Catholic Authority


VIGANO COMMENTARY on July 20, 2024

Tell not of so much gloom – I cannot cope!

The end of lalaland is one great hope.

Last week these “Comments” (July 13, # 887) gave a summary of Archbishop Vigano’s June 28 long justification of his decision not to respond to a Newchurch summons to appear before one of its courts to defend himself against a charge of schism. The summary took the form of 44 lines, one line for each of the 44 paragraphs of the original text, which gave to readers at least an overview of the entire content of the Archbishop’s text, but it hardly made any comment on what he wrote, except for the final couplet –

With some of the arguments one may not agree,

But here is a Catholic spirit, faithful and free.

In this week’s “Comments,” let us elaborate on last week’s rhyming verdict.

The first thing to notice about the original text is its wealth of arguments, not marshalled in any clearly recognisable sequence, but all bearing on the Archbishop’s central and most valuable message – the so-called “renewal” of Vatican II (1962–1965) wrought such a sea-change in the Catholic Church, that while appearances of the pre-conciliar Church could be maintained to deceive Catholics who were not on their guard, nevertheless the substance of the Catholic Church was so altered that it was no longer the true Church but a clever false church, so radically false that it had to be given a new name for Catholics to be no longer deceived. The Archbishop himself does not call it the Newchurch, but that is what these “Comments” will call it, for brevity and clarity.

Then the Archbishop’s main reason for refusing the summons of Rome is easy to express: between the Newchurch and the true Church there is such a contradiction (13) that while the true Church has such a divine Authority that it can demand from souls obedience on pain of eternal damnation (Mk. XVI, 16), on the contrary the Newchurch has no such authority because by all its false doctrines it has given up that Catholic Truth, the defence and protection of which is the very purpose of divine Catholic Authority. From the moment that Adam and Eve fell, mankind lived in a fallen world where God’s Truth no longer needed only to be presented in order to be accepted.

But by the time that the Word became flesh some 4000 years later, mankind had become so corrupt that to save any significant number of souls, Our Lord had to institute a hierarchy to impose the saving Truth: a Pope (Peter), bishops (Apostles), and disciples (priests). Men might still choose to disobey God’s own hierarchy and Truth, but His hierarchy would still, broadly, uphold it – until Luther let the corruption loose again, culminating in Vatican II, where Our Lord’s own hierarchy, broadly, abandoned God’s Truth. That split between God’s Truth and God’s Authority caused, sure enough, an unprecedented crisis in all Church history, beyond all human repair, where God alone will be able to restore His Papacy. But He will do that, to make possible one final triumph of the Catholic Church before the descent to the Antichrist.

Here is the basic reality of our situation in Church and world today. Archbishop Lefebvre recognised it, and by not underestimating the problem he did what was still possible for men to alleviate it. Archbishop Vigano mentions his example (2), and does what he can to follow it, by refusing, for example, to appear at the summons of apostate Rome, with a wealth of arguments to justify his refusal. One may disagree with some of his arguments, for instance on the vacant See in Rome. But those are details which pale in comparison with his grasp of the overall gravity of the crisis, nullifying the hierarchs’ authority. Here is the true faith of the Church’s martyrs down all the ages. May Archbishop Vigano’s courage and teaching open many more eyes for as long as God gives him life.

Kyrie eleison.



With some of the arguments one may not agree,

But here is a Catholic spirit, faithful and free.

Summoned by Rome to appear before a Newchurch court on June 28 to answer accusations of “schism,” the heroic defender of the Faith, Archbishop Vigano, chose to reply on the same day by making public an explanation of why he refused the Newchurch summons. A one-sentence-per-paragraph summary of that explanation cannot possibly do justice to the original, but it provides readers with an overview –

1 Quotation of Galatians I, verses 8–9; Let any innovated Gospel be anathema, i.e. absolutely rejected.

2 In 1975 Archbishop Lefebvre told his Roman accusers that he should be judging them, not vice versa.

3 I do not recognise the authority of this Roman court accusing me, because it lacks the Truth.

4 Not for one moment in my life have I been outside the one Ark of Salvation – the Catholic Church.

5 The Church’s enemies, led by Freemasonry, hate the power of Catholic Tradition.

6 It is clear that behind the revolution of Vatican II in the Church has been Freemasonry.

7 Freemasons have approved of their own 1789 (French Revolution) having taken over the true Church.

8 How many of the ringleaders of the “Up-dating” of Vatican II were condemned before the Council!

9 Today’s head of the Italian bishops is saying a Mass for a notorious modernist from the past.

10 A Professor just said that the “necessary renewal” was being blocked for fear of Protestantism.

11 An abyss separates the true Church of dogmas from the Newchurch (not Vigano’s term) of apostasy.

12 Truth has been relativised. If the modernist Sanhedrin accuses me, it is accusing all Catholic Popes.

13 Church and Newchurch contradict one another. It is the Newchurch that is accusing me of “schism.”

14 The Newchurch’s “necessary renewal” means, for the true Church, the heretical evolution of dogma.

15 The Newchurch’s brand-new “faith” is in rupture with the Faith of the true Church of 2,000 years.

16 But Lefebvre never called in question the Conciliar Popes’ legitimacy? That was 40 years ago!

17 Today’s Newchurch is professing, unanimously, a multitude of condemned errors.

18 By thus consigning millions of souls to perdition, the Newchurch has lost its Catholic Authority.

19 The Newchurch’s “authority” to put me on trial is null and void. I do not accept it.

20 I myself was one of many high churchmen who did not see what was really going on.

21 It was as Nuncio in the USA, confronting Cardinal McCarrick, that I at last understood – we have

22 a concerted global attack, both religious and political, being made on traditional Christian society.

23 The corruption I was observing is an integral part of this advance of the New World Order.

24 As Our Lady of La Salette said, “Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist.”

25 I cannot be silent in the face of the Church’s demolition, with the damnation of so many souls.

26 In Canon Law there is no crime of schism when a Pope’s Conclave and election are cast in doubt.

27 Paul IV decreed that to any “Pope” who was a heretic prior to his election, no obedience is due.

28 So Bergoglio, by prior heresy and invalid intention at his “election,” has never been Pope.

29 However, for me to attack Bergoglio in this way by no means proves that I want to be in schism. And

30 is not his own preference to be known merely as “Bishop of Rome” a real attack on the Papacy?

31 Cannot all Conciliar Popes dropping the Tiara for ecumenical reasons be called in doubt as Popes?

32 If Conciliar ecumenism is nonsense, how can the ecumenical Bergoglio not be a nonsense Pope?

33 Many bishops and priests cannot bear what he imposes on them by force, blackmail and threats.

34 We pastors must wake up and react! We will answer before God for all that we go along with.

35 I denounce my accusers, their “Council” and their “Pope.” Saints Peter and Paul, save the Church!

36 As a bishop consecrated to guard the Faith and preach the Word, I am defending the Church, not me.

37 I cannot be accused of cutting with (=schism) Bergoglio’s Newchurch because I never belonged to it.

38 A Pope cannot be accused by anybody beneath him? Yes he can, if he never was Pope.

39 Bergoglio also misused his papal authority to help promote the deadly covid “Vaccines,” a real crime.

40 He also cut a criminal deal with the Chinese government, betraying the truly faithful Catholics.

41 As for my being accused of rejecting the errors and deviations of Vatican II, I consider that an honour.

42 And if Vatican II excuses certain schismatics (see L.G. #13) how can they accuse me of schism?

43 I condemn also all the multiple heresies of the post-conciliar “Magisterium” and “Synodal Church.”

44 Dear Catholics, pray, do penance and make sacrifices for Mother Church’s freedom and triumph.

Kyrie eleison.

8 of 31 Reasons

8 of 31 Reasons on April 10, 2021

Two weeks ago these “Comments” had pleasure in presenting from an Israeli Rabbi a pile of good sense in the form of 31 reasons why he would not take the anti-Covid “vaccine.” The only problem was that easily most of them had to be shortened for all of them to fit within the A4 of an “Eleison Comments.” So here is a selection of eight of them at full length; –

1. It’s not a vaccine . A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take a medical treatment for an illness I do not have.

3. The presumed benefits of this medical treatment are minimal and would not last long in any case . The establishment acknowledges this, and is already talking about additional shots and ever-increasing numbers of new “vaccines” that would be required on a regular basis. I refuse to turn myself into a chronic patient who receives injections of new pharmaceutical products on a regular basis simply to reduce my chances of getting a severe case of a virus that these injections do not even prevent.

5. The establishment insists that this medical treatment is safe . They cannot possibly know this because the long-term effects are entirely unknown, and will not be known for many years. They may speculate that it is safe, but it is disingenuous for them to make such a claim that cannot possibly be known. Because they are being disingenuous, I do not trust them, and I want no part of their treatment.

9. The executives and board members at Pfizer are on record that they have not taken their own treatment, despite all the fanfare and assurances . They are claiming that they would consider it unfair to “cut the line.” This is a preposterous excuse, and it takes an unbelievable amount of chutzpah to even say such a thing. Such a “line” is a figment of their own imagination; if they hogged a couple of injections for themselves no one would cry foul. In addition, billionaires with private jets and private islands are not known for waiting in line until hundreds of millions of peasants all over the world go first to receive anything these billionaires want for themselves.

21. The government has sealed their protocol related to the virus and treatments for THIRTY YEARS. This is information that the public has a right to know, and the government has a responsibility to share. What are they covering up? Do they really expect me to believe that everything is kosher about all this, and that they are concerned first and foremost with my health? The last time they did this was with the Yemeni Children Affair. If you’re not familiar with it, look it up. Now they’re pulling the same shtick. They didn’t fool me the first time, and they’re definitely not fooling me now.

26. The horror stories are already coming in at warp speed, but the politicians are not the least bit concerned, the medical establishment is brushing them aside as unrelated or negligible, the media is ignoring them, the drug companies are steaming ahead at full speed, and those who raise a red flag continue to be bullied, censored, and punished . Clearly my life and my well-being are not their primary concern. I will not be the next guinea pig in their laboratory. I will not risk being the next “coincidence.”

30. I see all the lies, corruption, propaganda, manipulation, censorship, bullying, violation of medical ethics, lack of integrity in the scientific process, suppression of inconvenient adverse reactions, dismissal of legitimate concerns, hysteria, cult-like behaviour, ignorance, closed-mindedness, fear, medical and political tyranny, concealment of protocols, lack of true concern for human life, lack of respect for basic human rights and freedoms, perversion of the Torah and common sense, demonization of good people, the greatest medical experiment of all time being conducted by greedy, untrustworthy, godless people, the lack of liability for those who demand I risk everything . . . . I see all this and I have decided they can all have my place in line. I will put my trust in God. I will use the mind He blessed me with and trust my natural instincts. Which leads to the final reason which sums up why I will not get “vaccinated.”

31. The whole thing stinks.

Kyrie Eleison

31 Reasons

31 Reasons on March 27, 2021

On the Internet appeared recently an admirable list of 31 reasons coming from an Israeli Rabbi, explaining why he won’t take the notorious Covid “vaccine.” Many congratulations to the Rabbi! –

1 It is not a vaccine, providing by definition immunity, but a medical treatment providing merely some protection from a virus. I need no medical treatment for an illness I do not have.

2 Big Pharma, the political and medical establishments and the media have conspired to call it a “vaccine” in order to deceive the people. I want nothing to do with such deceitful manipulators.

3 The presumed benefits of the medical treatment are minimal and would not last long in any case. Already the establishment is talking of repeating and mandating a variety of injections. No thank you!

4 I can protect myself from a virus merely by strengthening my immune system naturally, and in case of need, there are vitamins and proven drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to ward it off.

5 The establishment cannot possibly know that their “vaccine” is safe because the long-term effects will not be known for many years. I do not trust them. I want no part of their treatment.

6 Big Pharma and the politicians behind the “vaccine” are no way legally liable and cannot be sued if anything goes wrong. If they will not risk anything, I will not risk my health.

7 Israel’s Prime Minister has openly admitted that Israel is the world’s laboratory for this experimental “vaccine.” I am not interested in being a guinea-pig.

8 To accept a “vaccine” for Israelis, Israel also agreed to share the results with the foreign drug company involved. I never agreed. I will not contribute to this sleazy enterprise.

9 The executives and Board members at Pfizers (company producing the “vaccine”) are on record that they have not taken their own “vaccine” – “not wanting to jump queue” – preposterous excuse!

10 The mainstream media accept this ridiculous excuse with no problem. They even praise the Pfizer executives for their self-sacrifice. Since they take us for such fools, I will trust none of them.

11 Bill Gates claims vaccines are essential to mankind’s survival; he wants to depopulate the world; he also has not been “vaccinated.” No thanks to anything proposed by Bill Gates!

12 The Establishment has been entirely one-sided in promoting the “vaccine.” They have been deceitful and manipulative. I will not gamble my personal well-being on their integrity.

13 There is, to promote this “vaccine,” the most widespread marketing campaign in all history. That is inappropriate for any medical treatment, let alone a brand new one. It makes me recoil.

14 The masses are following along, feeding peer pressure to do likewise. It is alarming and sick.

15 Anyone who objects to the “vaccine” is bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracised, threatened and fired from their jobs. I will trust these brave people over the establishment every time.

16 This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race.

17 Yet the fact that it is an experiment is being severely downplayed.

18 If people knew what is really going on, very few would be agreeing to participate.

19 The medical establishment is telling nobody about all this. They are corrupt. I don’t trust their drug.

20 Such pressure to “vaccinate” violates all medical ethics and democratic rights. Count me out!

21 The US government is sealing all the “vaccine” records for 30 years. What are they covering up?

22 They share these records with foreign corporations but not with their own people? I’m out!

23 The establishment is setting up all kinds of people to harangue non-participants. How dare they?

24 Nobody “vaccinated” that I know really studied the question beforehand. I am suspicious of cults.

25 Big Pharma is notorious for pushing its products, even against all contrary evidence.

26 The horror stories come in, thick and fast. Nobody heeds them. I won’t be the next “coincidence.”

27 Nobody is allowed to imply that any death was connected to a preceding “vaccination.” Really?

28 The religious cult-like worship of a “vaccine” repels me.

29 My medical doctor badgers me to get the “vaccine.” But he has given me no contrary information. 30 I see this whole disreputable scene. I will trust God, and the mind and natural instincts He gave me.

31 The whole thing stinks.

Kyrie eleison

White Identity – III

White Identity - III on February 20, 2021

That identity today should be such a problem for many people (see the two previous issues of these “Comments”) is an artificial state of affairs. Something is out of true. When people are leading normal lives, they have a natural identity corresponding to who they are, and they may never even think about it. But today white people are being twisted out of true, by somebody else but they have only themselves to blame, and the result is that they have all kinds of problems which they do not need. To get to the heart of the matter may take a few more questions:

You said last week that everything turns on Christ and that returning to Him would solve all identity questions. But billions of non-Christians have no identity problem. Billions of non-Christians lead normal and decent lives without Christ. Why should He have to be brought into it?

Christianity obviously began in the Holy Land, but with the Apostles it spread rapidly all over the known world: with St Thomas to India, St John and St Phillip in Asia Minor, Nathanael in Armenia, Matthew in Africa, Thaddeus in Persia, and so on. Now in any of these regions the new religion could have caught on as it did in Europe with Peter, Paul, Andrew and James the Greater, but it is to the continent of Europe that God gave special gifts of nature, and graces of conversion, to make of Europeans the missionaries of the world. Thus whereas after 600 years the Middle East largely forsook Christianity to adopt Islam, on the contrary Europe was gifted and famed for its orthodoxy, Rome especially soon (Rom.I, 8), and God had before prepared the whole of Europe to support the Catholic destiny of Rome by the Roman Empire. One might dare to say that in the mind of God Europe and the Faith are closely identified with one another, which suggests that Christ is an essential part of European or white identity in particular.

And what part did the Jews play in all of this?

You are right to ask the question, because for good or ill they are always special in the mind of God. In fact they fought against the Church, tooth and nail, from the very beginning, as we read in the Epistles of St Paul, e.g. I Thess. II, 14–16. And it is they who for instance persuaded the Roman Emperor Claudius (41–54 A.D.) to persecute the Christians. And if they see in the white race the people most responsible in the past for the success over many centuries of the religion of Jesus Christ, it can come as no surprise if they use all of the power they have built up today in politics, the media and films and academia to blacken the whites to the point of making them ashamed of being white. Hence the lack of identity for the whites.

But why do the whites not defend themselves if they are God’s champions? Why does God abandon them?

The answer to both questions is because they have abandoned Him. Who can deny that the great mass of whites today either no longer believe in God at all, or at least no longer take Him seriously ? And you think He does not notice? Think again! There is an old pagan proverb which nevertheless corresponds to the natural law: “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.” Whites today are blind, and going suicidally mad, and all peoples following are being led to madness. And if they are being scourged by the Jews accordingly, it is absolutely their own fault for having abandoned God, Who cares for His children too much to let them roll down to Hell without having serious problems beforehand.

So what is the answer, finally?

Forget about identity! Think about Our Lord Jesus Christ. Think about the tremendous death He suffered for you and me. Turn to His Mother to plead with Him for you. Pick up Her Holy Rosary and pray at least five Mysteries a day. And beg Her to obtain Russia’s Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart, which alone will unlock the salvation of mankind, which is at the moment more problematic and locked up by the day. She will prevail. And God bless you.

Kyrie eleison.

White Identity – II

White Identity - II on February 13, 2021

The dialogue continues with a young white man of today who is looking for who he is, for his identity, but who fears to look for it in the direction of Christ, because Christianity seems subordinate to Judaism, which makes Christians inferior. Yet he cannot believe that Christ is lesser than the Old Testament.

I have learned that Noah was not Jewish! Then when did Gentiles become different from Jews?

With Abraham, around 2000 B.C. Adam and Eve were created by God around 4000 B.C. For 1000 years mankind so degenerated that around 3000 B.C. Noah was raised by God to save mankind from the Flood, necessary to give mankind another start with only eight souls on the Ark. After another 1000 years men were again corrupt, but this time God picked out Abraham to form a race of men (the future Jews) who by being set apart from the corruption of the rest of men (the future Gentiles) would be fit to provide another 2000 years later the human background of the Saviour or Messiah of all men, Jesus Christ. Thus the Jews were from Abraham to Christ the special People of God by race, to serve in future all mankind, but when the Messiah came and made clear that God’s own People would be no longer by race but by faith, then the Jews out of hurt pride turned against God, killed His Messiah and became the special people of Satan.

Then were the Jews the origin of Christianity?

Christianity is part human, part divine. The divine part came, and comes, entirely from the Holy Trinity, God, and through the God-man, Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ. It is only the human part, Mary, Joseph, 12 Apostles, etc., that came from among the Jews, to whom all Christians owe a huge debt.

Then is Christianity a duping of the Gentiles by the Jews?

Not at all, and it never has been, because God gave to the Jews as His human instruments, His Truth and salvation to give to the Gentiles. The Jews largely dropped faith in Christ soon after – mystery of iniquity, pride – but the Gentiles picked up the ball and ran with it all the way to Vatican II (1962–1965) when, essentially, they too dropped Christianity – mystery of iniquity, foretold in Scripture (Lk. XXI, 24).

Then is the New Testament still Jewish brainwork?

Yes, but only in the very insignificant sense, that to tell Jews and Gentiles at the beginning of Christianity the great new truths of salvation, as in the Epistles of St Paul, God used the human brains of Jews. But soon after those beginnings, it was Gentiles who took over, and from then on, few Jews told those truths.

Jacob was the favoured son of Isaac, Esau the unfavoured son. Jews call Christians Esau? Are they right to consider that Christians are unfavoured in comparison with them selves in the eyes of God?

Not at all, it is the other way round. Read Romans IX, 6–9. Esau is the figure of the unfavoured Jews because they largely rejected and reject His Son, whereas Jacob figures the favoured Christians who accepted and accept His Son. St Paul wrestled with the confusion in the minds of his listeners over this vexed question of Jews and Gentiles in three major Epistles: Galatians, Romans and Hebrews. His teaching is the Word of God, Scripture, basically clear and absolutely authoritative. Read those Epistles.

Are the Jews right that Gentiles are stupid?

Certainly, when the Gentiles abandon Christ, and then the Jews can easily dominate them, like today. But when the Gentiles are faithful to Christ, which means they are then faithful to God and to the Truth, then neither Jews nor Communists can deceive them, and that is when true civilisation flourishes and many more souls are saved, like in the Middle Ages.

Kyrie eleison.