted?

Viganò to Be Diluted? on August 29, 2020

In a series of recent statements in public, notably on June 9 the Italian Archbishop Carlo Viganò, still today member of the Church’s official hierarchy, has stood out from the mass of his colleagues in that hierarchy by taking a severe view of Vatican II. Now comes an Italian theologian, Fr. Alfredo Morselli, who seeks to moderate Archbishop Viganò’s severity not exactly by defending the Council, but by arguing for instance that it is not alone responsible for the crisis that has come over the Church in the years following the Council. Let us look at his “Thesis on the Council” which he has made public in nine main points and eight sub-points, here abbreviated:—

1 The present crisis is of unprecedented gravity, essentially neo-modernist, but much graver than the original modernist crisis at the beginning of the 20th century.
2 However, Vatican II is not simply the cause of the present crisis, because:
2.1 The crisis began long before 1960,
2.2 its neo-modernism would never have taken root without the deep corruption of modern man, and
2.3 similarly the pontificate of Pope Francis was prepared long before the 21st century.
3 We must distinguish between the Council itself and the post-Council, or aftermath of the Council:
3.1 The Council cannot be blamed for all errors attributed to it, even if they were done in its name,
3.2 The Holy Spirit was at the Council, so that one cannot say there was no good at all in the Council.
4 The Council texts do include ambiguous formulae, which give the neo-modernists an opening.
5 Almost all these problems have been solved subsequently by official Church Declarations.
6 The problems represent not so much errors as the desire to be inclusive rather than exclusive.
7 A tragic example of that desire is the Council’s refusal to condemn Communism.
8 Calling the Council “pastoral” does not mean that there is nothing dogmatic in its pronouncements.
9 One may only criticize the Council in accordance with Church teaching on the Faith. Hence
9.1 Faith means believing God, i.e. accepting and not choosing what truths one will believe.
9.2 The Catholic Church’s Magisterium is the prime decider of which are those truths to believe.
9.3 That Magisterium is not open to private interpretation. It alone can interpret its own decisions.

And now the briefest of comments on each of these positions of Fr Morselli:—

1 This introductory point lays down how far Fr Morselli agrees with Archbishop Viganò. Bravo!
2 Who would blame an explosion exclusively on the detonator? Of course there must be explosives.
2.1 Indeed Vatican II had a long ancestry, notably the Protestant “Reformation” and 1789’s Revolution.
2.2 Absolutely true. The deep corruption of modern man has been centuries in the making.
2.3 Also true. Five Popes neo-modernist in principle prepared the sixth, merely blatantly so in practice.
3 Beware! – is he who unbolts the stable-door not to be blamed for the horse running away?
3.1 “I never meant for the horse to run away. I only wanted for it to be free to gallop in the sunshine!”
3.2 The Holy Spirit stopped the Council from being even worse, but left the Bishops their free-will . . .
4 The deadly ambiguities were planted by the neo-modernists, allowed to pass by the “Catholics.”
5 These “clarifications” in which Fr Morselli believes usually do not clarify, but maintain the problem.
6 Alas, it is the very desire to be inclusive that makes doors once firmly shut, open again to error.
7 Archbishop Lefebvre said, the refusal to condemn Communism will stigmatise this Council for ever.
8 Dreadful ambiguity: the “pastoral” Council was not dogmatic, but had to be followed like dogma!
9 “The poison is in the tail” – at the end, Fr Morselli falls back on the argument of Authority! –
9.1 Of course we must believe what truly comes from God, and not choose ourselves what to believe.
9.2 And of course, if God demands belief, as He does, He owes us an infallible Magisterium to decide.
9.3 But that Magisterium consists of fallible Church officials with free-will, which God will not take away, and if, exceptionally, they fail in their duty, He expects the sheep to judge them by their fruits.

In brief, Archbishop Viganò’s severity, judging Vatican II by its fruits, surpasses Fr. Morselli’s Authority.

Kyrie eleison.

Money, Truth

Money, Truth on August 22, 2020

The gravity of last spring’s corona-panic fabricated by the people ruling and of this summer’s riots performed by the people ruled, both artificial but together threatening to bring civilisation as we have known it to a stop, is making a number of people think. What is going on? What lies in store for the autumn? They see governments in synchronisation all over the world fabricating the seriousness of the corona virus and falsifying the statistics of the corona deaths. They see rioters being organised and paid to gather from all over the United States to wreak contradictory havoc in a number of cities. Where is this flood of lies and contradictions coming from? And where is it leading? Above all, who is behind the coordinated onslaught against truth, law and order?

In answer to the last question, the classic principle is “Cui bono?,” or, “Who is standing to gain?”

Hardly the people ruling, who are discrediting themselves by their inept fumbling of whatever is real in the corona crisis, and by their often weak reaction to the real emptiness of the rioters. Hardly the people ruled who do not like the real loss of their normal lives or livelihood. Is it not clear that somebody hostile to rulers and ruled alike must be manipulating both of them? But who has the necessary power to do the manipulating? Rulers can be bribed by money, especially if they love money (some observers say that modern governments are the best that money can buy). And peoples ruled can be led by the nose by equally bought media-men with little concern for truth.

What then if we observe that the money-men in our world have taken care to buy control of the media, our newspapers and television and, most recently, our social media? These money-men, or the “banksters,” banker-gangsters of our world, surely have the power to have manipulated the corona-panic and the riots, in synchronisation. But for what purpose? Men have always pursued money, in general for all the things that it can buy, but in particular for the sake of power. Pride loves power, money feeds pride and power. And it looks right now in 2020 as though we are being the witnesses of an unprecedented grab for global power, made possible by modern technology.

The corona-panic engineered from the autumn of 2019 onwards made it possible for governments virtually to shut down the economy of their countries and to destroy a multitude of livelihoods and small businesses. But is that not suicidal for democratic governments? The banksters will bail them out, creating out of thin air all the money they need to lend it to them, bringing the governments and nations under their power, as the debtor is under the power of the creditor. The banksters will succeed in enslaving an entire world which had too much love for money, and too little love for truth.

Had these nations loved truth more, they would have risen up long ago against the stream of lies coming out of the media, and they would never have swallowed the pack of lies surrounding the corona-virus and its surrounding masks and “social distancing.” Had these nations not loved money too much, they would never have allowed the money-men to bribe them into acceptance of a money-system based on a variety of deceits, notably fractional reserve banking, culminating in the enslavement of mankind by the sheer trickery of “money” fabricated by merely punching out figures on a computer.

So what now can be done? As far back as 1973 Our Lady said in Akita, Japan, “Only I can help you now.” And She said, “Pray the Rosary for the Pope, for bishops and priests.” For details of a weekend pilgrimage to pray exactly as She asked, look up respicestellam2015@gmail.com At Walsingham in Norfolk, England, September 18 to 20.

Kyrie eleison.

Rosary Blast

Rosary Blast on August 15, 2020

In whatever events are due to fall upon us this autumn and thereafter, it will be essential for all souls who have the good fortune to believe in God to be turning in mind and heart to Him, because He is at the very centre of these events, and they cannot be understood without Him. That is why the mass of conservatives and liberals alike are today “walking in darkness.” It is only souls with the Faith that “have the light of life” (Jn. VIII, 12) who can read what is going on.

For centuries what is called “Western civilisation” has been turning away from God. Yet He alone could and did create the spiritual and rational soul which alone gives life and free-will to every man alive, and this He did to enable man to choose to go to Heaven, if he wants. If he refuses such an offer, he deserves only to go to Hell, which is what he in fact wanted in order to get away from God, because he died in a state of revolt against Him. Thus all souls on earth are all the time making their way towards Him or away from Him, in accordance with God’s justice, tempered by His mercy, both infinite in scope. At the very heart of the most bitter atheist’s being – is God.

And this turning towards or away from God is what human life on earth is all about, whether men recognise it or deny it. By today, 2020, God has been driven so far out of the picture that among men both His friends and His enemies can be more unconscious than conscious of being such, but that is nevertheless what they are, and what is driving their lives. The unconscious friends we call “conservatives” because they are trying to conserve the last remains of Christendom, better known today as “Western civilisation.” The unconscious enemies of God we call “liberals” because they are trying to liberate themselves from the same last vestiges of the Ten Commandments.

It is the greatness of God which gives to conservatives their strength, incomparably greater when they understand that much, and turn to Him, but greatly diminished if they want or try to fight for Him without Him. That is why politics today are constantly shifting to the left, because the conservatives have ever less of God in them, or to fight for. This means an ever weaker enemy in the face of the liberals, crusading with a religious fanaticism for their New World Order without God. It is only because God is involved that the clash between conservatives and liberals in the United States is on the brink of civil war, on the brink of tearing the nation apart.

Things have come so far that as far back as 1973 Our Lady said in Akita, Japan, “Only I can help you now.” There she also said, “Pray the Rosary for the Pope, for bishops and for priests.” Indeed the heart of today’s national and international problem lies in the Catholic Church, because the one and only true God has one and only one institution on earth which He Himself instituted to bring men to His Heaven, and that is the Catholic Church. The world could not possibly be in the terrible trouble in which it finds itself today had not the agents of the New World Order succeeded in infiltrating and crippling the Catholic Church at the Second Vatican Council, held in the 1960’s.

That is why these “Comments” cannot believe in or promote all kinds of well-meant but inadequate action to save Church or world, but they can and do believe in a “Rosary Blast” to be held next month, between Friday and Sunday, September 18 to 20, at the foremost shrine of Our Lady in England, at Walsingham in Norfolk, 27 miles from the city of Norwich. Let anyone interested in really helping to solve the problems of Church and world contact respicestellam2015@gmail.com in order to take part in praying five complete Rosaries in some 40 hours. Mother of God, help!

Kyrie eleison.

Drexel’s Pope

Drexel’s Pope on August 8, 2020

Originally this last of four issues of “Eleison Comments” being drawn from Fr. Drexel’s booklet on Faith is Greater than Obedience was going to argue in favour of the booklet’s position that Pope Paul VI was of good intentions when at the head of the Catholic Church between 1962 and 1965 he presided over the Second Vatican Council and brought about its revolutionary change of the Church. Of course human intentions are the secret of God who alone can know them infallibly, but Our Lord tells us to judge the tree by its fruits, and it is here that Paul VI is found wanting. We are now 55 years on from the end of the Council, and its fruits have proved to be disastrous for Catholicism in any true sense of the word.

Therefore amid the many excellent things contained in Fr Drexel’s Messages from the 1970’s contained in Faith is Greater than Obedience, it is difficult to include his portrait of Paul VI. In brief, here it is –

Paul VI loved the Church – 3-XII-71– He feels pain and sorrow for consecrated souls turning from the Church to the world. 4-VIII-72 – He is abandoned by many who could have supported him with vigour and loyalty. With tears and sweat he wrestles to save the Church, he sorrows for unfaithful priests, he grieves still more for bishops more interested in their comfort than in caring for the faith or for souls. 1 VIII-75– He is oppressed by false advisers. 7-IV-72 – He becomes more lonely, and those loyal to him are persecuted. 5-VII-74 – He prays, sacrifices and suffers constantly, but many break faith. 7-XI-75 – Never have there been so many sacrileges as since the New Mass, but My visible representative bears no guilt for this. His will is interior participation at the holy sacrifice, in reverence and in love ( . . . ) it is priests who are sinning in this way and act contrary to the word and work of the successor of Peter.

Notice in particular the last of these references, from November of 1975. The categorical statement that the Pope bore no responsibility for the multiple sacrileges that came with the New Mass cannot be true, however good his intentions may have been. “The way to Hell is paved with good intentions,” because men are fallible, they make mistakes and what they intend is not always what they achieve. However, as soon as a good intention has a bad result, then if they really intend the good result, they will change whatever was producing the bad result. But in the 1970’s Pope Paul changed little or nothing from his liberal revolution of the 1960’s, on the contrary he did everything in his power to crush the counter-revolution of Archbishop Lefebvre from inside the Church. Therefore the Pope’s real intention was not “interior participation at the holy sacrifice” but the bringing into line of the Catholic Church with the modern world, a re-aligning to which the Archbishop was an unacceptable obstacle.

As the Archbishop said, Pope Paul was a liberal catholic, in other words a man deeply divided between two irreconcilable loves: his true love of the Church by his Catholic faith, and his false love of the modern world by his liberalism. Inside any one man these two loves must fight to the death. Inside Paul VI the Catholicism would not die, so towards the end of his life he wept for the loss of priestly vocations, but his liberalism ran deeper. It was intellectual, ideological and implacable. Woe to anybody who got, or gets, in its way. Then suddenly the liberal dove brings out its claws, which are those of a hawk. Such was Paul VI. In comparison with his liberalism, his faith was sentimental. Hence his Council and his Mass.

And where does that leave Fr Drexel? When Heaven makes use of a human messenger, it leaves him with his free will and personality. Women and children make the most docile messengers, the most completely faithful to the message being entrusted to them, but men . . . many men have struggled to achieve their views on life, and these may consciously or even unconsciously colour any message of Heaven or earth passing through them. Very possibly Our Lord spoke to Fr Drexel from the 1920’s until his death in 1977. Very possibly Fr Drexel’s own solution to the agonising problem set by Pope Paul was the solution adopted by many a pious Catholic after the Council: the Pope means well, it is the bishops who are the real problem. Alas . . . as today, the bishops were a problem, but so was the Pope.

Kyrie eleison.

Drexel’s Bishops

Drexel’s Bishops on August 1, 2020

Having reminded ourselves last week (EC of July 18, 2020) of how well the Messages from the 1970’s of Fr. Drexel’s Faith is greater than Obedience still fit the situation of Catholics in the 2020’s, let us see what view these Messages took of the Church’s pivot between Pope and priests, namely the bishops. These Messages are very severe for the clergy that virtually abandoned their flocks in the wake of Vatican II, especially for the bishops who had handed over their God-given responsibilities to man-made Bishops’ Conferences (see July 5, 1974 below. Two years later Archbishop Lefebvre was “hated and ridiculed”) . . .

December 3, 71 But the greatest pain to My Heart was given by those who should be shepherding the faithful – and these are the bishops, who have become silent, indifferent and cowardly. Not only a few, but many of them, are afraid of men and are far from the fear of God. This is the reason why the wolves were able to break into the flock, bringing such confusion and devastation and destruction upon the Church. Indeed, they try to wreck and smash the rock of My Church, but millions of souls, of immortal souls, are being lost. For these souls, those apostate shepherds and tepid bishops must render an account before My eternal Judgment! Once I wept over Jerusalem and over the people of this city and over their priests and high-priests; and still their sin was not as great as the sin of those who, in the Church of today, instead of being leaders become seducers, instead of shepherds become mercenaries, instead of counsellors become traitors. But there are certainly also true shepherds of souls and vigilant bishops, who stand with firmness and charity alongside the successor of Peter.

August 4, 72 While My son Paul ( . . . ) receives with great sorrow the news about priests who abandon their flocks, their vocation, and their office, and he entreats these fugitives and faint-hearted ones, nevertheless his grief is greater over the many shepherds (bishops) who, by virtue of their office and vocation, are obliged to assist with clearness and firmness the head, leader, and father of all the faithful, and to respect his instructions. But instead they lead a comfortable life, and because of laziness and cowardice, they omit being vigilant in their parishes and omit taking care of the faith with great, rigorous attention for the maintenance of discipline and the preservation of the faith.

December 1, 72 So many of the faithful hunger for a good shepherd. Yes, the bishops have been called and appointed as shepherds. But they become mercenaries and wolves, because they have abandoned the road to loyalty. The souls entrusted to them will one day testify against them at the Judgment.

July 5, 74 The distress of souls cries to Heaven; in the meantime , unasked persons take power in the Church and in meetings, and all this is happening because of the bishops, who do not stop them, and who do not set up boundaries.

November 1, 74 Consider: A great confusion has pierced My one and true Church. Books filled with false statements and heresies are accepted by bishops, who are supposed to be shepherds, while writings that tell the truth are rejected by the Church’s representatives, so great has become the confusion!

February 7, 75 Some of the shepherds and guardians who have been anointed ( . . . ) have abandoned the faith and give freedom to heresies. ( . . . ) Oh, would that all of those shepherds might understand what responsibility they carry and how much this responsibility is increasing upon them, because those who still believe and pray do not find protection any more.

July 2, 76 Why are there not guards, who protect the faith any more, and consequently the faithful people, the youth and the children, from having their souls murdered? But those who stand up against the damaging of the faith are persecuted, and their serious and heavy sorrows are exposed to hate and ridicule.

Kyrie eleison.