


Dear God, I can’t. You can. You must. 

In You I believe, I hope, I trust.

This fourth (and last for the moment) Message from Texas is specially appropriate for Catholics today, both by its understanding of their distress, and by its appealing for their trust. It is these “Comments” that have highlighted certain words in black. By all means read the original Messages at 

March 14, 2024, from God the Father: For My children who live in exile, write the following:— 

You are living in exile, a most painful exile for it is not only the not being in My Paradise yet – in the places that I have prepared for you from all eternity, united in My Love – but it is also the feeling of being exiled from your families, from your friends, even from My own Church, living as exiles, without a place of your own. How many of you, My children, feel this way, abandoned, forgotten, ignored, and so wounded. Wounded by the world and the envy of Satan, wounded by your own actions and decisions. 

Children, look at your Father. Look at the One Who wanted you to exist – in this moment – to receive His Love, His Grace, to learn how to live with Him now in order to be able to live with Him for all eternity. Give Me all your pain, children, the anguish that envelops your hearts at seeing the devastation of My vineyard. Unite your pain to Mine. I Am your Father, your “Abba,” and your GOD. And soon, My children, your God will arise in such a way that all that exists will acknowledge that I AM GOD. Terrible Hour and Hour full of Grace. The blessed Hour, the Hour of My last Mercy before the great battle that will leave Satan and his cohorts defeated. 

I ask that you prepare yourselves, that you be attentive – but this preparation and this being attentive to My Voice is rooted in FAITH, children. The FAITH that believes in what I say; that believes that all that I say to you is True, despite having everything around you tell you the opposite; despite your senses telling you something different. The FAITH that is ADORATION because it gives Me what is rightfully Mine as GOD and as your FATHER. The FAITH that is union with Me; that is the not separating your gaze from My Face, from My Love, from My Will. Set aside your criteria, your ideas, your reasonings. Children, they are contaminated by the world, and in many instances by your own pride instigated by Satan. Allow Me to guide your thoughts according to My Light and My Will for each of you. Children, do not be afraid. I have placed each of you where I need you. Your first task in this Hour is to stand with your gaze fixed on Me. 

Children, I do not ask that you understand, but rather that you listen to Me, that you receive Me, that you obey Me. But I want your co-operation, children, and this is why I ask you to walk in darkness, in the desert of the senses, where everything is fog for the senses, for the mind, because it is here that – by trusting that I Am guiding you, by obeying even though you do not understand and you feel afraid because you do not see Me or see My way – it is here, children, that I train you in the true and indomitable FAITH that unites you to Me. 


Kyrie eleison



Man scorning God has made our world such a mess 

As God alone can solve, and nobody less.

The third in the series of Messages coming to us from Heaven earlier this year through the little Mission of Divine Mercy in backwoods Texas, is addressed by God the Father again, but this time “to His faithful priests.” The contents stand in marked contrast to the tremendous accusations which He levelled against the bishops and priests of Vatican II in His Second Message – see these “Comments” of last week, EC 876, April 27. Both the Second and Third Messages are particularly relevant to our own dramatic times, highlighting the special good and evil that come from bishops and priests. At Akita in 1973 Our Lady’s solution to all the world’s ills was the Rosary, prayed “for the Pope, for bishops and for priests.” Read on. 

March 1st & 2nd: Write, My daughter, for My faithful Priests. Write for My sons who have kept My Word – My Jesus – as the centre of their being: who imitate My Jesus in His Obedience, in His Offering, in His Love and Trust in His Father. You have clothed yourselves with My Jesus and as such I see you. My faithful sons, keeping watch – tireless watch over My little ones. Help them with your prayers and your sacrifice – the daily offering of yourselves with My Jesus on the Altar. The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Most Holy Offering of My Jesus out of love for Me – and you. The Offering you unite yourselves to. The Offering that I take into My Heart and through which I pour out Mercy and Grace upon My parched people. 

Do you see, My sons, why then there are incessant attacks on this Holy Sacrifice? Why the enemy must destroy It at all costs? Why he works tirelessly to subvert It? And not being able to destroy It in Itself – for he has already been vanquished by It – he must destroy those in whose hands I have placed this Offering: you, My Priests. You see the attacks on My Most Holy Sacrament, the True Presence of My Jesus – with what disdain and disrespect He is treated, abused. You see how these attacks destroy FAITH in the hearts of My children, who no longer believe My Jesus, no longer recognize Him. You see how when FAITH is extinguished, idolatry and despair take possession of the soul. 

You see, My sons, bulwark after bulwark falling, being destroyed. You see the hordes of demons attacking My children. The order I established in My Church for the good of all My children is under siege, My sons. You have experienced the consequences of this siege and the confusion it causes. The terrible, terrible confusion it has brought about. When a mission separates itself from the TRUTH, from Me, it ceases to be useful, and by not remaining in the TRUTH, it becomes an anti-mission. An obstacle. My sons, do you see now what is taking place in My Church? HOW MANY MISSIONS HAVE BEEN SUBVERTED? HOW MANY HAVE THE APPEARANCE OF BEING MINE, BUT ARE IMPOSTORS? 

We – you and I – have been in this battle for a long, long time. Warding off constantly the attacks of the Ancient Serpent, the great Accuser. But the battle that looms now, My sons, is far greater, far subtler, far, far more dangerous. And it is why I have reserved Grace upon Grace for these times. My enemy – our enemy – thinks he has the victory in his hand, he sees the destruction and deception he has caused. He is so pleased with himself that his pride blinds him. My sons, I will send My Truth as the great Sign, as the great Light to enlighten the consciences of My children, so that they may see how I see each of you. When I act thus – in an instant, reaching from one end of the world to the other – your Priesthood will become a tremendous pillar and refuge for My children, who will come to you in multitude after multitude to receive My forgiveness and Mercy through you. My sons, ready yourselves. I AM COMING. 

Kyrie eleison. 


REMARKABLE MESSAGES – II on April 27, 2024

Can anyone here not recognise Tradition? 

Or in the Council Catholics’ perdition?

The second in the series of Messages, supposedly from Heaven, coming to us recently through the small Catholic community in South Texas, is from God the Father. On February 22 He called on all His children to join the army He has formed all over the world in small battalions, because they have been abandoned and betrayed by the vast majority of their shepherds appointed to look after them. Instead these fell asleep and betrayed them – His Voice goes unrecognised by them, but it is about to thunder to awaken them. His children have long been suffering at their hands, but He is arising soon on His children’s behalf. Let them wait just a little longer, lift up their hearts, trust in Him, and have no fear. He loves them. He is coming. 

In the “small battalions” can anyone not recognise the scattered remnants of the so-called “Resistance”?On February 26 God the Father followed up with words for His “priest sons” – a tremendous indictment. 

Write now, daughter, for My Priest sons. Those who, instead of being My closest collaborators, My most docile and faithful instruments, My rest, have become a very great hindrance; souls of thieves, stealing from My children what belongs to them. Souls rebellious to My Voice, lazy souls. Souls that, having lost Me, do not seek Me. Venturing further and further into darkness they turn their backs to My Light. They will become dryer and more withered than the fig tree I cursed before entering Jerusalem. WAKE UP, sons. See what IN TRUTH is happening around you. Come out from the enemy, out of his confusions and seductions. My Voice is clear, direct. The yes that is yes, the no that is no. The Truth is LIGHT. 

Sons, you are surrounded by lies. YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO. And you have absorbed these lies that are so harmful because they obscure the TRUTH, so that your whole being is obscured and you are easily distracted, and you become completely harmless to My enemy. I NEED WARRIOR SONS. PRIESTS AND SOLDIERS. Fearless in battle. WHERE IS YOUR FAITH, sons? SONS, DARKNESS HAS SPREAD, BECAUSE THERE IS NO FAITH IN MY PRIESTS. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SO MUCH DARKNESS, SONS. 

And you, so-called Bishops, who should be fathers for My Priest sons, examples and guides, you have become much worse than demons, for at least the demons recognize Me as God, despite hating Me. But you HAVE CAST ME ASIDE and YOU HAVE USED ME FOR YOUR OWN ENDS. Woe to you. Woe to you if you do not recognize this last opportunity. If you do not turn to Me, if you do not recognize your guilt and responsibility. I will call you to an account. NO ONE MOCKS ME. NO ONE TAKES ADVANTAGE OF ME. You have not only let the smoke of Satan infiltrate into My Sanctuary; but you have allowed a whole army of demons to take your places. And you have allowed the usurper to sit on the chair of My Peter – he who is carrying out the Great Treason that will leave My Church desolate. AND YOU HAVE ALLOWED THIS. And you carry with you the terrible Responsibility of this horrendous offence to Me, your GOD. You are so blinded that you do not see how you are being used and manipulated. You have deserted Me and you have abandoned My little ones. And you have abandoned My Jesus. Woe to you. 

But I, your GOD, have Mercy. I, your good Father, take pity on your blindness, starvation, and nakedness. MAKE HASTE, sons. THERE IS NO MORE TIME. I speak to you as your Father. But soon I shall speak as the ALL POWERFUL AND ONLY GOD. THE LORD GOD OF HOSTS. HE WHO IS. THE ONLY ONE. WAKE UP. FIGHT. DEFEND WHAT I HAVE ENTRUSTED TO YOU. IT IS THE LAST CALL. I WANT YOU IN MY ARMY. NOW. I HAVE MY PLAN, DO NOT HINDER ME. I have waited for you for a long time and there is no time left. Get your houses in order, sons. I will visit EACH OF YOU. LISTEN TO ME, SONS. STAND UP. I AM COMING. 

Kyrie eleison