World War III


ROSARY BLAST 2024. on September 7, 2024

Our Lady knows exactly why we’re bleeding,

And, better than anyone else, what we are needing.

Both at Fatima in Portugal in 1917 and at Akita in Japan in 1973 Our Lady said that only She can help us henceforth. In Akita She added, “from the imminent calamities,” the calamities hanging over our heads. If anybody has been watching events in the Ukraine over the last two years, he must be blind, either naturally or wilfully, not to see a nuclear Third World War coming, and bringing with it calamities without number. Our Lady of Akita also told Sister Agnes Sasagawa that all those who put their confidence in Her will be saved, by which She almost certainly meant, saved for eternity and not just for this brief life on earth, which is so much less important.

In any case it is Our Lord Himself – in complete control of coming world events and allowing the calamities only for our own greater good – who has told us that to reward His Mother for the special part She has played in the saving of souls, especially in modern times, He wants it to be the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will take the credit among men for the eventual rescue of mankind from its present dire straits. For indeed mankind will be rescued in the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, a brief Golden Age for the Church, following on the Chastisement, and constituting the greatest world-wide victory of Our Lord’s Church in all its history. Then sin will return, with the run-down to the Antichrist and to the fiercest persecution of Christians, generating some of the greatest Saints in all Church history.

Into this cosmic drama preceding the end of the world fits Our Lady as its queen and our guide, as appointed by Her Divine Son Himself. At Akita half a century ago, She did warn us, like a good mother, of “fire falling from Heaven which will eliminate a large part of mankind, both the good and the bad, sparing neither priests nor laity, and leaving survivors so desolate that they will envy the dead. At that moment you will have two weapons left: the Rosary, and the sign left by My Son (It is not yet certain in what that sign consists). Pray the Rosary for the Pope, for bishops and priests.” Indeed the primary problem today of our storm-tossed Church and world is the defection of the Catholic churchmen, deceived by the diabolical Second Vatican Council of the 1960’s.

Accordingly, the little “Resistance” movement in England is organising again this year a pilgrimage to Walsingham in Norfolk, from Thursday 26th until Sunday 29thSeptember, but based this year in Swaffham, about 30 minutes away by car. As in previous years, the main business of pilgrims will be daily Mass and the praying of full 15-Mystery Rosaries, possibly as many as ten in the four days inclusive, from the Thursday to the Sunday. That may seem a great deal, but nobody complained in previous years, on the contrary they were rewarded with the realisation of how relatively easy the full Rosary can be. And they well knew they were not wasting their time, by doing exactly what the Queen of Heaven is asking all of us to do. At the heart of the distress of our times is a spiritual and not material problem. The problem is mankind turning its back on God, for which all the latest and best of warplanes, submarines and tanks are relatively useless. See Psalm 32–33 – “The war-horse is a vain hope for victory . . . . Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him.”

For all practical details of how to get to Swaffham, for accommodation (not expensive if you can bring your own bedding and towels) and so on, please e-mail Mass will take place each day at a former Convent in Swaffham, followed by a simple breakfast, and kitchen facilities are available to cater for an evening meal. Do notify as soon as possible by email this same address if you mean to take part, because organisers would like to have ahead an idea of numbers.

And do think of doing a great service to Our Lady, to your country, to your family and to yourself by taking part in the “Rosary Blast.”

Kyrie eleison.


STAY CONFESSED! on June 29, 2024

The West is threatening to kill off man.

We have to pray the Rosary, while we can.

On June 13, about three weeks ago, there appeared on a radio station in the USA a frightening report on the latest preparations by Russia for nuclear World War. The report may or may not be accurate, these “Comments” have no way of telling, but it is certainly true to the present situation as we know it, and what matters right now is less the accuracy of these or those details than to see in them as a whole the hand of Almighty God, freely allowing men to punish one another by mutual slaughter on a huge scale, so that at least a minority of them will accept His invitation to Heaven instead of all of them turning down that invitation by preferring Hell. In chronological order, here are the details reported –

1. End May, Russia announces tactical (short range) nuclear weapons exercises.

2. Early June, Russia begins these exercises in their Southern Military District.

3. About June 3, Russia sends 11 nuclear missile submarines into the Atlantic Ocean.

4. About June 6, Russia sends an additional 27 nuclear missile submarines into the Pacific Ocean.

5. About June 11, Russia expands the inland short range nuclear exercises to include the Leningrad Military District around St Petersburg, thus covering Russia’s whole Western front, and bringing it within striking distance of NATO forces and NATO member countries.

6. June 12, Russia makes a surprise deployment around Moscow, St Petersburg and their long range missile silos of their newest S-500 “Prometheus” air defence system, the best in the world, but which was not expected to be deployed for at least another six months. For indeed the mass production necessary for it to be deployed and ready for action in such large numbers so soon was not even suspected to exist.

The radio station’s report concludes that “Every indication is that Russia is fully prepared now to launch a severe nuclear first strike, and to defend itself successfully from a counter-strike. The only things the Russians have not yet done are to declare a General War Mobilisation of the entire population, and to begin moving people into bomb shelters. Every thing else is already done.”

From all these details, one might easily conclude that Russia wants world war. But that is surely not the case. Putin never wanted to invade Ukraine. His purpose was always merely to de-nazify and de-militarise Ukraine so as to prevent it from becoming a threat to Russia’s very survival, by its closeness to Russia serving as a base for Russia’s enemies to attack Moscow, for instance, with missiles close at hand. Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022 with a small force, hoping that that would be enough for the Ukrainians to understand that he was serious about negotiating an agreement. But Ukraine’s President Zelensky had been put in power in 2014 by people who virtually control the Western powers, especially the USA, and who want World War III, because they hope that it will complete for them that domination of the world which they are convinced is their due, and which they have dreamt of for 2000 years.

And so one of their puppets, Boris Johnson, then Prime Minster of England, persuaded Zelensky not to negotiate but to fight on, and ever since then the Ukrainians have been fighting this proxy war for the West until they have so far lost over half a million men killed, with their country virtually destroyed. And of course since the large part of the media of the West is under the control of the same people, then we are bombarded with relentless propaganda that the Ukrainian war is all the fault of Putin, that he was the aggressor in 2022, that he will be the aggressor whenever World War III breaks out, and so on.

But Putin may well not be wanting world war. On the contrary, he may well be following advice of USA President Truman (1945–1952), “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.” He may be hoping. hoping, hoping that his war preparations will be taken seriously enough by the West for saner counsels to prevail. Alas, that does not seem likely at this moment. “Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”

Kyrie eleison.


PUTIN SPEAKS on March 9, 2024

An honest man has little or nothing to hide. 

But who can talk like this on the Western side?

On February 6 last a famous and decent American journalist interviewed President Putin of Russia, heavily and steadily blackened in the vile media of the West, bravely giving Putin a chance to present his case to a Western audience. The selection below is less than 5% of the interview’s original length – 

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, we were promised that NATO would not expand eastwards. There have now been five waves of expansion. In 2014, there was a coup d’état in Ukraine supported by the US. Ukraine launched a war in Donbass with the use of aircraft and artillery against civilians. They created a threat to the Crimea which we had to take under our protection. Then the current Ukrainian leadership declared that it would not implement the Minsk Agreements, signed after 2014, where a plan for the peaceful settlement of Donbass was set forth. More recently, former leaders of Germany and France said openly that they indeed co-signed the Minsk Agreements, but never took them seriously. For us not to have reacted would have been culpable negligence. It was the Ukrainians who started the war in 2014. Our goal now is to bring it to an end. 

We did not refuse to talk. We negotiated with Ukraine in Istanbul in 2022 and Davyd Arakhamia, who led Ukraine’s delegation, even put his preliminary signature on a peace treaty. The war would end if Ukraine dropped any aspiration to join NATO. Arakhamia publicly stated that Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister of Britain, came to Kiev and dissuaded Ukraine from doing this. Johnson said that it was better to fight Russia and not sign any agreement. As for NATO, they are trying to intimidate their own populations with an imaginary Russian threat. Thinking people understand perfectly well that this is a fake. We have no interest in Poland, Latvia or anywhere else. These are horror stories to extort additional money from US and European taxpayers. It goes against common sense to get involved in some kind of global war that will bring all mankind to the brink of destruction. 

Did NATO/CIA blow up the Nord Stream pipeline in 2022? Yes. Whoever did it must have had not only a sufficient motive for destroying the pipeline, but also the necessary capabilities. There may be many people interested in ending Nord Stream, but not all of them can go to the bottom of the Baltic Sea to carry out such an explosion. So why not make propaganda out of this crime of the West? In the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the USA, because they control the world’s media. 

The dollar is the cornerstone of US power. However, even the United States’ allies are now downsizing their dollar reserves. Until 2022, US dollars accounted for approximately 50% of Russian transactions with third countries, while currently it is down to 13%. This is because the USA decided to restrict our transactions. I think this was complete foolishness from the point of view of the interests of the USA, damaging the US economy. Why did the United States do this? Self-conceit. They thought it would lead to a full collapse of Russia, but nothing collapsed. 

A very significant date in the history of Russia was 988. This was the Baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir and the adoption of Orthodoxy, or Eastern Christianity. The Russian state incorporated both Novgorod (northern Russia) and Kiev (southern Russia). There was a single territory, one and the same language and the same Faith. What is happening now is, to a certain extent, something of a civil war. The West thinks that the Russian people have been split by hostilities forever. No. Russians will be re-united. Relations will be re-built. It will take time, but they will heal. 

Could Tucker Carlson now go to the real policy-makers of the West and obtain an equally open account of their drive to subjugate the entire world? One may doubt it. To start with, who are those real makers of Western policy, and not just their public puppets? 

Kyrie eleison.

Swedish Forethought

Swedish Forethought on September 29, 2018

“If crisis or war comes” is the title of a brochure of 19 pages issued to all Swedish households in May of this year by the State of Sweden, “to help us become better prepared for anything from serious accidents, extreme weather and IT (Information Technology) attacks, to military conflicts . . . . Many people may feel anxiety when faced with an uncertain world . . .” One useful page of the brochure lists in common sense fashion the four most important natural needs of any household in a national emergency: water, food, warmth and information. See on the Internet dinsä

The State of Sweden is obviously not alone in observing a high state of tension in the world around us. Every State is formed of nothing but human beings, every one of whom comes from God and has been given life in order to make the right use of it so as to be able to go to God at death. Yet the mass of mankind today lives in a state of indifference towards God, or in positive revolt against Him. Many men may not be atheists, they may still believe that He exists, but they hardly take Him seriously, because science and technology seem to have taken His place, and it is henceforth modern politics and economics that guarantee for us the good life. Old age is conveniently moved off into an old people’s home, and death into a hospital. Yet God exists of course as much as ever, He cares if anything more than ever, to see more souls than ever throwing themselves by sin into Hell, and here is why our world is in such a state of unprecedented tension: it is wilfully living at cross-purposes with its Maker. Some huge crisis must come.

Since the problem is radically religious, then it should go without saying that the best solution is also religious. That household is taking out the very best insurance policy to protect itself where the Rosary is regularly prayed by all the family together. How the Devil must hate the Rosary! But in the meantime Sweden’s practical suggestions are a good start for any household that has not yet been thinking of any natural measures to prepare for trouble. Here are a few of them:—

WATERClean drinking water is vital. Allow for at least three litres per adult per day. Foresee a means of boiling it if necessary. Have bottles, buckets with lids, plastic bottles in which to freeze water, and jerry cans, ideally with a tap, to collect water in.

FOODHave extra food at home that provides sufficient calories. Use non-perishable food that can be prepared quickly, requires little water or can be eaten without preparation: for instance, bread with a long shelf-life, spreads in tubes, milk powder, cooking-oil, pasta, lentils, tins of sardines, ravioli, boiled meat, soup, honey, nuts, seeds (those are only a few of the brochure’s suggestions).

WARMTHIn a house grown cold without electricity, gather in one room, hang blankets over the windows, cover the floor with rugs and build a den under a table to keep warm. Extinguish all candles and oil-burners before going to sleep. Air the room regularly to let in oxygen. Have woollen clothing, sleeping mats and sleeping bags, fire-lighters, alternative heat sources, etc.

COMMUNICATIONSIn a crisis there will be a need to be able to receive national news, to contact friends and relatives, to contact the emergency services. Therefore have a radio powered by batteries or solar cells or winding: a car radio and mobile phone charger that works in a car, extra batteries, etc.

And the brochure mentions a few miscellaneous extras like cash on hand, a medicine cabinet, fuel in the tank. Many of these things cost relatively little now, but let a dangerous crisis loom, and they risk suddenly becoming much more scarce and expensive, if they can be had at all. “Trust in God,” says the proverb, “but keep rowing to shore.”

Kyrie eleison.

War Avoided? – I

War Avoided? – I on April 21, 2018

At world’s end there will be “wars and rumours of wars,” says Our Divine Lord (Mt. XXIV, 6), but “see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet.” In the last few weeks we have certainly had rumours of war, including the threat in Syria of a major confrontation between the armed forces of the United States and of Russia. Since then the threat seems to have subsided. What happened to it, and what are the prospects for the future? Are we now safe from World War III?

It is difficult to tell for sure, because of course the public media are virtually all in the hands of that race which is pushing towards that Third World War which it hopes will enable them to complete their tyranny over mankind, left incomplete by their first two World Wars. Therefore virtually all media reports are slanted in favour of the people and events which could lead to war. However that race has not yet managed to control the Internet which has for the moment broken their monopolistic control of public opinion, so that sane voices can still be heard if one is looking for the truth. What follows is a version of events starting out from material supplied by two such commentators from the United States, both accessible on the Internet – Paul Craig Roberts, and “the Saker”:—

The latest feared confrontation between the USA and Russia in Syria was avoided because the leaders of the US armed forces in Washington would not risk a conflict with the Russians, because of the fearsome Russian weapons newly revealed by President Putin in Russia. These weapons would seem able to wreak havoc upon any American fleet presently in the Mediterranean. Therefore the Americans carefully avoided a strike which could have provoked a Russian retaliation, and they warned the Russians in advance, so that most of the attacking missiles were shot down by Syria, and the damage was minimal.

Does that mean that the danger is over? By no means. The race mentioned above still wants war, and it controls American foreign policy, as Ariel Sharon once boasted in Israel – “We control the Americans, and they know it.” By all means within their considerable power they will go to work on the dissenting American Generals and on President Trump, meanwhile working furiously to develop effective means of defence against the new Russian weapons. And as soon as they think that they have overcome these obstacles, their media will produce another set of lies to fool the stupid Western public, like “chemical weapons” (all long since removed from Syria), or building democracy (Syrians themselves are quite happy with their President Assad), or “Putin is Hitler” (he continues to show remarkable forbearance in the face of vile Western provocation, but if it will not stop, then one day he will more than understandably react).

However, even that race’s overpowering influence (barely alluded to by the two political commentators) does not go to the very heart of the matter (not mentioned at all by the commentators): that race is merely a scourge used – and protected – by God to serve Him by punishing the peoples on earth that turn their backs on Him. Thus that race has shown to leaders of the West all the kingdoms of the world, boasting that they are in its power, and it has promised to hand over to the West the New World Order if only the West will bow down and adore. The Western leaders and nations did not have to accept the offer, but of their own free choice they did.

Therefore unless the Western leaders and nations start to give the correct answer to that offer, namely “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve,” that race will continue to use all its special God-given talents to tempt and to scourge. World War III seems correspondingly likely to occur eventually, if not in Syria, then wherever else godless nations can be fooled.

Kyrie eleison.

Fatima Contested

Fatima Contested on November 9, 2013

At the outset of the 20 th century surely God gave to the modern world two great lights: for theory, through Pius X, the Encyclical Pascendi in 1907, to denounce the key error of subjectivism; for practice, through his Mother, the apparitions of Fatima in 1917, to provide a remedy for the monstrous plague of Communism. But the Devil deflects attention from Pascendi, and raises a series of objections to discredit Fatima. Here are a few of the main objections:—

* How can we take seriously Cardinal Ottaviani’s version of the third part of the Fatima Secret when supposedly Our Lady says there that a third World war will start in the latter part of the 20 th century? The year 2000 has come and gone, and there has been no third World War. There is an interesting parallel here between the second and third parts of the Secret of Fatima. In the second part Our Lady said that a worse war than WW I would start under the reign of the next Pope, which was Pius XI. Yet Pius XI died in the spring of 1939 and WW II was only declared in the autumn when Pius XII was Pope. Did Our Lady get her calendar wrong? No, she was simply going by the reality instead of by the appearances. In reality WW II started in 1938 when Stalin was deciding to make a pact with Hitler so as to liberate Hitler to make war on his western front. See in the May, 2000, Rector’s Letter (on eleisonkommentar.blogspot,com) the whole fascinating story of this real start to WW II. Now whether or not the Ottaviani version is or is not the true “Third Secret,” may the reality not be that WW III began in the Middle East before the year 2000, for instance with the first invasion of Iraq in 1991? Things are not always how they appear.

* In WW II we saw horrific bombings of Dresden, Tokyo, Nagasaki. What will be new here? Total WW II deaths are reckoned usually at some 66 million, in the tens of millions. If one reads rightly several warnings of Our Lady, and not only in Fatima, casualties from WW III and the Chastisement will be reckoned in the thousands of millions. Of the order of 100 times worse.

* But what material Chastisement could be worse than the spiritual chastisement of our own days? True, next after the Fall of Adam and Eve, Vatican II was the worst disaster in all the history of mankind. Yet the mass of men see it as a great liberation. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is the old saying. Spiritual punishments are in themselves much greater, but it takes material things for us men to understand (cf. Mt. IX, 6, and Jn. XX, 27).

* Our Lady of Fatima promised a period of peace if the Pope performed a certain consecration. Popes since then have performed several such consecrations, but we have had no peace. True, there have been several consecrations inspired no doubt by Our Lady of Fatima, but never yet exactly as she required: by the Pope, of Russia, to her Immaculate Heart, in union with all the bishops of the world. One or other of these four conditions has always been lacking.

* Our Lady of Fatima told us of “nations being annihilated” and of “a period of peace.” We saw nations annihilated in WW II, and a period of peace in the 1950’s. Her prophecies have happened. What nations have remained annihilated since WW II, and just how much peace was there in the Cold War of the 1950’s? Our Lady of Fatima spoke of far greater events than have yet happened.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, intercede for us.

Kyrie eleison.