Bishop Williamson

Why the Old Mass?

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Fr. Williamson gives a definition of the Mass, mentions Sacrosanctum Concilium, the liturgical movement, brief history of the Traditional Latin Mass, how the New Mass departs from Tradition and how it relates to the Church’s indefectibility.




Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Fr. Williamson tackles the question of obedience, the hierarchical nature of the Church, when disobedience can be legitimate, what St. Thomas Aquinas said on this question, and a short history of the SSPX.



The Priesthood & Vocations

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Fr. Williamson discusses the nature of the priesthood, how Christ is a priest, the “priesthood” of the people, validity of the New Rite of ordinations, and life in the seminary.



The Seven Ages of the Church

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Fr. Williamson goes on to explain Church history according to the “Seven Ages” of Ven. Holzhauser, reflections on modern art, the history of the Crusades, modern science’s debt to the Church, and the dangers of modern philosophy.



The Papacy & Ecumenism

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Fr. Williamson discusses briefly discusses the origins of the Papacy, its role, the doctrine of infallibility, the election of Pius X, Archbishop Lefebvre’s doctrinal stance, errors of the New Church, Assisi and the de facto schism with the Church in America.



Dominum et Vivificantem (Part 1)

Bishop Williamson on Luglio 31, 2024

Bishop Williamson defines what the true meaning of the Cross is, gives a bit of a biographical background to the Pope, how the conciliar mentality sees the Holy Ghost as being present in all religions.

