Dr. White

Evelyn Waugh’s The Loved One – Conference II, Part 1

Dr. White on Luglio 31, 2024

The world into which Evelyn Waugh was born was in turmoil. Born in 1903, he was a child during WWI. England after the war was changed markedly by the abandonment of God and replaced with materialism. Civilization had become bankrupt. His artistic sense compelled him to search for understanding, a deeper meaning. School, work, marriage, painting, writing were helps and distractions. His intellectual pursuit continued. In 1930 at the age of 26 he completed his intellectual search with the aid of a patient priest, and became a Catholic. He now could make sense of the world and write about it with clarity. Waugh wrote: “Civilization, and by this I do not mean talking cinemas and tinned food, nor even surgery and hygienic houses, but the whole moral and artistic organization of Europe has not in its self the power of survival. It came into being through Christianity and without it has no significance or power to command allegiance. It is no longer possible as it was in the time of Gibbon to accept the benefits of civilization, and at the same time to deny the supernatural basis on which it rests. Christianity is in greater need of combative strength than it has been for centuries.”



Shakespeare’s Othello – Part IV

Dr. White on Luglio 31, 2024

The story now moves away from Venice, never to return. The characters arrive one by one at Cyprus by sea, having weathered a heavy storm. Nature itself is confused. They assemble here to prepare for battle with the Turks. In Act One, Iago only talks about his plans, but now, in Act Two, away from home, he puts his plans into action. Iago gets Cassio drunk and into a fight, disrupting the wedding night of Othello and Desdemona. Othello breaks up the fight. Cassio is dishonored. To help put him right again with Othello, Iago suggests that he talk with Desdemona to have her plead his case with her husband. He agrees. Iago uses this meeting to plant doubts about Desdemona’s fidelity. Iago has several roles in this play. He is first and foremost, the villain. A purely evil man: evil for the sake of evil. He appears as a fellow well met, but his words hide his real intent. Iago provides the comic relief in the play. He is funny, witty, clever. Audiences for centuries love this character. They recognize him. He reminds us all that we are human. But behind his jokes is a sinister plan of destruction and disorder.



Dickens’s David Copperfield – Part II

Dr. White on Luglio 31, 2024

Dr. White discusses sentimentality and its characteristics, explaining that it focuses on emotions and wallows in them for their own sake, and pointing out that true artistry allows one to respond on one’s own, without manipulation. Dickens’ work was touched by sentimentality, he explains, particularly in some of his death scenes. Dr. White discusses some of the episodes of his own life that Dickens put into this work, which was partly autobiographical. David’s influences and hero-figures are examined with their respective influences upon him. Dr. White also gives some time to the character of Mr. Micawber, whom he ranks as one of the three great comic characters of literature. Finally, Dr. White touches upon the effect that Dickens had in changing child labor laws and school conditions, the state of which he dramatized in his novels, thus raising awareness of them.



Shakespeare’s Othello – Part V

Dr. White on Luglio 31, 2024

At the heart of Act Three is Othello doing all of the work to create the illusions of deception. He only needs subtle hints from Iago. Othello does all the rest, driving himself to madness. The audience witnesses the events, but it is the interpretation of these events that causes the trouble. Iago forces Othello to see what Iago wants him to see. This is a warning that throughout life we are constantly viewing the world through interpretation. We must be certain of our guides, our sources. And the only source of order and proper interpretation in life is in the setting of a patriarchy to teach us the truth. Othello is the story of order dissolving into disorder. The proper place for Desdemona is in the home. She is at a battlefield. Disorder. Othello’s suspicion of her infidelity causes him to give up the battle. Why? She has no virtue, hence, nothing to defend. More disorder. At the heart of civilization is the virtuous woman. Through her virtue she can rule over her realm, the home. Her virtue gives men the reason to defend, the home, and if necessary, the country. The realm of the man is outside the home, defending the home.



Dickens’s David Copperfield – Part III

Dr. White on Luglio 31, 2024

This last part of Dr. White’s conference on David Copperfield opens with a discussion of an episode at David’s school which emphasizes the importance of boys’ early friendships and how David chooses a bad model in Steerforth, who defies his teacher and leads the boys in rebellion. The other possible friend for David, Traddles, is presented by Dr. White as an important character by reason of his normality and decency. Dickens’ talent for foreshadowing is again touched upon, then Dr. White explains the duality running through the novel: David very often much choose between two people, and he always seems to choose the wrong one. Dr. White presents Uriah Heep as David’s “dark side,” and shows the influence of Scripture on Dickens. He treats of the meaning of marriage as illustrated by David’s rather foolish first marriage, and presents a central theme of the novel springing from this and other situations throughout the book: that one’s emotions must be educated and disciplined if one is to be happy. The lecture ends appropriately with a discussion of the ending of the book.



Shakespeare’s Othello – Part VI

Dr. White on Luglio 31, 2024

The role of good literature is to teach life lessons without having to live those lessons. The story of Othello is one of those lessons. In the final Act, the deadly deeds are done. Othello, now convinced that he is god-like takes his wife’s life to prevent her from sinning again. His delusion has reached its logical summit. Once the fact of her innocence is revealed to him, he understands he has committed murder, and can no longer look upon her beautiful corpse. He now fears Judgment Day, not because of what he has done, but because he fears her look of pure innocence upon him. This will be his torment, and he cannot endure it. He calls for demons to take him away. He acknowledges his crime. He deserves punishment. He learns the lesson too late. She is gone. He is dammed. In his final moments, he regains composure, becomes a soldier again. He is a divided man. Once the defender of justice, he became the offender of justice. He has no home in Cyprus, no home in Venice, no home in his native land. He takes a dagger, stabs himself, and dies with a kiss on Desdemona.

