Eleison Comments German


VIGILANT BISHOP on November 9, 2024

A bishop guards his flock by truth they learn.

That doctrine into fibs the modernists turn.

Just over one month ago one of the four bishops consecrated in 1988 by Archbishop Lefebvre without the Pope’s permission, died. It was from a fracture of the skull from falling down on a stone staircase in the Seminary of Econe, Switzerland, where he had been living for the past several years. His Excellency Bishop Tissier de Mallerais was 79 years old, and had in a long life rendered considerable service to the Archbishop’s Society of St Pius X. To commemorate his leaving this “vale of tears” let these “Comments” recall here at least three of those occasions, with the gratitude of all of us to him, and with our prayers for the repose of his soul.

Firstly, at the end of the 1960’s when the Archbishop had launched the first year of a projected Seminary, at the end of that year so many of the first seminarians left him that he was on the point of giving up his project as though it had no future. It was two of those young seminarians who persuaded him not to give up, but to try again for the next school-year. One was Paul Aulagnier, virtual founder of the Society’s anchor District in France. The other was Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, future bishop of the Society. Where would the Catholic Church – and the world – be today, had the two of them not persuaded the Archbishop to persevere in what would become the spearhead of upholding Catholic Tradition in a Church and world going mad?

Secondly, in the 1980’s the Archbishop was locked in a deadly struggle to the death with the Freemasonic enemies of the Church, who were firmly holding onto the levers of power in the Church handed over to them by Vatican II as a just punishment from God for mankind’s worldwide apostasy. The main problem was doctrinal – the joint errors of religious liberty and false ecumenism, both of them profoundly undermining all Catholic dogma. It was Fr. Tissier on whom the Archbishop largely relied to spell out the true doctrine of the Church in order to make clear why Catholic Tradition, being betrayed by the modernists, had to be defended at all costs. The inspiration came from the Archbishop, but Fr Tissier was his executive instrument.

And thirdly, in 2006, Bishop Tissier gave a serious interview to Stephen Heiner, then writing for The Remnant, American Catholic magazine which surely has the full text available in its archives. When Heiner thought that he had finished the interview, the Bishop objected – no, Heiner had left out the essential – once again doctrine, the horrific doctrinal errors of Pope Benedict XVI. It is clear from the last part of the interview that the Bishop had taken the trouble to read himself what Fr Ratzinger actually wrote earlier in his career as a “theologian.” How many of us have actually taken that trouble? In justice the Bishop tells Heiner that he does not know if Pope Ratzinger has renounced his sentimental foolishness, but Tissier does also say that by 2006 Ratzinger had not yet retracted his errors. Here is a quote from pages 232 to 233, translated from the German of Ratzinger’s book, Introduction to Christianity, appearing in 1968 –

“. . . some texts of devotion seem to suggest that the Christian faith in the Cross understands God as a God whose inexorable justice required a human sacrifice, the sacrifice of his own Son. And we flee with horror from a justice, the dark anger of which removes any credibility from the message of love.”

In other words the Cross was too horrible to be true, because God the Father cannot have required such a cruel sacrifice from His beloved Son, because such cruelty contradicts the new Conciliar religion of “luv.” Here is modernism, pure and simple. Contrast how St Ignatius devotes the whole First Week of the Catholic Exercises to making retreatants grasp just how serious their sins have been. Fr. Ratzinger was turning the Faith to mush. Bishop Tissier was guarding the Faith. See the whole Tissier-Heiner interview.

Thank you, Your Excellency. May you be resting in peace.

Kyrie eleison.


DAILY SATAN on November 2, 2024

The Devil works hard to make us lose our souls.

Our Lord works just as hard – at the controls!

“Ab inimico disce” is another of those pithy Latin sayings – “Learn from your enemy.” The text quoted in italics below is a classic illustration of the principle. It comes from a video-clip accessible in French on the Internet at crowdbunker.com/v/CPpx2RTFm7 It shows a senior Freemason giving practical instructions to some of his juniors on how to keep souls away from Christ by promoting features of daily living which will make it more and more difficult to have any spiritual life at all.

Freemasonry is a powerful enemy of Christ, launched in London in 1717, and – what many Freemasons do not know – designed to wreck the Catholic Church. It spread rapidly to France and America, and has played an important part in de-christianising the entire world ever since. All that Catholics need do to profit greatly by the text is to throw all of its advice exactly into reverse. For instance, it says to keep away from nature. On the contrary, St Ignatius said to a little flower, “Be quiet, I know Who you are talking to me about.” And England’s famous poet, William Wordsworth (1770–1850), wrote similarly,

“To me the meanest flower that blows can give

Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.”

But Satan does not want souls reaching for God through His creatures, and so he has his Freemasonry cutting off any contact of people with nature, if it can. The text is properly satanic (freely translated) –

“. . . so that they have no time to develop any intimate relationship with Christ. Here is what I want you to do. Distract people from their attachment to Jesus Christ, and keep them away from Him all day long. You will ask, how are we to do that? Keep them occupied with the non-essential things of life, and invent all kinds of devices to occupy their minds. Tempt them to spend and spend, to borrow and borrow, convince the young wives that they must go to work, the husbands that they must work six days a week, anything from eight to twelve hours a day, so that they can keep up their standard of living. Stop parents from spending time with their children. While the family is being broken up, soon the home will offer no escape from the pressure of work. Overstimulate their minds, so that they can no longer hear the quiet little voice speaking inside them. Get them to listen to the stereo while they are driving. Get them to keep the television set, videos or CDs constantly switched on in the home. Get all the restaurants and shops in the area to be constantly playing music. That will upset their minds and cut off any union with Christ. Fill their minds with news and the weather, 24 hours a day. Invade their time in the car with brightly lit advertisements. Flood their email inboxes and their letter-boxes with filth and undesirable emails to make them fall into mortal sin. Even on holiday let them go too far. Make them come back from their holidays exhausted, upset and quite unready to go back to work the following week. Don’t let them return to nature to relax, let them rather resort to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts, cinemas and shopping centres, and whenever they get together for a spiritual meeting, let there be no talk of anything profound, or of any spiritual combat. Discourage them from enjoying Christ’s company. When they get together, fill their time instead with chatter, silly laughter and gossip, so that they go away with troubled consciences and feelings awash . . .

Do we not find here the very programme for living of countless modern families, what we would call the “rat-race”? Are we still puzzled why the world is all the time further away from God? If on the contrary parents want to bring up their children close to Our Lord and Our Lady, these “Comments” strongly recommend family readings every night from Maria Valtorta’s Poem of the Man-God. Surely Jesus gave this treasure to the post-war world, amongst other things, as an alternative to so many poisoned screens, so soon to fill people’s homes.

Kyrie eleison.


GAZA “EXPLAINED” on October 26, 2024

“Vengeance is Mine,”says God, “I will repay.

For special foes I need My friends to pray.”

In 1936 an Argentinian Catholic theologian and thinker of international repute, Fr. Julio Meinvielle (1905–1973), wrote a short book entitled The Mystery of the Jews in History, centring on their essentially religious, and not just political, origin and nature and destiny. They are, as Meinvielle proves, a theological people, incomprehensible without their theological dimension, from which their politics for good or evil merely follow. No other race has ever been formed by God to be the cradle of the Messiah, the one and only Redeemer of all mankind, nor will He in the future ever again need such a cradle for another birth. Here is what makes the Jews unique in all human history, whether they like it or not. The height and depth of their divine calling, when they refuse it, is what can make them psychopathic, with consequences such as we have been observing in Gaza.

In April of 1997 two good priests published a long summary of Meinvielle’s book in the Angelus magazine, accessible at salvationisfromthejews.com/m1.html What follows is the merest overview of that summary –

Catholic theology teaches that the Jewish people are the object of a very special vocation from God. Only in the light of theology can one explain the Jew. The Jewish people have a theological lineage, chosen, consecrated, and sanctified in order to serve God as the human cradle for His divine Incarnation. However, the Jewish people, instead of acknowledging that their glory was to be the cradle of the Christ, pretended that it was the glory of the Christ to have taken his human descent from the flesh of Abraham. And the Pharisees, veritable incarnation of this idolatry, declared proudly as a reason for not accepting Christ: ” We have Abraham for our father.” As for the awaited human Messiah, they wanted and expected of him to be not the Saviour of mankind but merely a military ruler, who would assure and perpetuate the greatness of Israel over all mankind.

And so in the year 33 AD, the Jewish people, assembled before the praetorium of Pilate and urged on by their priests, demanded the death of the Promised One. Then these Jews, in the name of their Law, and to serve the material interests of their nation and race, crucified the One who had been promised them as their blessing, but was replacing their Synagogue with His Church. The Jewish people, once a mystery of goodness, now changed into a mystery of iniquity, while to others were granted the blessings of the Promise. These others now make up the Church of Jesus Christ – converted Jews at first, and later the Gentile converts.

Thus there is a theological opposition – that is to say, one allowed for by God – which exists throughout Christian history between the Synagogue and the Church. The Jewish people, whose destiny was to bring Christ to us, found Christ a stumbling block. A part of them believed in Him and built on Him to form the roots and the trunk of that Olive Tree which is the Catholic Church. The other part fell, denying Him and invoking their carnal pride of race and nation. That part of Israel was rejected by God and called upon itself the blood of Christ as a curse. It is this part that forms what we know today as “Judaism,” which is the heir and the continuation of the rabbis who rejected Christ.

Therefore ever since Christ was lifted up on Mount Calvary, the world has been torn between Jewish leadership and Christian salvation. Not to follow Christ is, in effect, to follow Judaism. Hence if the Gentiles do not want to be part of the Olive Tree of the Catholic Church, as freely offered to them, they will necessarily belong to the sterile vine of Judaism. There is no third road ahead. It is either Christ, or Judaism.

How long must this terrible enmity between Jews and Christians last? Until God in His mercy brings about the conversion and reconciliation of the Jewish people. St. Paul teaches us that the day will come when Israel will recognize Him whom it has denied: “And so all Israel should be saved, as it is written: There shall come out of Sion, he that shall deliver, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob” (Rom. XI, 25–26).

Kyrie eleison


VATICAN II SHORT – SIGHTED on October 19, 2024

Poor modern man, so drastically short-sighted,

His whole life being, by that short sight, blighted!

If we want to save our souls for eternity, as God wants all of us to do (I Tim. II,4), then the world now surrounding us is a dangerous environment for that purpose because, broadly speaking, for seven centuries mankind has been slowly but surely demoting God in order to take His place. It is a foolish attempt, doomed to fail, but in the meantime it has brought mankind to the brink of nuclear suicide. Now, on that road to ruin, from the Incarnation onwards, the greatest obstacle to the folly of man was God’s own Church instituted by God’s own Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the continuation of His Incarnation amongst men, as the Light of the World to dispel men’s confusion, and the Salt of the Earth to prevent men’s corruption. Alas, Vatican II in the 1960’s was the summit of men’s attempts to serve the Devil by crippling that Church, so as to send all men’s souls to Hell instead of Heaven. From here came the confusion and corruption all around us.

But Vatican II had to be subtle, because by the 20th century Mother Church had already analysed and refuted the great errors leading up to Vatican II, especially Protestantism (1517) and its progeny, Liberalism (1717) and Communism (1917). Among the host of errors accompanying these three, surely the most dangerous was Modernism (1907), because it was led by priests from inside the Church, wishing to update God’s Church by adapting it to godless modern man. Therefore subtlety was needed to deceive Catholics alerted to Protestantism in all its forms (and for the same reason, even more subtlety will be needed by the Antichrist to fool a mankind alerted by the divine Chastisement occurring between now and then).

When Archbishop Lefebvre died in 1991, one of his hopes was that the Society of priests which he had founded in 1970 would work on the subtle errors of Vatican II to analyse and denounce them. This is precious work for the salvation of souls, and one book is outstanding in this respect, Prometheus, the Religion of Man, by Fr Alvaro Calderon, translated into French and published last May by the Society’s printing-house in France, accessible at www.clovis-diffusion.com The book is not an easy read, but it is highly to be recommended for its masterly thomistic breakdown of Vatican II. Here for instance is, in very brief form, the first major error of Vatican II, denounced by Fr Calderon:

Man must be the centre of religion, because he is, amongst all other material creatures, the only creature that is also spiritual. Therefore he is superior to all of them, he is the main purpose of all of them, and he is the main purpose of all material creation, being the only creature created for himself, all other material creatures having been created only for him. Therefore he must be at the centre of any true religion of that creation.

But all of this argument leaves out the Creator. If we start out from God and not from man, then we know that the one and only ultimate cause of the creation of man must be the essence of God Himself, because the one and only object possible of God’s willing anything at all is His own goodness, because that infinite goodness alone can fulfil His infinite willing. Any creature and everything that He chooses freely to create, He can only will in and through His willing of His own uncreated Self.

Therefore it can only be Himself, and not man, who is the ultimate purpose of creation, and He alone who can be at the centre of any true religion of that creation. All of the arguments in the documents of Vatican II which attempt to put man instead of God at the centre of creation around us, fail, for ignorance, witting or unwitting, wilful or unwilful, of Catholic Tradition’s supreme treasures of philosophy and theology. Thus one of the last and worst of all the Vatican II documents, Gaudium et Spes, is, says Fr Calderon, shot through with the very inadequate modern philosophy of Personalism, by which the human person is at the centre of everything. No, he is not. It is God who is at the centre of everything.

Kyrie eleison

900th “COMMENTS”

900th “COMMENTS” on October 12, 2024

Where is the true Church? Wait. It will revive,

Wherever the true faith has remained alive.

As we draw towards the close of 2024, there appears the 900th issue of these “Comments” which have appeared once a week since 2007. Amidst the confusion in Church and State which grows worse with each passing year, let the occasion be celebrated with another attempt to take the error of modernism to pieces, which has done so much damage to souls, especially since the 1960s, when it succeeded in deceiving so many high-placed Catholic churchmen at the disastrous Second Vatican Council.

Modernism inside the Catholic Church is the error of wanting to bring the Church in line with the modern world instead of bringing the modern world in line with the Church. Just before Our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven at the end of His personal ministry on earth, in the course of which he had founded His Catholic Church to be the continuation of His Incarnation among men, he gave, as His last words to His Apostles, highly important instructions: “All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Mt. XXVIII, 18–20).

“All power in heaven and earth” belongs to all three persons of the Omnipotent God, but it has also been entrusted by the Father to the Son in His human nature. So Jesus has a divine authority to be telling the Apostles what they must do. What He tells them is to “Teach all nations”: to teach, not to dialogue; “all nations,” including Israel and Saudi Arabia, and not just some nations: And “nations,” not just sacristies, which means that politics are to serve the Church with their considerable influence, in order to help save souls. And after souls have been taught the truths of salvation, then they are to be given the supernatural sacraments of salvation, and they are to “observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” in other words they are to obey the commands of Jesus, not just consent to His suggestions. And if that programme seems daunting, then they have the assurance that if they fulfil His commands, they will always have His support and presence with them – even in 2024. But they must do what He says, and that is what the Church has always said and done, which is Catholic Tradition.

Just a glance at these last lines of the Gospel of St Matthew is enough to show us how well Our Lord designed and built His Catholic Church. What happened then? For three of its Seven Ages, of the Apostles, Martyrs and Doctors respectively, it thrived, building up to the approximately one thousand years of the Fourth Age, the Middle Ages stretching from the end of the ancient world to the beginning of the modern world, from around 500 to 1517, when Luther is reputed to have nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Church in Wittenberg. In any case he was primarily responsible for launching Protestantism, the father and mother of a series of revolutions, creating the modern world: naturalism, rationalism, LIBERALISM; ecumenism, communism, MODERNISM, and a host of other “isms,” all attempting to put together again what Luther had broken apart, the Catholic Church’s God-given wholeness of man, but failing to do because they refused to return to the true Church of Catholic Tradition.

The neo-modernism of Vatican II, as Fr Calderon clearly presents it in his admirable book Prometheus, is merely the latest in the long line of these sub-protestantisms, upgrading man at the expense of God. The clever excuse was that all the previous humanisms had merely resulted in two World Wars, but the Catholic Church itself was now going to create a new humanism which would upgrade man without downgrading God. Vain illusion! For the sake of “human dignity,” Jesus’ commands had to turn into men’s consents. God was no longer to be in command. What god was that? Millions upon millions of Catholics lost their faith in Him. Yet His true Church still lives, in the few souls keeping the true Faith.

Kyrie eleison

LEFEBVRE post 1988 – II

<b>LEFEBVRE post 1988 – II</b> on October 5, 2024

It takes a Saint to see how evil is bad.

And most of us? Evil can make us glad!

Three weeks ago these “Comments” concluded with a few lines of verse, but a few more lines than usual, in order to draw the lesson from words of wisdom spoken by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1989 concerning that controversial consecration of four bishops which he had performed in the summer of 1988 without the official permission of Rome, normally necessary. However, not all readers may have understood how the lines of verse were connected to the Archbishop’s line of thinking. And even for those who did understand, the crucial question of those consecrations deserves always to be developed, so we return to the subject. Here are those lines of verse, in heavy black, with explanation following –

A liberal is a wolf dressed like a sheep

Here is the central problem. A “liberal” is somebody whose real religion is not Catholicism, as he may deceive himself, but liberty. Thus he can come to think that Catholicism, the one true religion of the one true God, is a matter of choice, of his own choice, and he personally chooses it, but if anybody else wants to choose any other of the numberless false religions, he is at liberty to do so. He is not. True, God gives to every one of us human beings at the age of reason the faculty of free-will enabling us to choose between truth and error, between right and wrong, but He gives us no moral right to choose error or moral wrong. If He gives me the faculty of reason with its free-will, it is only so that I will make good use of it by choosing whatever is true and right, so that by rewarding me with Heaven He can share His infinite bliss. If I have the free-will to choose error or wrong, I have no “liberty” to escape the consequences of my choice, which will ultimately be, if I do not repent, the fires of eternal Hell. I will have freely chosen Hell. Only in this sense are human beings “free” to choose for themselves (what they know to be) any false religion.

It follows that if anybody wants to persuade me that my worth or dignity as a human being depends on my mere faculty of free-will, and not on the right use I make of it, then he is wanting to persuade me of a terrible error (he is a wolf), even while he is pretending to encourage my dignity (he is in sheep’s clothing). Every soul in Hell has the “dignity” of having itself chosen its torment, but what real dignity is that? The “dignity” to blaspheme, for ever and ever!? Yet such is the doctrine of Vatican II, with its Decree on “Human Dignity”: the State must protect the right, not just faculty, of every citizen to choose his own religion. This Decree is absolutely not Catholic. No wonder the Archbishop never signed it!

Judge by his fruits – sheep corpses in a heap

Are not the fruits of Vatican II millions upon millions of Catholics losing the Faith? Of course! The Council has told them that their dignity consists in choosing whatever religion they like! There are so many religions much easier to practise than Catholicism!

For what use is it to him to be “free”

If by God’s tenfold Law still bound he be?

Here is why the worshippers of “liberty” must have religious liberty, because whoever or whatever else they are free from, if they are not free from God Himself with His Ten Commandments, what are they really free from? Here is why religious liberty is the key to “liberty,” and why every liberal inclines to join in that war on God, war against God, which rages all around us. Here is why the Decree of Vatican II on “Human Dignity” is an unbelievable crime against all mankind. And in the half century since Vatican II, do the high Church officials in Rome show any sign of abandoning their wretched Council? In real terms, none at all!

To Hell with Heaven! I will do as I like,

And let God with His Hell for ever strike!

Among liberals, at least the ring-leaders know exactly what they are doing. Theirs is a diabolical pride. They know they are destroying the Catholic Church, and they are defying God to do His worst. God, have mercy! Archbishop Lefebvre understood what they were up to, but not all his followers understand.

Kyrie eleison