

RIGHTEOUS CAUSE on December 14, 2024

A Russian convert thunders against the West?

Only because he sees God’s foes the best!

Dear readers, beware. Today’s long quote below comes from the former president of Russia from 2008 to 2012 when he was filling in for Vladimir Putin, who was obliged by Russia’s Constitution at that time to step down for four years from the Presidency, even if Putin remained Prime Minister. To this day Dmitri Medvedev (1965- ) remains, upon information and belief, a close colleague of Putin, certainly a believer in what Putin is trying to achieve in the war with Ukraine, as shown by these words of his from December of two years ago. In Medvedev’s highly coloured denunciation of today’s rotten West, one may not agree with every detail, for instance the earliest European empires by which Portugal and Spain built a Rosary of Catholic nations from top to bottom of Central and South America, must have sent to Heaven hundreds of thousands of Catholic souls. However, as for the heart of the matter, Medvedev is absolutely right.

God exists. The Devil exists. Between the two of them is a pitched, and irreconcilable battle for the conquest of souls, by God to populate Heaven, by the Devil to populate Hell. God being the Creator and the Devil being a mere creature, then God could utterly paralyse the Devil at any moment that He wanted to. But He does not want to, because the more men have to struggle in this brief life to save their souls, the higher will be the quality of the souls saved, the more beautiful will be God’s paradise. So God is always giving a measure of liberty to the Devil to tempt and damn souls, but never so much liberty as to force souls to choose damnation. Even in the Garden of Gethsemane, Our Lord still tries to convert Judas Iscariot – “Friend, why are you here?” (Mt. XXVI, 50). All human life plays out against this battle between God and the Devil as its ultimate background, and to pretend one can be neutral is to side with the Devil.

This is what Medvedev sees so clearly in the war between Russia and the Ukraine: the West is rotten, it is the business of Russia to pour out its blood and treasure to clean out the rot. Surely Our Lady of Fatima thinks the same. Medvedev converted to Russian Orthodoxy at the age of 23. Most probably She obtained that grace for him. Here is what he said in 2022 – prepare to be shocked.

Everything against Russia today belongs to a dying world. It is a bunch of mad nazi drug-addicts, of zombies intimidated by them, and a huge pack of barking dogs coming out of the western doghouse. Together with them, a variegated herd of honking pigs and a narrow-minded middle class, originating from the collapse of the empire of the West, with the saliva of degeneracy dripping down their chins. They have neither faith nor ideal, unless it be the obscene morals they have invented and the norms of doublethink they have spread around, negating any of the morality granted to normal people. Here is why, by rising up against them, our fight has taken on a sacred character . . .

But then, you may object, why did you keep quiet for so long? We were weak, laid low by a sorry episode in our history. Whereas now we have fully woken up from that sticky half-sleep and from the mournful fog of these last tens of years in which the death of the Fatherland immersed us. Other countries were waiting for us to wake up, countries violated, enslaved and oppressed by the lords of darkness, who still dream of their monstrous colonial past, while they aspire to maintain their power over the world. Many countries gave up believing in their nonsense long ago, but they are still afraid of the colonial powers. Soon they will have to wake up. And when today’s rotten world order collapses, it will bury beneath the tons and tons of its wreckage all of its arrogant high priests, blood-stained followers, mocking servants and dumb zombies.

So what weapons do we have? They are various. We have the means of consigning all our enemies to a fiery hell, but that is not what we are about. We are listening to the Creator’s words in our hearts, and we are obeying what we hear. These words give us a sacred purpose, which is to stop in his tracks the supreme leader of Hell, whatever name anyone wants to give him . . . because his purpose is death. Our purpose is life. His weapon is one huge lie. Our weapons are the Truth. Here is why our cause is just. Here is why the victory will be ours!

Kyrie eleison.


CONTROLLED CHAOS on November 23, 2024

God then withdrew, a punishment quite just,

Yet still men are intent on going bust!

If there is one word with which to describe the state of the Catholic Church today, surely that word is “chaos.” The normal structure of the Church is that of a pyramid, with God’s own Authority descending through Pope, cardinals, bishops and priests, all raised up by God to look after His sheep, or laity, at ground level. This hierarchy consists of fallible men, from top to bottom, so that at all levels mistakes can be made. However, if in normal circumstances a Superior in the hierarchy misbehaves, he usually has a Superior of his own to whom I can appeal against his misbehaviour, because any given Superior in the Church will normally make decisions in accordance with Canon Law, and, with a minimum of good will, in accordance with truth and justice. And so, in normal circumstances, from lower down I can appeal all the way up to Rome.

However, what happens when the fallible human being at the top of this pyramid loses his sense of truth and justice, and even his good will? There can only be chaos in the Church from top to bottom, because the Catholic Church was designed by God to be a monarchy in which there is His own divine Authority to protect the great truths of salvation, so that He can populate His Heaven with souls to share His bliss. That Authority is recognised and exercised at all levels of the hierarchy, but supremely by the Pope, who has no human Superior above him, but only God. It follows that if the Pope, or the man in white who is universally accepted as Pope, seems to lose all sense of Truth for which alone he receives his awesome Authority over the Church, dwarfing all merely human authorities, then the Church is in chaos, from top to bottom.

In this respect, the Catholic Church resembles a string doll consisting of multiple pieces of coloured wood, upheld on strings, upheld in turn by the puppeteer above. If for one moment the puppeteer lets go of the strings, the entire doll collapses into a jumbled heap of meaningless pieces of wood. If for one moment Almighty God lets go of His Pope and Cardinals in Rome, His bishops and priests and laity turn worldwide into a jumbled heap of Catholics, disunited and divided among themselves, many of them striving to recreate in their own little corner a semblance of that divine Authority which can come from God alone. What less can they do? Wise Catholics recognise their basic impotency, unless and until God restores a Catholic Pope. Meanwhile Catholics must do what they can to rebuild Catholic corners, and help all other Catholics to do the same, just so long as they have the Catholic Faith (and here let nobody pretend to be infallible!).

And the Pope, or seeming Pope? The correct perspective on the history of mankind is that, because of original sin, each of its Seven Ages is launched by a key figure, followed by a period of decadence until the next key figure is appointed by God to raise mankind up again, until the Antichrist will bring to an end the Seventh Age of the World which was introduced by God Himself with His Incarnation, some 2000 years ago.

This Seventh Age has been by far the longest, because God’s own Incarnation has been the turning-point of human history, the climax of all Seven Ages, because the Incarnation has continued ever since through the Catholic Church, Jesus continuing to live and save souls for eternity among all races and nations.

But God, to honour man, chose to entrust His Church not to angels but to fallible men, without turning them into robots by taking away their free-will. This means that He laid Himself open to the possibility that the human ministers of His Church would eventually so misuse their God-given free-will as to destroy His Church. This is what virtually happened at Vatican II (1962–1965). In 1968, God gave mankind a second chance, when He guided Pope Paul VI to condemn artificial means of birth control in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae. But all mankind, not just the Catholics, rose up in revolt, to condemn the old man dressed in white, living in Rome, supposed to know nothing about marriage.

Almighty God then said, so to speak, “Alright. Have it your own way. You do not want My Church. Have your own, and see how you like it. Good-bye for now. Get back in touch as soon as you want My Church back. Meanwhile, I will keep it going, in distress. I will be waiting to hear from you. I love you still.

Kyrie eleison.


REMARKABLE MESSAGES – II on April 27, 2024

Can anyone here not recognise Tradition? 

Or in the Council Catholics’ perdition?

The second in the series of Messages, supposedly from Heaven, coming to us recently through the small Catholic community in South Texas, is from God the Father. On February 22 He called on all His children to join the army He has formed all over the world in small battalions, because they have been abandoned and betrayed by the vast majority of their shepherds appointed to look after them. Instead these fell asleep and betrayed them – His Voice goes unrecognised by them, but it is about to thunder to awaken them. His children have long been suffering at their hands, but He is arising soon on His children’s behalf. Let them wait just a little longer, lift up their hearts, trust in Him, and have no fear. He loves them. He is coming. 

In the “small battalions” can anyone not recognise the scattered remnants of the so-called “Resistance”?On February 26 God the Father followed up with words for His “priest sons” – a tremendous indictment. 

Write now, daughter, for My Priest sons. Those who, instead of being My closest collaborators, My most docile and faithful instruments, My rest, have become a very great hindrance; souls of thieves, stealing from My children what belongs to them. Souls rebellious to My Voice, lazy souls. Souls that, having lost Me, do not seek Me. Venturing further and further into darkness they turn their backs to My Light. They will become dryer and more withered than the fig tree I cursed before entering Jerusalem. WAKE UP, sons. See what IN TRUTH is happening around you. Come out from the enemy, out of his confusions and seductions. My Voice is clear, direct. The yes that is yes, the no that is no. The Truth is LIGHT. 

Sons, you are surrounded by lies. YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO. And you have absorbed these lies that are so harmful because they obscure the TRUTH, so that your whole being is obscured and you are easily distracted, and you become completely harmless to My enemy. I NEED WARRIOR SONS. PRIESTS AND SOLDIERS. Fearless in battle. WHERE IS YOUR FAITH, sons? SONS, DARKNESS HAS SPREAD, BECAUSE THERE IS NO FAITH IN MY PRIESTS. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SO MUCH DARKNESS, SONS. 

And you, so-called Bishops, who should be fathers for My Priest sons, examples and guides, you have become much worse than demons, for at least the demons recognize Me as God, despite hating Me. But you HAVE CAST ME ASIDE and YOU HAVE USED ME FOR YOUR OWN ENDS. Woe to you. Woe to you if you do not recognize this last opportunity. If you do not turn to Me, if you do not recognize your guilt and responsibility. I will call you to an account. NO ONE MOCKS ME. NO ONE TAKES ADVANTAGE OF ME. You have not only let the smoke of Satan infiltrate into My Sanctuary; but you have allowed a whole army of demons to take your places. And you have allowed the usurper to sit on the chair of My Peter – he who is carrying out the Great Treason that will leave My Church desolate. AND YOU HAVE ALLOWED THIS. And you carry with you the terrible Responsibility of this horrendous offence to Me, your GOD. You are so blinded that you do not see how you are being used and manipulated. You have deserted Me and you have abandoned My little ones. And you have abandoned My Jesus. Woe to you. 

But I, your GOD, have Mercy. I, your good Father, take pity on your blindness, starvation, and nakedness. MAKE HASTE, sons. THERE IS NO MORE TIME. I speak to you as your Father. But soon I shall speak as the ALL POWERFUL AND ONLY GOD. THE LORD GOD OF HOSTS. HE WHO IS. THE ONLY ONE. WAKE UP. FIGHT. DEFEND WHAT I HAVE ENTRUSTED TO YOU. IT IS THE LAST CALL. I WANT YOU IN MY ARMY. NOW. I HAVE MY PLAN, DO NOT HINDER ME. I have waited for you for a long time and there is no time left. Get your houses in order, sons. I will visit EACH OF YOU. LISTEN TO ME, SONS. STAND UP. I AM COMING. 

Kyrie eleison 

Fortunate Family

Fortunate Family on October 24, 2020

When the horizon is, humanly speaking, so dark all around, and when demonic forces are intent on tearing the family apart because it is the means designed by God to start human beings out on the road to His Heaven, then it may be a good time to summarise for readers of these “Comments” an email sent to their editor by the father of a family of eight children in the United States, who is neither hopeless nor afraid. He lives in the middle of nowhere. He has Mass only once a month in a Traditional Chapel nearby. But sanity is still possible. Here is the essence of his email –

Spiritually and sacramentally, we continue to survive with monthly Mass at our Resistance chapel which we will need as long as we have need of Mass and the Sacraments. And I do not see that need (or the crisis in the Church) ending any time soon. The chapel is up and running, but there have been some poor turnouts at the last couple of Masses. For various reasons, a good number of Traditional Catholics seem to be giving in to the media-induced panic.

Our family is doing well; we have no complaints. We are expecting our ninth child soon. We had another boy recently. Everyone notices how different he is from the girls. He explores everything, gets into everything, is more interested in “things”, machines, equipment, etc., than people. Since we have several girls, we really notice the innate differences between boys and girls. Our children are all into music, because I am teaching them to love and appreciate music with melody, harmony, rhythm, and good lyrics. We listen to folk music, especially Irish, various instrumental music, classical, and chant. Any songs coming from a place of angst, despair, depression, hate, etc. are evil, ugly, and to be shunned.

I have been working full time from my home office for a Catholic operation which seems to be waking up more with every passing year, unlike the SSPX which once had the full package of truth, but is losing it year-by-year. If where I work continues to be faithful to the Truth as they have been, it will eventually have to become full Trad or change course/betray at some point. There are no other options. I also work manually in our gardens which we have just finished expanding, having learned about “Back to Eden” gardening a couple of years ago. Our soil is pure clay and very poor, but with mulch one can imitate God’s nature, letting rich soil form from organic material by rotting down. With a recently discovered source of free wood chips, I can make quantities of my own mulch. So the children are all helping me to use this new technique to treat our fruit trees and start garden beds. We hope we will soon be able to grow a decent amount of food here. Our two garden beds measure 1,500 square feet, so far.

We are especially concerned with the results of the election this year. My gut feeling is that 2020 will make 2016 look like child’s play. Then there’s the whole COVID madness and the nationwide riots over a black man who overdosed on Fentanyl. Maybe the fight is merely between the really bad guys (Deep State) and some lesser or rival bad guys (Trump and his associates). Maybe Trump is merely less evil, i.e. he hasn’t partaken in the child sacrifice, child torture, and other devilry that the rest of them have? My hopes are limited. Still, I do not think that Trump is on the side of the Deep State. I will be voting for him because of his unprecedented actions against abortion and in favour of freedom in general.

We are doing fine financially, thanks to many blessings from God. But the biggest blessing has been that I learned as a teenager the evils of the banksters’ usury. Without this grasp of economics, I might be blameless and sinless but still deep in debt and related miseries. Also my wife has always been frugal, so we have always lived within our means, giving up many luxuries and working hard, but now we are reaping the benefits. We are now completely debt-free, even with eight children and only one modest income. I point out to my children that it took years of frugality and hard work, but eventually it can be done.

As for the local chapel, alas, many souls come and do not come back, but today some are looking for a Tridentine Mass where they can continue to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, as forbidden by our official diocese for “Covid” reasons. So much for Tradition depending on the official Church! I often wonder why God is allowing so many setbacks for Tradition. Is He purifying the remnant, looking for more quality over quantity? Both among non-Catholics and in Traditional Catholic families, even when the parents seem solid, I do not see their children “fully taking their place” in the next generation. The tides of the World beat on them relentlessly, wearing them down, some slightly, some greatly, while some completely collapse. Truly, if these days are not shortened, even the Elect will not be saved.

Kyrie eleison.

Pope Indispensable – II

Pope Indispensable – II on February 8, 2020

It is to the unfaithfulness of Catholic Authority to Catholic Truth at the Second Vatican Council that these “Comments” last week (DCLV, Feb.1) attributed the unprecedented crisis of the Catholic Church, now well over 50 years old. The logical conclusion was that the crisis will only come to an end when Catholic Authority comes back to the Truth, because the Truth does not change, and so it cannot move to rejoin the Pope and bishops who are meant to be defending it. Moreover it was stated that the Pope must restore the bishops, and that Almighty God alone can restore the Pope, and that God will put the Pope back on his feet only “when we have learned our lesson.” That is because if God lifted us back up the mud-slide too soon, we naughty human beings would profit merely to slide down once more. God cannot afford to be too generous with our perverse generation. So what lesson or lessons do we need to be taught?

Amongst others, that the world cannot do without a sane Church, and the Church to be sane must have a sane Pope, and the sane Pope must be obeyed. For example, by the time Vatican II came to an end at the end of 1965, the churchmen were in full-blooded apostasy. Yet still God gave mankind another chance. In front of Paul VI was the pressing question of artificial means of birth control, contraception for short. Conditions in modern cities were persuading a mass of bishops, priests and lay-folk that the Church’s strict and ancient condemnation had to be relaxed, that the modern city was right and that the unchanging rule of the Church, in other words God, was wrong. Paul VI too wanted to make the rule easier.

However, when the commission of experts which he had appointed to study the question made their report, he himself saw that the rule could not be relaxed. His final arguments for maintaining the rule have not the force of the old arguments based on the immutable natural law, but nevertheless Paul VI did uphold the essential law in his Encyclical “Humanae Vitae” of 1968. But when he published it, all hell promptly broke loose in the Church. And in 1969 he imposed on the entire Church the Novus Ordo Mass. Is it idle speculation that if the bishops and priests had obeyed the Pope, instead of rejecting God’s unchanging law, God might have spared them the New Mass? As it was, disobeying the Pope when he was faithful to God’s law, they all contributed to the breakdown of Authority in the Church. All bets were then off, and chaos took over inside the Church.

Here is a classic example of Truth needing Authority, of the world needing the Church and of the Church needing the Pope. Especially in today’s big city, men cannot see what is wrong with contraception, on the contrary, it seems to be mere common sense. Thus if there is no divine Authority to forbid contraception, nothing and nobody else will stand up to the human passions which drive towards it. In this way Vatican II (Gaudium et Spes # 48) suggested that in the act of marriage recreation comes before procreation, and it opened the flood-gates to divorce, adultery, pre-birth then post-birth abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, gender change, and horrors yet unknown, but all implicit in the breakdown of the subordination of recreation to procreation. Mother Church always knew that to smash the act of marriage is to smash successively marriage, the individual person, the family, society, the nation and the world. This chaos is where we are today. Such is the need of Authority.

And the most important Authority is that of the Church, to impose upon men’s erring minds God’s infallible Truth, and upon their wayward wills God’s eternal Law, so that they can get to His Heaven and avoid their Hell. And to embody that Authority and to project it before men, the Incarnate God instituted His One Catholic Church as a monarchy of which the single ruler is the Roman Pope, who alone has the mission and the grace to govern and to hold together, in the Catholic Truth, all members of the Church. It follows that when he quits the Truth, as with Vatican II, then the sheep are necessarily scattered, because nobody other than the Pope has from God the mission or the grace to unite them (cf. Lk. XXII, 32).

Kyrie eleison.

Law-Courts Conclude

Law-Courts Conclude on March 23, 2019

On January 31 last, the European Court of Human Rights announced its long-awaited decision to reject the appeal of the author of these “Comments” against his almost unanimous condemnation by seven different courts of law in Germany over several years for the “crime” by German law, of questioning on German soil in November of 2008 whether Six Million people really were gassed under the Third Reich. The two German defence lawyers made an honourable attempt to defend their politically most incorrect client, but they were fighting with one hand tied behind their back, because German law forbade them to take their stand on historical truth. Instead, in Germany as in many countries today, truth is no longer the measure of certain private interests, rather these private interests have become the measure of truth.

But how can truth thus have been dethroned? Like Almighty God Himself, Truth is either Number One, or it is nothing. God Himself can be Number One only, because He is the Creator infinitely superior to His entire Creation. Truth is Number One only, because if we define it as the matching of mind to reality, then any diminution or contradiction of truth, any preferring of a non-truth to that truth which the non-truth denies, means a corresponding loss of grip of my mind on reality, and therewith a lesser or greater slide of my whole self into fantasy and lies. So it is obvious that in the laws and law-courts of any nation, the truth is of paramount importance. Do not witnesses in a normal law-court swear “to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”?

Here is why great law-givers count as founders of their nations, e.g. Moses of the Israelites, Solon of the Athenians, Lycurgus of the Spartans, because they establish the framework of justice among their people, appointing to each man his due, thus making social relations and societies possible. Even the society of 22 men in a humble game of soccer needs its own administrator of justice, the referee. And he cannot act as referee without the truth. Was that an honest tackle or was it a foul? Now whether in justice it deserved a penalty or not depends on the truth of what actually happened. Thus living in society is possible only with a measure of justice, and justice is only possible with a measure of truth. Blessed is the nation that has law-makers and judges who reward what is truly right and punish what is truly wrong.

Now let us look at laws and courts which punish any questioning of the notorious murder of Six Million victims in World War II. Was it a historical fact, or not? If it was true, then to question it can be bad if the damage done is bad enough, but if the murder never took place, then it is in accordance with truth to call it in question, and not only is it not bad, it is positively good, to call it in question. For if the Six Million are a monstrous myth weighing down on people’s minds as the foundational dogma of what acts as their false religion, am I not a liberator if I help to free their minds from the lie? “The Truth will set you free,” says Our Lord (Jn.VIII, 32). Is it not then as clear as day that if the Six Million never were murdered, then to question that murder deserves a great reward from society, and not a punishment?

Now politicians and their private interests can twist truth to a certain extent, but truth is of such universal force that it cannot be suppressed altogether. Therefore the common judgment of serious historians, based on objective evidence, can still rise up against the most powerful of private interests. Such is the case with the “gassing” of “six million” victims under the Third Reich. Private interests can claim what they like, but they cannot change the objective facts of 75 years ago. And what serious researchers into those facts more and more allege now is that the “gassing” never happened.

Therefore with laws forbidding its denial, any State is building on sand. Let all States beware of passing such laws that put the truth in second place, because at the very least, in this case, historical truth – as opposed to emotional “truth” – is not necessarily on their side.

Kyrie eleison.