Eleison Comments

Hoist Ladder! – I

Hoist Ladder! – I on May 2, 2020

Many people who should be listening to Archbishop Lefebvre are no longer doing so, as though they know better, or as though at the end of his life, after he had bequeathed four bishops to the Society of St Pius X to ensure its survival, he had nothing more to say or to do of any importance. But in September of 1990 Providence granted him to give in Écône a retreat to his priests in which he could hand on to them – or at least to those that had ears to hear – his guidelines for their future. Let us quote again one of the most important passages, and sigh with sorrow that he was not listened to, or was not understood:—

This fight between the Church and liberal modernists is the same fight as that of Vatican II. It is not that complicated. And the effects are far-reaching. The more one analyses the documents of Vatican II together with the interpretation given them by the authorities of the Church after the Council , and the more one realises that the problem is not just certain errors like ecumenism, religious liberty, collegiality or a form of liberalism, it is a whole perversion of the mind. It is a new philosophy, based on the modern philosophy of modernism. The book which a German theologian Johannes Dörmann has just published, and which I hope can soon be in your hands, is very instructive in this regard. He is commenting on the thinking of Pope John-Paul II, in particular on a retreat which he preached in the Vatican while he was still just a bishop. Dörmann shows that the Pope’s thinking is entirely subjective. And on re-reading his speeches, one realises that that is the case. Despite the appearances, it is not Catholic.

The Pope’s understanding of God, of Our Lord, comes from the depths of man’s consciousness and not from any objective Revelation to which he adheres with his mind. Man constructs his own idea of God. Recently for instance the Pope said that the idea of the Trinity can only have arisen very lately, because man’s inner psychology had to be capable of rising to the Holy Trinity. Therefore the idea of the Trinity came not from any outer revelation but from the inner depths of man’s consciousness. Here is a totally different concept of Revelation, Faith and philosophy, and it is a total perversion. How do we get out of it? I have no idea, but in any case that is the reality. These are no small errors. We are running into a line of philosophy going back to Descartes and Kant, the whole line of modern philosophers who paved the way for the Revolution. ( . . . )

The Archbishop then quotes Pope John-Paul himself saying that the ecumenical movement is his “prime pastoral concern,” as we see put into practice by his constant receiving of delegations from all kinds of sects and religions, and yet, says the Archbishop, all this ecumenism has not made the Church advance one little bit, nor can it do so – all it has done is to confirm non-Catholics in their errors without trying to convert them. Finally the Archbishop quotes the Pope’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Casaroli, in a then recent address to the United Nations Commission for the Rights of Man, quoting in turn the Pope to the effect that religious liberty is like a corner-stone of the building of the rights of man. Man, and every man, is the central preoccupation of the Holy See, as he is undoubtedly also yours, concludes the Cardinal. And the Archbishop concludes, for the Society priests in front of him at the retreat –

All we can do is pull up the ladder (i.e. cut all contact) . There is nothing we can do with these people, because we have nothing in common with them.

This is the correct conclusion whenever one is faced by people who start out from a denial of reality outside the mind, or else of the mind’s ability to know that extra-mental objective reality. They are mentally sick, like swine in front of whom pearls should not be thrown, says Our Lord, “lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you ” (Mt. VII, 6). For has Conciliar Rome over the last 20 years done anything other than turn to attack the Society in its striving by contacts to obtain official recognition?

Kyrie eleison.

Church’s Entombment – II

Church’s Entombment – II on April 25, 2020

Two weeks ago these “Comments” raised a double question as to how the Catholic Church, in its present distress, comparable to the time spent by Our Lord between His crucifixion and His resurrection, could firstly survive in its “tomb” and secondly rise from it. A first part of the answer was in general, that in what Almighty God can or will do He is not limited to what human beings can think of, in fact He can be expected to do the unexpected. In the fifth joyful Mystery of the Holy Rosary His own Mother was baffled by the apparent indifference to her happiness of her otherwise wholly obedient Son.

Then in particular, these “Comments” suggested that while it is absolutely abnormal for the Church to survive as in a tomb, virtually without the help from above of an orthodox Pope or bishops, without the structure of an official diocese or parish or Congregation, nevertheless where there is the true Faith and a minimum of good sense and charity, the Church can survive even in small and disjointed groups, at least for a while, until Providence restores a normal hierarchy to put an end to the disorder. For instance we can look at the disorder around us today and we can say that it is the end of the Church, but if God has allowed it, it is certain that it is not the end of the Church, which He could never allow (Mt. XXVIII, 20).

There remains the second half of the question raised two weeks ago, namely how the Church is going to be able to get out of its present tomb, or rise from it. The question has a special importance, because the temptation is to see the problem in too human a way and to look for a too human answer. Thus whereas Archbishop Lefebvre used to say that the solution is in God’s hands – and that is the truth, not just an easy way out – his successors at the head of the Society of St Pius X took the position that we cannot wait indefinitely to resolve the Society’s unsatisfactory status within the true Church. Instead we must seek to

obtain as soon as possible the official recognition which is due to the Society’s fidelity, and which will be of immense benefit to the entire Church. And on this basis the Archbishop’s successors at various moments since 2012 have rejoiced at coming within an ace, they have said, of sealing an agreement with Rome which would at last have granted to the Society the official recognition that it deserves.

But these successors had lost the wood for the trees. What is today’s Rome if not wedded and welded to the new religion of Pachamama and Vatican II? And what was the Archbishop’s Society if not a bastion of the true Faith to be defended by the formation of true priests to continue the true Catholic religion as before Vatican II? The confrontation was direct, because the change of religion was radical. Therefore if today’s Rome granted – or grants – anything to the Society, it can only be if the Society drops its guard. Thus the officialising of Society marriages and confessions has done much to disarm Society resistance to official Rome, and through official Rome to its Conciliar religion and to the worldwide apostasy.

What the Archbishop’s successors have not grasped, as the Archbishop very much did, is the supernatural breadth and depth of this apostasy. They are too close to it. They are too close to the modern world out of which it springs. That is why they look for human answers to a problem which can only have a divine solution. The problem is far beyond the calculation, manoeuvring or politics of men, even churchmen.

Like Daniel, men must turn to God, and to turn to God we must go through His Mother, as God made clear at Fatima in 1917, just when the modern problem was arising in all its force, with the Communist Revolution in Russia. In fact God gave us the supernatural solution just as the Devil must have thought he was really winning, and that solution is the Consecration (not secularisation), of Russia (not all the world), to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (not even to the Sacred Heart), by the Pope (not by the authorities of any other than the Catholic religion), in union with all the Catholic bishops of the world (not by the Pope alone). And here is how the Church will climb out of its tomb. And here alone is how, because His Mother has said so. Let the Society urge all its priests and followers to practise intensely the first Saturdays, to contribute to obtaining that Consecration.

Kyrie eleison.

Daniel’s Prayer

Daniel’s Prayer on April 18, 2020

The Internet these days is full of commentaries and analyses, each more interesting than the last, about the corona-virus and the turbulent state of finance all over the world, but few of these commentaries touch on what is most important of all in this double – or single – upheaval, and that is what it shows of relations between all men and their God: world-wide apostasy. This is a huge crime, for which the corona-collapse is a punishment not remotely as heavy as the scourges that will follow if men do not return to God. But as things stand, a mass of His own Chosen People by Faith, the Catholics, are gladly following Vatican II, because it loosened the old discipline and enabled them to adore themselves instead of God. We should all be on our knees, begging God for forgiveness, as did Daniel in the Old Testament. Here is his mighty prayer of IX, 3–19, needing little adaptation to the New Testament today:—

3 Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. 4 I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, saying, “O Lord, the great and terrible God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from thy commandments and ordinances; 6 we have not listened to thy faithful Popes before Vatican II, who spoke in thy name to our kings, our presidents, and our fathers, and to all the peoples of the world. 7 To thee, O Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us confusion of face, as at this day, to the men of the Church, to the inhabitants of Rome, and to all Catholics, those that are near and those that are far away, in all the lands where thou hast raised them, because of the disguised apostasy which they have committed against thee. 8 To us, O Lord, belongs confusion of face, to our kings, to our presidents, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee. 9 To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness; because we have rebelled against him, 10 and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God by following his laws, which he set before us by his faithful servants. 11 All the Church has transgressed thy law and turned aside, refusing to obey thy voice. And the curse and oath which are written in the law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out upon us, because we have sinned against him. 12 He has confirmed his words, which he spoke against us and against our rulers who ruled us, by bringing upon us a great calamity; for under the whole heaven there has not been done the like of what has been done against the true Rome. 13 As it is written in the law of Moses, all this calamity has come upon us, yet we have not entreated the favour of the Lord our God, turning from our iniquities and giving heed to thy truth. 14 Therefore the Lord has kept ready the calamity and has brought it upon us; for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which he has done, and we have not obeyed his voice. 15 And now, O Lord our God, who didst bring thy Church down two thousand years with a mighty hand, and hast made thee a name, as at this day, we have sinned, we have done wickedly. 16 O Lord, according to all thy righteous acts, let thy anger and thy wrath turn away from thy city of Rome, thy holy hill; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Rome and thy people have become a byword among all who are round about us. 17 Now therefore, O our God, hearken to the prayers of thy servants and to their supplications, and for thy own sake, O Lord, cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary, which is desolate. 18 O my God, incline thy ear and hear; open thy eyes and behold our desolations, and behold the Church which is called by thy name; for we do not present our supplications before thee on the ground of our righteousness, but on the ground of thy great mercy. 19 O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, give heed and act; delay not, for thy own sake, O my God, because thy city and thy people are called by thy name.”

Kyrie eleison.

Church’s Entombment – I

Church’s Entombment – I on April 11, 2020

If Our Lady of La Salette and the Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser are to be believed, then what we are living through today is only the end of the Fifth Age of the world, it is not yet the end of the Seventh and last Age of the world. The Fifth Age is set fair to end in a great Chastisement, prelude to the brief Sixth Age which will be the greatest and most glorious triumph of the Church in all its history, prelude in its turn to the Seventh Age which will see the rise of the Antichrist, the greatest persecution of all Church history and the closing down of the world as we know it, to be mysteriously replaced by “new heavens and a new earth” (II Pet. III, 13). If this is what St Peter, the Ven. Holzhauser and Our Lady of La Salette meant, then certainly the Church will rise again from its present tomb well before it takes off at world’s end for Heaven. The question is, how will it survive in, and get out of, its present tomb?

The essential point to grasp is that the Church belongs to God, that the Church is directed by the Spirit of God, and that the action of this Holy Spirit is comparable to that of the wind which blows where it wills, we know it is there because we can hear it, but we know not where it comes from nor where it goes (John III, 8). Therefore God’s thoughts are going to be way above our thoughts as men, and we need to get used to, for instance, the first being last and the last being first (Mt. XX, 16). Thus from 1970 when the Society of St Pius X was founded, until 2012 when its leaders set conditions for the Society to go back under the Conciliar Romans, the Society was a front-runner in the defence of the Faith, but ever since 2012 it has been officially like a lap-dog of the Romans. The System had swallowed up the Society, and from being one of the first, it began turning into one of the last, because the Devil will not let it stop halfway down.

At this point many Catholics of Tradition wished with all their heart that a post-Society would arise to take the Society’s place. But a post-Society may well not have been the will of God. The 2010’s were no longer the 1970’s or 1980’s when Archbishop Lefebvre had been able to build the worldwide Society. The disintegration of hearts and minds was much further advanced than in the 1970’s, and since 2012 if anything it is speeding up. See how little common sense men have today, less and less all the time. Of course the grace of God can make integral Catholics out of disintegrated human beings, but God will rarely force men’s free-will, and so if men insist on turning their insides into the likes of a muddy marsh, the helicopter of God’s supernatural grace may not even try to land, for fear of disappearing in the mud.

Certainly God will maintain the Church through the 2020’s. By means of a “Resistance” movement with neither structure nor organisation, and with endemic strife between the members resisting one another? If all resistants share at least the same true Faith, their movement may yet be a front-runner in the defence of the Faith, and their lack of structure may even be an advantage if it means that there is no one head whose capture is all too liable to mean the fall of the whole structure, because modern man knows not how to obey or to disobey. And if those resisting have in addition a minimum of good sense and charity, then they may even get on together without having to devour one another. And if the “Resistance” is not a label to be proud of, that is not a bad thing either, because the situation has gone way beyond mere labels.

In any case what is vitally necessary for Catholics wishing to save their souls by keeping the Faith is to see how and why the world around us undermines and corrupts their Catholic Faith. It is not necessarily by lack of good will or of good intentions, on the contrary. Whereas the original Protestants were open and bitter enemies of the Faith, their successors, worldwide liberals, can be sincerely friendly towards Catholics just as long as Catholics share their deep down principle that truth can only be subjective; that there is only one Dogma, according to which all other dogmas are optional; that ideas do not matter; that “All you need is love”; that all religions have the same one God, and so on. This Dogma has become so instinctive that it is no longer even discussed, which is why it is so dangerous. Truth is ruled out of court even before it can set foot in the courtroom. But if there is no truth, how can there be a true God?

Kyrie eleison.

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts on April 3, 2020

Most likely many readers know from the Holy Week liturgy, normally celebrated next week, the Gospel narratives of the Passion of Our Lord, but they may not have thought about how many of the various moments of the Passion can be applied to the situation of Catholics today. Take for example the captivity of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said many things, each of which is a world in interpretation.

On the Thursday evening Jerusalem is full of pilgrims from Judaea, Galilee and the Diaspora, and there is an electric tension throughout the city because everybody that is anybody is there for the great Feast of the Passover, and the tension centres around Jesus. He is dearly loved by his Apostles and disciples and the large number of people that he has taught and healed and consoled and helped over the last three years of his earthly ministry. On the other hand it seems that the religious authorities of the Temple, the chief priests and the scribes and pharisees, disapprove of him severely, and want him absolutely out of the way. What has he done wrong? And what are they going to do to him? The whole city is abuzz with Jesus.

In this tense atmosphere He has held the Last Supper with His Apostles, adding strange but immensely serious ceremonies to those of the Old Testament, and speaking as though He is about to leave them. He sends Judas Iscariot on his way, and then He leads the others out to the Garden of Gethsemane. The Apostles are frightened and uneasy, but Peter is ready to fight, having brought a sword with him. Eight out of the eleven Jesus leaves behind, taking Peter, James and John still deeper into the olive grove, where He asks them to pray, warning them that if they do not pray, temptation may catch them. Then he leaves them too behind, and He prays alone His terrible Agony in three parts, finding them asleep each time He rejoins them. Finally Judas Iscariot brings on the Temple Guard to arrest Our Lord, away from the people who risked protecting Him, and betrays Him with a kiss. Peter is furious, whips out his sword, and in defence of his beloved Master slashes off the ear of a servant of the High Priest, only to be told by Jesus to put up his sword. Jesus gives three reasons.

Firstly, “All who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Our Lord needs to be not the Knave of Clubs, but the King of Hearts, in the essentially spiritual struggle for the eternal salvation of souls. This He can never do by means of violence which will beget only counter-violence. Secondly, similarly, “Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and He will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?” Obviously, the Creator of the universe has ample physical force to overthrow whole armies of enemies of His Son, but that is not how They would win souls, on the contrary. Superior force would merely alienate souls physically crushed by God. And thirdly, “How then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” The plan of God, consigned to Holy Scripture, has been from all eternity that Jesus will get through to souls (a minority) by Himself being crushed! Jesus will win by being, as we say today, at least to all appearances, a “loser”! At this point Peter is the one who “loses it,” and in total incomprehension of his beloved Master, he runs away, followed by the ten other Apostles.

Like many a male Traditionalist today, Peter is a men’s man. He is “macho.” He lacks nothing in faith or courage or devotion to his divine Master, but he has slept instead of praying in the Garden. Had he prayed instead of sleeping, his thoughts could have been divine instead of human, all too human, and he might have understood that Jesus was marching to a far higher drum than Peter’s, however courageous and devoted Peter may have been. By liberalism or sedevacantism, Catholics today slice off not only an ear of one of the High Priest’s servants, they slice off the High Priest’s very own head by soft quasi-heresy or hard quasi-schism. But has not Our Lord Himself warned us that His Church too will win by losing? At world’s end (Lk. XVIII, 8), will it not almost have disappeared? Mystery . . .

Kyrie eleison.

World Transformed

World Transformed on March 28, 2020

Two events are shaking the world, the corona-virus and the breakdown of what has been the world’s financial system for, maybe, the last two centuries. The two events may well be connected. Several commentators are actually mentioning Almighty God, at least in connection with the worldwide spread of the corona-virus, because that spread is like a plague, and in times past when there was no other remedy, plagues would often make men turn to God. But that God – who has not changed – is almost certainly playing a more important part in both events today than most people think.

Is that to say that God caused the worldwide corona-virus infection? Indirectly, yes, because He foresaw it from eternity and decided to let it happen. And what greater good might His permission for the infection be bringing about? We have seen the governments of many countries impose such restrictions on movements of their citizens that these countries are virtually brought to a halt. That is giving to the citizens a serious chance firstly to realise how fragile is the functioning of their much vaunted modern way of life: neither is it so robust, nor are they such champions of reality, as they may have thought. And secondly, by the serious interruption of their normal rat-race they are being given time and opportunity they would never normally have to reflect on that rat-race: Who am I? What is my life? What am I doing with it? Where am I going? Alas, many modern citizens thus providentially slowed down will only want to speed up again so as to distract themselves from thoughts that evoke anything higher than their all-engrossing rat-race . . .

Another reason why God may not directly have caused the corona-virus is the amount of serious speculation that the virus comes not from God’s Nature but from men’s laboratories, where viruses of Nature are made artificially much more harmful and contagious in order to serve as potential weapons of war. And if that is where the corona-virus came from, who can men blame for it except other men?

And then there is not only the fabrication of the virus but also its release – how did it escape from the laboratories to threaten mankind? Was the escape an accident, or was it a deliberate release? Again, there is much speculation that it was not an accident, but criminally timed to coincide with the crashing of the world’s financial system, also engineered. The virus would help the crash in two ways: firstly it would, however briefly, bring to a halt a significant part of the functioning of the world’s economies, forcing bankruptcies and a widespread increase of indebtedness and enslavement to the global Money Power; and secondly, an exaggerated panic over the virus in the same globalists’ media would serve to distract mankind from its enslavement taking an important step forwards. Certainly if the financial crash was deliberate, the coincidence of the virus was a windfall for whoever was behind the crash.

And so was, or is, anybody behind the March crash of the world’s stock markets, which is by no means over? Of course there was. The Money Power, controlling the governments with which it works, has so much money at its disposal that it can swing at will supposedly free stock markets, up or down. Such crashes as of this March are designed to cause a great transfer of wealth from little investors to the Money Power. In this case it created from 1987 a 33-year rising market to lure them in, and once they were well in, it crashed the market to strip them of their assets while it has itself bet on the falling market and made a fortune. And the governments protect the Money Power because it bought them off long ago.

And Almighty God? “My children, if you insist on worshipping Mammon and materialism instead of Me, this is what will happen to you. You have scorned My religion to replace it with politics. You have worshipped your governments instead of your God. You have believed in money instead of charity towards your fellow-men. Are you now surprised that governments, politics and money let you down? Or are you hurt that I let them let you down? Children, I am offering you Paradise, and for all eternity!”

Kyrie eleison.